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1, x*\[Beta]], {\[Beta], 0, 4}]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-1\) + \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(2\^\(1 - \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(\(-1\) + \[Nu]\)\)\/Gamma[\[Nu]]\), "-", \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) - \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(1 + \[Nu]\)\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/Gamma[ 1 + \[Nu]]\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^4\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ x, Plus[ -1, \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ \[Nu]], -1]], 0, Times[ -1, Power[ 2, Plus[ -1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ x, Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], -1]]}, 0, 4, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Cra = FullSimplify[CrN/CrD] /. x -> a\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(4\^\(\(-1\) + \[Nu]\)\ a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[\[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\), "+", \(4\^\(\(-2\) + \[Nu]\)\ a\^\(4 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \((1\/\(\[Nu]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\) - 1\/Gamma[3 - \[Nu]])\)\ Gamma[\[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\^4\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^6\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 2, 6, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 4, Plus[ -1, \[Nu]]], Power[ a, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Gamma[ \[Nu]]], 0, Times[ Power[ 4, Plus[ -2, \[Nu]]], Power[ a, Plus[ 4, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Plus[ Times[ Power[ \[Nu], -1], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1]], Times[ -1, Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 3, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1]]], Gamma[ \[Nu]]]}, 2, 6, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Crb = FullSimplify[CrN/CrD] /. x -> b\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(4\^\(\(-1\) + \[Nu]\)\ b\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[\[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\), "+", \(4\^\(\(-2\) + \[Nu]\)\ b\^\(4 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \((1\/\(\[Nu]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\) - 1\/Gamma[3 - \[Nu]])\)\ Gamma[\[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\^4\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^6\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 2, 6, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 4, Plus[ -1, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Gamma[ \[Nu]]], 0, Times[ Power[ 4, Plus[ -2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, Plus[ 4, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Plus[ Times[ Power[ \[Nu], -1], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1]], Times[ -1, Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 3, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1]]], Gamma[ \[Nu]]]}, 2, 6, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Jn\[Beta]x = Series[BesselJ[\(-\[Nu]\), x*\[Beta]], {\[Beta], 0, 4}]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(-\[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(2\^\[Nu]\ x\^\(-\[Nu]\)\)\/Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\), "-", \(\(2\^\(\(-2\) + \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(2 - \[Nu]\)\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/Gamma[ 2 - \[Nu]]\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^4\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 2, \[Nu]], Power[ x, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1]], 0, Times[ -1, Power[ 2, Plus[ -2, \[Nu]]], Power[ x, Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1]]}, 0, 4, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(J\[Beta]x = Series[BesselJ[\[Nu], x*\[Beta]], {\[Beta], 0, 4}]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\[Nu]\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(2\^\(-\[Nu]\)\ x\^\[Nu]\)\/Gamma[1 + \[Nu]]\), "-", \(\(2\^\(\(-2\) - \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(2 + \[Nu]\)\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/Gamma[ 2 + \[Nu]]\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^4\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]], Power[ x, \[Nu]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], -1]], 0, Times[ -1, Power[ 2, Plus[ -2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ x, Plus[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, \[Nu]]], -1]]}, 0, 4, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(DJ\[Beta]x = D[J\[Beta]x, x]/\[Beta]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\[Nu]\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(2\^\(-\[Nu]\)\ x\^\(\(-1\) + \[Nu]\)\ \[Nu]\)\/\(Gamma[1 + \[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\)\), "-", \(\(2\^\(\(-2\) - \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(1 + \[Nu]\)\ \((2 + \[Nu])\)\ \[Beta]\)\/Gamma[2 + \[Nu]]\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^3\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, -1, 3, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]], Power[ x, Plus[ -1, \[Nu]]], \[Nu], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], -1]], 0, Times[ -1, Power[ 2, Plus[ -2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ x, Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], Plus[ 2, \[Nu]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, \[Nu]]], -1]]}, -1, 3, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(DJn\[Beta]x = D[Jn\[Beta]x, x]/\[Beta]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(-\[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(-\(\(2\^\[Nu]\ x\^\(\(-1\) - \[Nu]\)\ \[Nu]\)\/\(Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\)\)\), "-", \(\(2\^\(\(-2\) + \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(1 - \[Nu]\)\ \((2 - \[Nu])\)\ \[Beta]\)\/Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^3\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, -1, 3, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ -1, Power[ 2, \[Nu]], Power[ x, Plus[ -1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], \[Nu], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1]], 0, Times[ -1, Power[ 2, Plus[ -2, \[Nu]]], Power[ x, Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1]]}, -1, 3, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Jsum\[Beta]xSq = FullSimplify[\((Jn\[Beta]x + Cra*J\[Beta]x)\)^2]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(4\^\[Nu]\ x\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\)\/Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\^2\), "+", \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) + 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \((a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\) - x\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \[Nu])\)\ Gamma[\[Nu]]\ Sin[\[Pi]\ \[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/\(\[Pi]\ \[Nu]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^4\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 4, \[Nu]], Power[ x, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -2]], 0, Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ -1, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Pi, -1], Power[ \[Nu], -1], Plus[ Power[ a, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Times[ -1, Power[ x, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Gamma[ \[Nu]], Sin[ Times[ Pi, \[Nu]]]]}, 0, 4, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(DJsum\[Beta]xSq = FullSimplify[\((DJn\[Beta]x + Cra*DJ\[Beta]x)\)^2]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(4\^\[Nu]\ x\^\(\(-2\)\ \((1 + \[Nu])\)\)\)\/\(Gamma[\(-\[Nu]\)]\^2\ \[Beta]\^2\)\), "+", \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) + 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \((\(-\(a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\/x\^2\)\) - x\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\ \((\(-2\) + \[Nu])\))\)\ Gamma[1 + \[Nu]]\ Sin[\[Pi]\ \[Nu]]\)\/\(\[Pi]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^2\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, -2, 2, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 4, \[Nu]], Power[ x, Times[ -2, Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Times[ -1, \[Nu]]], -2]], 0, Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ -1, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Pi, -1], Plus[ Times[ -1, Power[ a, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ x, -2]], Times[ -1, Power[ x, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]], Plus[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], Sin[ Times[ Pi, \[Nu]]]]}, -2, 2, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Jsum\[Beta]bSq = Jsum\[Beta]xSq /. x \[Rule] b\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(4\^\[Nu]\ b\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\)\/Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\^2\), "+", \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) + 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \((a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\) - b\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \[Nu])\)\ Gamma[\[Nu]]\ Sin[\[Pi]\ \[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/\(\[Pi]\ \[Nu]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^4\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 4, \[Nu]], Power[ b, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -2]], 0, Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ -1, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Pi, -1], Power[ \[Nu], -1], Plus[ Power[ a, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Times[ -1, Power[ b, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Gamma[ \[Nu]], Sin[ Times[ Pi, \[Nu]]]]}, 0, 4, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Jsum\[Beta]aSq = Jsum\[Beta]xSq /. x \[Rule] a\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(4\^\[Nu]\ a\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\)\/Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\^2\), "+", \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) + 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \((a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\) - a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \[Nu])\)\ Gamma[\[Nu]]\ Sin[\[Pi]\ \[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/\(\[Pi]\ \[Nu]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^4\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 4, \[Nu]], Power[ a, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -2]], 0, Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ -1, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Pi, -1], Power[ \[Nu], -1], Plus[ Power[ a, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Times[ -1, Power[ a, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Gamma[ \[Nu]], Sin[ Times[ Pi, \[Nu]]]]}, 0, 4, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(DJsum\[Beta]bSq = DJsum\[Beta]xSq /. x \[Rule] b\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(4\^\[Nu]\ b\^\(\(-2\)\ \((1 + \[Nu])\)\)\)\/\(Gamma[\(-\[Nu]\)]\^2\ \[Beta]\^2\)\), "+", \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) + 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \((\(-\(a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\/b\^2\)\) - b\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\ \((\(-2\) + \[Nu])\))\)\ Gamma[1 + \[Nu]]\ Sin[\[Pi]\ \[Nu]]\)\/\(\[Pi]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^2\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, -2, 2, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 4, \[Nu]], Power[ b, Times[ -2, Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Times[ -1, \[Nu]]], -2]], 0, Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ -1, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Pi, -1], Plus[ Times[ -1, Power[ a, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ b, -2]], Times[ -1, Power[ b, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]], Plus[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], Sin[ Times[ Pi, \[Nu]]]]}, -2, 2, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(DJsum\[Beta]aSq = DJsum\[Beta]xSq /. x \[Rule] a\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(4\^\[Nu]\ a\^\(\(-2\)\ \((1 + \[Nu])\)\)\)\/\(Gamma[\(-\[Nu]\)]\^2\ \[Beta]\^2\)\), "+", \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) + 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \((\(-a\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\) - a\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\ \((\(-2\) + \[Nu])\))\)\ Gamma[1 + \[Nu]]\ Sin[\[Pi]\ \[Nu]]\)\/\(\[Pi]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^2\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, -2, 2, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 4, \[Nu]], Power[ a, Times[ -2, Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Times[ -1, \[Nu]]], -2]], 0, Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ -1, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Pi, -1], Plus[ Times[ -1, Power[ a, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Times[ -1, Power[ a, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]], Plus[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], Sin[ Times[ Pi, \[Nu]]]]}, -2, 2, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Norm\[Beta]b = FullSimplify[ \((b^2)\)/2* \((DJsum\[Beta]bSq + \((1 - \((\[Nu]/\((b*\[Beta])\))\)^2)\)*Jsum\[Beta]bSq)\)]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) + 2\ \[Nu]\)\ \((\((\(-a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\) + b\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\))\)\ \[Nu]\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]] + b\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]) \)\)\/\(Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\^2\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^2\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 2, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ -1, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -2], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Plus[ Times[ Plus[ Times[ -1, Power[ a, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]]], Power[ b, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]]], \[Nu], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], Times[ Power[ b, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]]]]}, 0, 2, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Norm\[Beta]a = FullSimplify[ \((a^2)\)/2* \((DJsum\[Beta]aSq + \((1 - \((\[Nu]/\((a*\[Beta])\))\)^2)\)*Jsum\[Beta]aSq)\)]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(\(-2\)\ \[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) + 2\ \[Nu]\)\ a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\)\/Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\^2\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^2\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 2, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ -1, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ a, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -2]]}, 0, 2, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Cintegrand1 = FullSimplify[\((x^\[Nu])\)*\((Jn\[Beta]x + Crb*J\[Beta]x)\)]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\(-\[Nu]\)\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(2\^\[Nu]\/Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\), "+", \(\(2\^\(\(-2\) + \[Nu]\)\ \((b\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[\[Nu]] - x\^2\ Gamma[1 + \[Nu]])\)\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/\(Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\ Gamma[1 + \[Nu]]\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^4\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 2, \[Nu]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1]], 0, Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ -2, \[Nu]]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], -1], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], -1], Plus[ Times[ Power[ b, Plus[ 2, Times[ -2, \[Nu]]]], Power[ x, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Gamma[ \[Nu]]], Times[ -1, Power[ x, 2], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]]]]]}, 0, 4, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Cintgnd1norm = FullSimplify[Cintegrand1/\((Norm\[Beta]b - Norm\[Beta]a)\)]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(\[Beta]\^\[Nu]\), " ", RowBox[{"(", InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(2\^\(1 - \[Nu]\)\ a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\/\(\(( a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^2 - a\^2\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\))\)\ \((\[Nu]\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]] + Gamma[2 - \[Nu]])\)\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^2\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 2, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Power[ 2, Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ Plus[ Times[ Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, 2]], Times[ -1, Power[ a, 2], Power[ b, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]]], -1], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Plus[ Times[ \[Nu], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], -1]]}, 0, 2, 1]], ")"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Cintgnd1norm /. \[Beta] \[Rule] 0\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(0\^\[Nu]\ 2\^\(1 - \[Nu]\)\ a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\/\(\(( a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^2 - a\^2\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\))\)\ \((\[Nu]\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]] + Gamma[2 - \[Nu]])\)\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TermN0 = FullSimplify[Cintgnd1norm*\((x^\[Alpha])\)*Jn\[Beta]x]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(2\ a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(\[Alpha] - \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\/\(\(( a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^2 - a\^2\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\))\)\ \((\[Nu]\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]] + Gamma[2 - \[Nu]])\)\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^2\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 2, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ 2, Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ Plus[ Times[ Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, 2]], Times[ -1, Power[ a, 2], Power[ b, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]]], -1], Power[ x, Plus[ \[Alpha], Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Plus[ Times[ \[Nu], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], -1]]}, 0, 2, 1]]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Term00 = Cintgnd1norm*Crb*\((x^\[Alpha])\)*J\[Beta]x\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^2\ x\^\(\[Alpha] + \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]]\ Gamma[\[Nu]]\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/\(2\ \((a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^2 - a\^2\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\))\)\ \((\[Nu]\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]] + Gamma[2 - \[Nu]])\)\ Gamma[1 + \[Nu]]\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^4\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 2, 4, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Rational[ 1, 2], Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, 2], Power[ Plus[ Times[ Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, 2]], Times[ -1, Power[ a, 2], Power[ b, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]]], -1], Power[ x, Plus[ \[Alpha], \[Nu]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Plus[ Times[ \[Nu], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], -1], Gamma[ \[Nu]], Power[ Gamma[ Plus[ 1, \[Nu]]], -1]]}, 2, 4, 1]]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Term0 = FullSimplify[Term00]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^2\ x\^\(\[Alpha] + \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[\(-\[Nu]\)]\ \[Beta]\^2\)\/\(2\ \((\(-a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\)\ b\^2 + a\^2\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\))\)\ \((\[Nu]\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]] + Gamma[2 - \[Nu]])\)\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^4\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 2, 4, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ Rational[ 1, 2], Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, 2], Power[ Plus[ Times[ -1, Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, 2]], Times[ Power[ a, 2], Power[ b, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]]], -1], Power[ x, Plus[ \[Alpha], \[Nu]]], Power[ Plus[ Times[ \[Nu], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], -1], Gamma[ Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]}, 2, 4, 1]]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TermT = FullSimplify[Term0 + TermN0]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ \(\(2\ a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(\[Alpha] - \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\/\(\(( a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^2 - a\^2\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\))\)\ \((\[Nu]\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]] + Gamma[2 - \[Nu]])\)\)\), "+", InterpretationBox[\(O[\[Beta]]\^2\), SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 2, 1]]}], SeriesData[ \[Beta], 0, { Times[ 2, Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ Plus[ Times[ Power[ a, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]], Power[ b, 2]], Times[ -1, Power[ a, 2], Power[ b, Times[ 2, \[Nu]]]]], -1], Power[ x, Plus[ \[Alpha], Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]], Power[ Plus[ Times[ \[Nu], Gamma[ Plus[ 1, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], Gamma[ Plus[ 2, Times[ -1, \[Nu]]]]], -1]]}, 0, 2, 1]]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(FullSimplify[TermT /. \[Beta] \[Rule] 0]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(2\ a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ x\^\(\[Alpha] - \[Nu]\)\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\/\(\(( a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^2 - a\^2\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\))\)\ \((\[Nu]\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]] + Gamma[2 - \[Nu]])\)\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TermT1 = FullSimplify[\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]/\((\ Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\ + \[Nu]*Gamma[1 - \[Nu]])\)] \)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\/\(\[Nu]\ Gamma[1 - \[Nu]] + Gamma[2 - \[Nu]]\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TermT1 = FullSimplify[\ 1/\((\ 1 + \((\[Nu]*Gamma[1 - \[Nu]])\)/Gamma[2 - \[Nu]])\)]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(1 - \[Nu]\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TermT2 = FullSimplify[ \((a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\))\)/ \((a\^\(2\ \[Nu]\)\ b\^2 - a\^2\ b\^\(2\ \[Nu]\))\)]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(1\/\(\(-a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\) + b\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TermT = TermT1*TermT2*2*x^\((\[Alpha] - \[Nu])\)\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(2\ x\^\(\[Alpha] - \[Nu]\)\ \((1 - \[Nu])\)\)\/\(\(-a\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\) + b\^\(2 - 2\ \[Nu]\)\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, FrontEndVersion->"Microsoft Windows 3.0", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1024}, {0, 712}}, WindowSize->{747, 584}, WindowMargins->{{2, Automatic}, {Automatic, 5}}, PrintingCopies->1, PrintingPageRange->{Automatic, Automatic} ] (*********************************************************************** Cached data follows. 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