% Sub-Program: KBRMEM KeyBoaRd or MEM input for Program DEPINT Th/11/2/1999 imshow(input2) hold on truesize choice=menu('enter data from: ','ASCII text file','keyboard'); switch choice case 1 %fid=fopen('indepint.m','r') %[A,count]=fread(fid,inf,int8) %s=setstr(F') ipvar=zeros(1,5); ifdnam=[ifname '.dat'] ipvar = dlmread(ifdnam, ';') % enter data wth ifname of tif image wr=round(ipvar(1)); gr=round(ipvar(2)); yr(1)=round(ipvar(3)); mp=ipvar(4); frmula=round(ipvar(5)); case 2 wr=input('integer input wr = ') % enter new values for processing image gr=input('integer input gr = ') dummy = menu('Choose','1,3,4,6 elctrd -> gap','1,3,4,6 gap -> elctrd'); frmula=dummy; yr(1)=input('integer input for first edge = '); dummy3=input('no of electrode periods = '); mp=double(dummy3); end % end switch choice % remaining variables contain data to keep program 'happy' w=wr; g=gr; wgr=wr+gr wg=wgr; mp1=mp+1; if frmula == 1 yr(2)=yr(1)+g; else %if frmula == 2 yr(2)=yr(1)+w; end y(1)=yr(1); y(2)=yr(2); x=1; vwgset = 3;