% program IMAGMOUS displays image & allows mouse to give paramters variables % if not already set, get arbitrary points from this image using the mouse % D. Bakewell Th/11/2/1999 fpoint2 = 2; while fpoint2 == 2; imshow(input2) hold on truesize x = []; y = []; n = 0; for n=1:1:6 if n == 1 dummy = menu('Choose','1,3,4,6 elctrd -> gap','1,3,4,6 gap -> elctrd'); frmula=dummy; end [xi,yi] = ginput(1); plot(xi,yi,'c+','EraseMode','none') x(n)=xi; y(n)=yi; end % end for dummy = menu('last point: satsfid wth selections?','Yes','No'); fpoint2 = dummy; end % end fpoint2 while