% Cyt2_3Dplot for depint - DEP of beads/DNA on INTerdigitated electrodes % program D. Bakewell Fr/17/9/1999 figure floop = 1 while floop == 1 plot(sumCyt') % fenter=menu('Display limits?','Yes-not ready yet','No-continue') fenter=2; switch fenter case 1; fcont = 2; while fcont == 2; col(1)=input('enter lower limit of pixel integration: ') col(2)=input('enter upper limit of pixel integration: ') %vecmax=max(Cytmat) vecmax=max(sumCyt) Cytmax=max(vecmax) plot(col,Cytmax,'b+') hold on fcont=menu('Happy with entered limits?','Yes, continue','No, re-enter') hold off end % end fcont while loop case 2; end % end fenter switch xlabel('1/2 electrode & gap widths (pixel no.)') ylabel('Fluorescence (a.u.)') if fproc==1; title('DEP (x,t) Collection profiles') elseif fproc==2; title('DEP (x,t) Relaxation profiles') end hold on print -dbitmap dummy=menu('Cyt dbitmapped - open WORD & Paste','then PRESS to contnu') hold off close floop=menu(' ','Press for 3-D surface','Press to exit'); surf(sumCyt') hold on print -dbitmap dummy=menu('Cyt dbitmapped - open WORD & Paste','then PRESS to contnu') hold off close floop=menu(' ','Press for 2-D profile ensemble','Press to exit'); end % end while loop