The ideology of the Scottish National Party

Elder, John Manson (1979) The ideology of the Scottish National Party. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

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Now that the S.N.P, is a large and important political party in Scottish politics, and with the probability that Scotland will, in the near future, have a devolved legislative Assembly which may increase in authority and become a 'sovereign.' Parliament, a study of the ideological nature of the S.N.P. if; necessary. Shin study is approached in three parts - the 'belief-systems' which Scottish nationalists have on Scotland's history, character and potential are looked at; the policies of the S.N.P. are examined; and the question is asked whether the S.N.P. has brought important now ideas into party politics. The belief-systems of Scottish nationalists are compared with those of non-nationalists in Scotland. It is stated, though, that - with the exception of their evaluation of the desirability of independence - no acrimony divides nationalists and non-nationalists and that nationalists; are not dogmatic In their beliefs., The policies of the S.N.P. are shown to be characterised by a reforming zeal and it is observed that some themes reappear in several of them; most notably the desire to decentralise government and to foster more participation in political processes. Although some members of the S.N.P. believe that it is a 'radical' party which brings forth a significantly fresh consideration of political problems, it is concluded that this is an exaggerated estimation The S.N.P., although it is not a Conservative, Labour or Liberal Party in disguise, is not committed to taking advantage of the opportunities which independence would offer to pursue dynamic new initiatives, initiatives which would fundamentally alter the political, economic and social structure of Scotland. It in content, instead, to seek to reform and improve on the present structure.

Item Type: Thesis (MLitt(R))
Qualification Level: Masters
Additional Information: Adviser: James Kellas
Keywords: Political science
Date of Award: 1979
Depositing User: Enlighten Team
Unique ID: glathesis:1979-73369
Copyright: Copyright of this thesis is held by the author.
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2019 08:56
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2019 08:56

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