Information for College staff
The requirement to deposit one electronic and one print copy of theses came into force at the beginning of session 2007/2008. It applies to the following degrees: PhD, DDS, DSc, EngD, MD, MLitt (R), MPhil (R), MSc(R), MTh(R), MVM(R), MMus(R).
Full information for students is available via the Getting started section of this web site.
In advance of the examination:
Students should be given a copy of the Thesis Access Declaration form when they hand in their 'Intention to submit' form. They should be asked to complete this form and return it at the same time as they submit the soft bound copies of the thesis. This form provides students with the opportunity to request that access to their thesis should be restricted/embargoed for a limited period of time.
In cases where students have not requested an embargo, a copy of the completed Thesis Access Declaration form should be sent to: Library E-Theses Unit, Cataloguing Dept, Library straight away. It is important that the Library receives forms in advance of deposit taking place.
In cases where students have requested an embargo this request should be considered by the appropriate College/School committee, taking advice from the local FoI co-ordinator, or the FoI Office as appropriate. The form should then be marked to indicate if the request was granted or not, and a copy of the form then sent to Library E-Theses Unit, Cataloguing Dept, Library. Students should be informed if their request for an embargo was granted.
Where students have indicated that access should be restricted because copyright permissions have not been obtained this does not need to be considered by a College/School Committee. Unless there has also been a request for an embargo, a copy of such forms should be sent straight to Library E-Theses Unit, Cataloguing Dept, Library.
Following the examination:
Students who have not requested an embargo will deposit their thesis online following the guidelines provided on this web site. Library staff will inform Graduate School contacts as soon as a thesis has been deposited so that the letter of award can be given to the student.
Students who have been granted an embargo, or who are depositing a thesis containing third party copyright material that has not been cleared will not do so online, but will provide a copy of the thesis on a CD or memory stick at the same time as depositing the hard bound copy with the Graduate School. Graduate School staff need to check the CD/memory stick straight away to check that the students has deposited a suitable electronic copy, and contact them straight away if this is not the case. This check is necessary to ensure that the file(s) are in PDF format, and that they appear to contain the whole thesis. Note that students will still be required to provide full details of their thesis using the online interface at even if they are not depositing the full text online.
CDs/memory sticks and print copies of theses should be sent to the E Theses Unit in the Cataloguing Department of the Library.
Where a students has indicated that a thesis may require to be embargoed for longer than three years the Library will contact the appropriate Graduate School at the end of the three year period to establish if the embargo should be extended.
Help and further information
Queries can be sent to
If an urgent response is required please call ext. 6779 and ask to speak to a member of staff from the E Theses Unit.