Items where College/School is "School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine" and Year is 2017
Hutchinson, Natalie (2017) Evaluating the impact of environmental tobacco smoke on biological age markers: a canine model. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kennedy, Rebekah Storm (2017) Microbiological and immunological aspects of equine periodontal disease. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Pollock, Patrick J. (2017) Studies exploring the potential use of Serum Amyloid A (SAA) and other equine acute phase proteins for the investigation, monitoring and prognostication of disease in horses. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Raftery, Alexandra G. (2017) A prospective clinical evaluation of the comparative efficacy of three trypanocides in the treatment of equine Trypanosomiasis in The Gambia. MVM(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Roberts, Emma (2017) Weight changes and gamma radiation emissions during the three-week isolation period following administration of radioactive iodine (I131) in cats with hyperthyroidism. MVM(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Terron Canedo, Nuria (2017) miRNAs in equine sarcoids: Identification and profiling of miRNAs in equine fibroblasts and BPV-1 transformed equine fibroblasts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Zambruno, Teresita (2017) Epidemiological investigations of equine welfare at OSAF jurisdiction racecourses. MVM(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.