Items where College/School is "School of Education" and Year is 2014
Ashraf, Muhammad (2014) The virtual Jirga: the 2009 education policy and the medium of instruction debate in Pakistan__who is participating and what are the implications for Balochistan? PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Goulet, Gail M (2014) The assessment of transformational potential of students in placement modules in United Kingdom universities: academic staff perspectives. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hammed, Nada Mohammed Abuouf (2014) Information and communication technology in early childhood education: challenges for effective implementation and integration. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kopweh, Peter Salum (2014) Curriculum development in Tanzania: an investigation of the formulation, management and implementation of the 2005 curriculum reform in selected disadvantaged districts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Mwaikokesya, Mpoki John (2014) Undergraduate students' development of lifelong learning attributes in Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Patrick, Pauline (2014) Into the light: modelling artistic practices in schools. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.