Socio-Economic Characteristics and Environmental Problems Posed by Squatter Settlements and Possible Solutions in Egypt: An Integrated Framework

Eiweida, Ahmed (1997) Socio-Economic Characteristics and Environmental Problems Posed by Squatter Settlements and Possible Solutions in Egypt: An Integrated Framework. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

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Socio-economic characteristics and environmental problems posed by squatter settlements and possible solutions in Egypt: An integrated framework. The objective of this thesis is to assess the mechanisms involved in efficient and successful upgrading of slum and squatter settlements in Egypt. After examining the general origins of these areas, the socio-economic characteristics, the articulations of land supply, the governmental attitudes and responses, it focuses on the concept of 'self-help' which directs the formation and upgrading of these areas. The in-depth analysis examines and addresses two points. The first concerns the major domestic factors which influence this problem in Egypt- namely, the quality of political and economic climate; the equity of developmental policies; the applicability of urban planning and housing standards and the efficiency of the institutions concerned. The second is a case study of a squatter area in Aswan where a mutual co-operation and 'self-help' upgrading scheme has been ambitiously carried out by three partners: The residents of the area, the Egyptian government and the German government. The project aims at involving both the target group and the institutions concerned to work collectively in achieving sustainable development of the institutional performance, the socio-economic and legal status of the residents, and the physical environment of the area. Theoretical and empirical models have been utilised to examine the impact of land security and socio-economic status on the physical conditions of housing. The thesis asserts that the 'self-help' housing in the case area represents a positive organisation. It mobilises a human labour force hitherto redundant or under-utilised. Squatter housing processes and their economy employ a substantial amount of the national inputs which, in turn, reduce external debts by lowering the overall national demands for inputs. It draws constructive conclusions about the bases required for sound upgrading that can grant replicability elsewhere in the future. These include: efficient institutions structured so as to design long-term goals and work hand-in-hand with the target beneficiaries; participation and 'self- help' processes, which can contribute to the development of collective consciousness aiming on long-term community-action programme; self-financing, to grant the independence of the project, the sustainability and the self-administration of the target group.

Item Type: Thesis (MSc(R))
Qualification Level: Masters
Additional Information: Adviser: Stella Lowder
Keywords: Geography, Public policy, North African studies, Urban planning
Date of Award: 1997
Depositing User: Enlighten Team
Unique ID: glathesis:1997-75313
Copyright: Copyright of this thesis is held by the author.
Date Deposited: 19 Nov 2019 21:14
Last Modified: 19 Nov 2019 21:14

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