Effect of hypothalamic hormones on presynaptic dopaminergic mechanisms

Shapiro, Leonie Marcia (1978) Effect of hypothalamic hormones on presynaptic dopaminergic mechanisms. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

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The hypothalamic hormones melanostatin (MIH) and thyroliberin (TRH) have been shown by others to have a direct action on adrenergic neurons, distinct from their role in regulating the release of pituitary hormones. This present thesis examines the effect of MIH and TRH on the biosynthesis, release and oxidative deamination of dopamine in rat brain tissue preparations. Neither MIH (10-4M) nor TRH (10-4M) altered monoamine oxidase activity in tissue slices or sucrose homogenates. Autoradiographic analysis showed that there were two products of the oxidative deamination of dopamine by striatal homogenates, one of which was DOPAC. Roughly equal amounts of DOPAC and an unknown compound were formed. MIH and TRH did not alter the total amount of, or the distribution of label between, the two metabolites. Neither MIH (10-4M) nor TRH (10-4M) had any effect on the rate of dopamine synthesis by striatal homogenates. Calcium chloride (0.85 mM) stimulated dopamine synthesis by striatal synaptosomes incubated in 18.4 muM tyrosine, but neither MIH (10-4M) nor TRH (10-4M) altered the rate of dopamine synthesis. Neither peptide significantly stimulated the rate of dopamine synthesis in the presence of 0.85 mM calcium chloride. Neither MIH (10-4M) nor TRH (10-4M) altered the rate of dopamine synthesis by striatal synaptosomes in the presence of 1.70 mM calcium chloride at 1.07 muM tyrosine. Tyramine, a sympathomimetic amine, inhibited dopamine synthesis, 50% inhibition occurring at 3.3 x 10-5M. Both tyramine (10-4M) and amphetamine (10-4M) stimulated dopamine synthesis in the presence of 2 mM EDTA but the magnitude of the drug-induced stimulation varied inversely with the basal rate of dopamine synthesis. TRH (10-4M) did not stimulate dopamine synthesis under these conditions. Amphetamine (10-4M) stimulated release of dopamine from striatal synaptosomes in the presence of 1.25 mM calcium chloride and also in the presence of 2mM EDTA. MIH (10-3M) and TRH (10-3M) stimulated release of dopamine only in the presence of calcium chloride. These results suggest that MIH and TRH release dopamine from vesicular stores by exocytosis while amphetamine releases dopamine from a cytoplasmic pool regulating tyrosine hydroxylase.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Qualification Level: Doctoral
Additional Information: Adviser: P FT Vaughan
Keywords: Neurosciences, Endocrinology
Date of Award: 1978
Depositing User: Enlighten Team
Unique ID: glathesis:1978-73365
Copyright: Copyright of this thesis is held by the author.
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2019 08:56
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2019 08:56
URI: https://theses.gla.ac.uk/id/eprint/73365

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