Using Diamonds to Make Photons

Clive, Peter (2002) Using Diamonds to Make Photons. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

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The possible methods of optimising the use of diamond radiators in producing photon beams to be used in photonuclear experiments was investigated. The photons emitted as a result of scattering electrons in diamond crystals, or radiators, is a useful source of high energy photons for use in photonuclear experiments. A primary electron beam is directed onto the diamond at an angle which produces coherent scattering known as coherent bremsstrahlung, which results in a polarised peak in the photon spectrum. Techniques for selecting the most favourable diamonds have been investigated, using optical and X-ray techniques such as crossed polaroid analysis and X-ray topography to characterise the diamonds with a view to correlating their attributes with their performance as radiators. The consequences which the irradiation the diamonds undergo have for the useful lifetime of the radiators were also investigated, using additional spectroscopic techniques to attempt identification of the crystal defects caused by the radiation damage. Rocking curve analysis, the measurement of the angular spread of X-ray reflections, was used to determine the quality of the lattice structure of the crystals as a predictor of radiator performance in coherent bremsstrahlung experiments. Electron scattering processes not formerly used in this context were investigated to determine their utility; channeling radiation, which is emitted when the electrons' trajectories are confined to directions close to the crystal axis, was generated and found to be useful as a photon beam source, when collimated. A ridge-like structure similar to channeling radiation, but occurring at angles with respect to the crystal axis greater than those consistent with the channeling regime, was observed, which has no precedent described in the literature. Further avenues of investigation are proposed.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Qualification Level: Doctoral
Additional Information: Adviser: Robert Owens
Keywords: Condensed matter physics, Nuclear physics and radiation
Date of Award: 2002
Depositing User: Enlighten Team
Unique ID: glathesis:2002-75758
Copyright: Copyright of this thesis is held by the author.
Date Deposited: 19 Nov 2019 18:15
Last Modified: 19 Nov 2019 18:15

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