Items where College/School is "College of Science and Engineering" and Year is 1998
Badcock, Zoe (1998) A phylogenetic investigation of Begonia L. section knesebeckia (Klotzsch) a.dc. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Faegri, Tor Erlend (1998) System support for object replication in distributed systems. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Foreman, Pamela Louise (1998) Spectroscopic characterisation of electrochemical biosensor interfaces. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Irving, Philabeg (1998) Characterisation of aphid proteins as targets for aphid control. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jeong, Seog-Yoon (1998) Inhibition of cracking in pulsed laser welding of aluminium alloys. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
McCluskie, Alan Edward (1998) Temperature-mediated shifts in the foraging behaviour of the Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra L. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
O'Shea, Valentine (1998) GaAs radiation detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ortega Gonzalez, Daniel (1998) Periodic segmented waveguides in Ti:LiNbO3. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Shaikh, Masroor Ahmed (1998) Slope stability and avalanching of sediments, the effects of biological activity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.