An analysis of aims of eight moral-related educations, with implications for the teaching of morals

Robb, William McCall (2018) An analysis of aims of eight moral-related educations, with implications for the teaching of morals. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

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This dissertation records the results of a study into the aims of eight “educations”: Character Education, Citizenship Education, Drugs Education, Environmental Education, Moral Education, Multicultural Education, Religious Education, and Sex Education. Since the initial impression was that these educations had a moral component, they are referred to as moral-related educations. The purpose of the research was to examine the extent and nature of moral content in each of the moral-related educations, and the extent of any duplication.

Criteria for selecting the eight moral-related educations are explained and the methodology of analysing their stated aims is justified. Each moral-related education was taken in turn and data on it stated aims extracted from relevant literature. The collected data for all eight moral-educations was then analysed.

The main findings from the analysis are that: i) there is considerable duplication of aims among the “educations”; ii) many aims are to do with behavioural change; iii) the main behavioural change aimed for is “responsible behaviour”, and iv) the fundamental aim is “moral behaviour”. Consequently, it is reasonable to refer to the selected “educations” as “moral-related educations”.

Two of the recommendations have major implications for the organisation of teaching of morals, namely, i) the formation of a single subject (“Practical Morality”) consolidating the morals and moral issues of the moral-related educations, and ii) formation of a subject (“Personal Skills”) to develop the personal and social skills. Further justification for the two major recommendations is provided in the form of findings from fellow-educationists, and in the form of five possible advantages, should the recommendations be implemented.

Four main suggestions for further research are provided. The methodology employed to conduct the research seems to be a pioneering approach, and a critique of the methodology is given to assist fellow-educationists should they wish to replicate the research reported in this dissertation.

Item Type: Thesis (MPhil(R))
Qualification Level: Masters
Keywords: values education, character education, sex education, drugs education, moral education, environmental education, citizenship education, multicultural education, religious education.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
Colleges/Schools: College of Social Sciences > School of Education
Supervisor's Name: McKinney, Professor Stephen
Date of Award: 2018
Depositing User: Dr William McCall Robb
Unique ID: glathesis:2018-30679
Copyright: Copyright of this thesis is held by the author.
Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2018 08:42
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2018 16:21

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