Items where College/School is "College of Science and Engineering" and Year is 1980
Abdel Rahim, Mohammed Mukhtar (1980) The terrestrial / photogrammetric (TP) technique for the detection and compensation of systematic height errors in block aerial triangulation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-Khezi, Saleh Battah Mohammad (1980) Quasispectral operators. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alomari, Maath Ismail (1980) Geological interpretations of the gravity field of the Western Midland valley of Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Baker, Anne-Marie Clare (1980) A study of herbage production and its utilisation by dairy cattle from continuously grazed swards. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brown, Lawrence Michael (1980) Dual covering theory, confluence structures, and the lattice of bicontinuous functions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Finekher, Thamir Melhan (1980) Microbiological quality of heat processed milks. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Harry, Ibiso Basoene (1980) Studies on the Senecio vulgaris-Erysiphe fischeri Blumer, plant pathosystem. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hewitt, Samuel (1980) Steroidal oestrogens and the regulation of growth and development in Phaseolus vulgaris L. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Paterson, Elspeth (1980) Studies on the properties of aggregating casein systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Roberts, Patricia T.E. (1980) Charge-coupled devices in transmission electron microscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Smith, David Drummond Stewart (1980) A study of the arom enzyme complex by limited proteolysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Wedderburn, Mary Elizabeth (1980) Investigations into lotus species. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.