Items where Subject is "PA Classical philology"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (37)
- P Language and Literature (37)
- PA Classical philology (37)
- P Language and Literature (37)
Alexopoulou, Marigo (2003) The homecoming (nĂ³stos) pattern in Greek tragedy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Baker, Lee George (2025) Horace and Iambos: a literary study of the sexual vocabulary, imagery, and metaphors in the Epodes. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bollan, John McGrory (2013) Pontificalis honor: a re-evaluation of priestly Auctoritas and sacro-political violence in the transition from republic to principate. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Burden-Strevens, Christopher William (2015) Cassius Dio's speeches and the collapse of the Roman Republic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cairns, Douglas Laidlaw (1987) The concept of Aidos in Greek literature from Homer to 404 BC. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cudjoe, Richard V. (2000) The social and legal position of widows and orphans in classical Athens. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Curtis, Stuart (2002) The exploitation of the epic realm of Roman satirists. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Franchuk, Edward S. (1989) Symbolism in the works of August Strindberg. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gowling, Eric (2015) Aetius of Amida. Libri Medicinales Book 1: A Translation with Commentary. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Graham, Sarah Jane (2018) Classical elements in early Christian depictions of the afterlife. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Grillo, Francesco (2019) Hero of Alexandria's Automata: a critical edition and translation, including a commentary on Book One. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Henderson, A.A.R. (1977) P. Ovidi Nasonis Remedia amoris. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hilder, Jennifer Claire (2015) Recontextualising the Rhetorica ad Herennium. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Holmes Henderson, Arlene Victoria (2013) A defence of classical rhetoric in Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ioannidis, Iraklis (2019) The other as the essence of existence: a journal of a philosophical passage to altruism. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jocks, Ianto Thorvald (2020) Scribonius Largus' Compounding of Drugs (Compositiones medicamentorum): introduction, translation, and medico-historical comments. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kerr, Robert Anthony (2002) Criticism in Quintilian. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kikusawa, Namiko (2017) The subjunctive mood in Late Middle English adverbial clauses: the interaction of form and function. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Leslie, Joel (2019) Between panegyric and history: literary representations of the Emperor Valentinian I (364-375). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Leslie, Joel (2013) Kingdom without end: the sacralisation of Roman Imperium from Eusebius of Caesarea to Avitus of Vienne. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
Liapis, Vayos (1997) "Nothing that is not Zeus" the unknowability of the Gods and the limits of human knowledge in Sophoclean tragedy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lindholmer, Mads Ortving (2017) Cassius Dio, competition and the decline of the Roman Republic. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Mackie, Christopher John (1984) Speech and narrative: characterisation techniques in the "Aeneid". PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
McCahill, Mark Joseph (2021) The findings of the Roman eye: memory, visual engagement and ancestral legacy imagery. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
McCourt, Finlay (2013) Constructing ancient mechanics. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
McDonald, James Joseph (2020) Paideia in the poetry of Gregory Nazianzen. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
McDonald, James Joseph (2016) Religion and narrative in the "Metamorphoses" of Apuleius. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
Mitchell, Charles Gordon (2014) Depictions of the Persians in the context of Julian the Apostate's death in Persia. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
Mooney, Denis (1988) The development of the Roman carnival over the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
O'Reilly, Mary Bernadette (2003) "Undercurrents in Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' : Hercules, Pygmalion, and Myrrha". PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Panopoulou, Maria (2016) Reconsidering the relationship between early Gothic literature and the Greek classics: the cases of William Beckford and Matthew G. Lewis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Scott, Elizabeth Mary (1991) A critical analysis of the Scholia Demosthenica on the First Olynthiac. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Spatharas, Dimos (2001) Gorgias : an edition of the extant texts and fragments with commentary and introduction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Van den Groenendaal, Wim (2006) Selbstdarstellung in Pindar's and Bacchylides' epinician odes composed for Sicilian laudandi. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Wason, Margaret Ogilvie (1946) A study of the conditions which led to the Athenian and Spartan tyrannies, and the effect of those tyrannies on the foreign policy of other states. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Wolstencroft, Sarah May (2017) Generic refashioning and poetic self-presentation in Horace's Satires and Epodes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Zanoni, Veronica (2009) Poetical vocabulary in Dante's Commedia: imitation, emulation, superseding and redemption of the classics. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.