Items where Year is 1910
Adam, Thomas (1910) Life-Table For Scotland Based on The Census Enumerations of 1891 and 1901, and on The Recorded Deaths For The Decennium 1891-1900. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Anderson, J. Montgomery (1910) Phases of Immunity in Scarlet Fever. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Christie, Henry Howard (1910) A Clinical Study of The Presence and Significance of The Idoxyl Salts in The Urines of Patients Suffering From The Acute Infectious Diseases. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
MacNab, James Crawford Gibb (1910) Acute Unilateral Infection of the Kidney by the Bacillus Coli Communis. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Marshall, Carswell (1910) Observations On The Treatment of Six Cases of Puerperal Sepsis by Autogenous Vaccines, with Periodic Estimation of The Opsonic Index. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Martin, James H (1910) The Excessive Vomiting of Pregnancy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Martin, William Blair Morton (1910) Studies on the Gram-Negative Cocci, with Special Reference to the Isolation and Differentiation of the Gonoccocus, the Meningococcus and the Micrococcus Catarrhalis. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Masterton, John (1910) The Active Principles of Ergot. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Matthews, Horatio (1910) Certain Features in the Symptomatology etc. of Tabes. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
McGeoch, Thomas (1910) Management of Occipito-Posterior Presentations in Midwifery Practice. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Nicolson, James S (1910) The Bacteriology of the Secondary Infection in Open Tuberculous Lesions. Introduction to Treatment by Bacterial Vaccines. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Rodger, M. M (1910) The Present Position of Tuberculin Therapy. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ross, Charles James (1910) The Presence in Blood Sera of Substances Which Have An Activating or Inhibitory Effect On The Haemolytic Properties of Cobra Venom. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Stevenson, Archibald (1910) Notes On The Modern Treatment of Phthisis Pulmonalis. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Strain, Thomas (1910) A Contribution to The Epidemiology of Diphtheria: Persistent Cases of Infectivity and a Mode of Treatment. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Taylor, Murray Ross (1910) The Course of Protein Metabolism in Diabetes Mellitus and Phloridzin Diabetes. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Wells, Alexander Simpson (1910) Puerperal Eclampsia. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Yamamoto, Nagakata (1910) New turbine driven triple screw Pacific liner 'Tenyo Maru' : built by Mitsubishi Dockyard and Engine Works, Nagasaki, August 1908. DSc thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]