Browse by Funder

Number of items: 35.

Marker, Viktoria Luise (2024) Litreachas na Gáidhlig ann am páipearan-naidheachd agus irisean Astraláisia, 1830 gu 1939. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cameron, Ross (2024) Reimagining the Balkans: Negotiating modernity and nationhood in British travel writing about southeastern Europe, 1875-1914. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marshall, Edward Joseph (2024) Do choirs have accents? A sociophonetic investigation of choral sound. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Radford, Clare Louise (2019) ‘My Story is An Opening to Another World’: poetic practical theology, lived experiences, and transformation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacDonald, Isobel Caroline (2019) Sir William Burrell (1861-1958): the man and the collector. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Nicholson, Philip John (2018) Snap, pan, zoom, click, grab, and the embodied archive of geographic information systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cuthbertson, Katherine M.E. (2018) The use of name evidence in lexicography: comparative analysis of onomastic data for historical and contemporary Scots. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Edwards, Clare (2018) Regeneration-led culture: cultural policy in Glasgow 1970-1989. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wilson, Harry Robert (2018) Affective intentionalities: practising performance with Roland Barthes's Camera Lucida. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brown, Clare Rachel (2018) The art of mission: the role of visual culture in Victorian mission to southern Africa, 1840-1910. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McBurney, Stephen (2018) Colour cinema in Scotland, 1896-1906: the materiality of colour and its social contexts in Aberdeen, Inverness and Edinburgh. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Silvester, Hannah (2018) Translating banlieue film: an integrated analysis of subtitled non-standard language. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Woodward-Reed, Hannah Elizabeth (2018) The context and material techniques of royal portrait production within Jacobean Scotland: The Courts of James V and James VI. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goodman, Matthew (2018) From 'magnetic fever' to 'magnetical insanity': historical geographies of British terrestrial magnetic research, 1833-1857. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Grimau Roca, Berta (2018) From plurals to superplurals: in defence of higher-level plural logic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Melville, Nicholas James (2018) The Imperative Commands: the poetics of imperatives and assertions in everyday life. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cawley, Felicity Roseanne Joy (2018) The effects of parental marital status and family form on experiences of childhood in Twentieth Century Scotland, c. 1920 – 1970. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goatman, Paul (2018) Re-formed by Kirk and Crown: urban politics and civic society in Glasgow during the reign of James VI, c.1585-1625. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McDougall, Jamie Murdoch (2018) Covenants and Covenanters in Scotland 1638–1679. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Imperiale, Maria Grazia (2018) Developing language education in the Gaza Strip: pedagogies of capability and resistance. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Domoney-Lyttle, Zanne (2018) Drawing (non)tradition: matriarchs, motherhood and the presentation of sacred text in "The Book of Genesis, Illustrated by R. Crumb". PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Quaintmere, Max (2018) Aspects of memory in medieval Irish literature. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tordzro, Gameli Kodzo (2018) Story, storying and storytelling: A reflection on documentary film, music and theatre as creative arts research practice. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bownes, Jessica (2018) Reassessing the Scottish Mesolithic-Neolithic transition: questions of diet and chronology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bromley, Amy Nicole (2018) Virginia Woolf and the work of the literary sketch: scenes and characters, politics and printing in Monday or Tuesday (1921). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

O'Brien, Daniel Paul (2017) Technological embodiment and haptic narrative: postphenomenology in cinema, interactive art and computer gaming. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ryan-Hume, Joe J. (2017) Standing in Reagan’s shadow: liberal strategies in the 1980s. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tucker, Joanna (2017) A new approach to medieval cartularies: understanding manuscript growth in AUL SCA MS JB 1/3 (Glasgow Cathedral’s Registrum Vetus) and the Cartulary of Lindores Abbey in Caprington Castle. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Connelly, Hannah Victoria (2017) Ground-breaking: community heritage on Glasgow's allotments. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McElroy, Ian Elliot (2017) Ruins, reuse and appropriation: rethinking temple-church conversion in the Eastern Mediterranean, A.D. 300-800. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Redgate, Jamie Peter (2017) Wallace and I: cognition, consciousness, and dualism in David Foster Wallace’s fiction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Henry, Andrew Robert (2017) Documenting landscape performance. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Corrie, Jane Anne (2017) William Cullen's exemplary retirement: the art of ageing in Enlightenment Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jacobs, Emma Katherine Mary (2017) Independent men: radical manhood during the English Revolution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Riszko, Leila Nicole (2016) Breaching bodily boundaries: transgressive embodiment and gender queering in contemporary performance art. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

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