Items where Subject is "G Geography (General)"

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Number of items at this level: 115.


Al Nabhani, Yousuf bin Harith bin Nasir (2008) The role and standardisation of geographical names on maps : Oman as a case study. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Al-Busaidi, Mohammed (2012) The struggle between nature and development: Linking local knowledge with sustainable natural resources management in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar Region, Oman. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Al-Fagih, Ahmed H. (1997) Integrative evaluation of computer assisted learning in geography in schools and university. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Anderson, Grant (2019) Non-conforming gender geographies: a longitudinal account of gender queerness in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Arathoon, Jamie (2022) The geographies of care and training in the development of assistance dog partnerships. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Ban-Shaban, Yousef Ali (1989) Radionuclide movement and geochemistry in intertidal sediments in South West Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Beel, David E. (2011) Reinterpreting the museum: social inclusion, citizenship and the urban regeneration of Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bonetti, Federica (2019) Robust and adaptive control strategies for closed-loop climate engineering. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Boukhemis, Kaddour (1983) Algerian development and urbanisation : a case study of Skikda. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Boyd, William E. (1982) The stratigraphy and chronology of Late Quaternary raised coastal deposits in Renfrewshire and Ayrshire, western Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brebner, Philip Alan (1982) Physical planning as an agent of ideology: an analysis of Qacentina, Algeria. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bruinsma, Mette (2021) The small voices of geographers-in-the-making: investigating an archive of undergraduate dissertations (1954-2014). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Campbell, Patricia F. (2014) ‘The shack becomes the house, the slum becomes the suburb and the slum dweller becomes the citizen’: experiencing abandon and seeking legitimacy in Dar es Salaam. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Carnes, Alexander (2012) From longhouse to stone rows: The competitive assertion of ancestral affinities. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Carse, Andrew T. (2010) Development of an alternative transport appraisal technique: the transport quality of life model. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Carter, John N. (Jack) (2021) A Bayesian approach to understanding multiple mineral phase age spectra and a reassessment of the 40K decay modes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Christie, Linda (2018) The public value of urban local authority collaboration as economic development policy: the role of institutions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cole, Edward (2016) Handle with care: historical geographies and difficult cultural legacies of egg-collecting. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Collingridge, Vanessa Jane (2017) Mapping myths: the fantastic geography of the Great Southern Continent, 1760-1777. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Crossan, John (2015) Social centres, anarchism and the struggle for Glasgow's Commons. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cudden, Judith Rose (2002) An investigation of braided river dynamics using a new numerical modelling approach. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Curley, Edward A.M. (2021) Hydrogeomorphic stressing and the response of endangered freshwater pearl mussels, Margaritifera margaritifera: a trait-based approach to inform conservation management. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Danjuma, Kwetishe Joro (2024) Manual vs automated quantified analysis of Distributive Fluvial Systems (DFSs). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Docherty, Charles (1988) Migration, ethnicity, occupation and residence in contrasting West of Scotland settlements: the case of the Vale of Leven and Dumbarton:1861-1891. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Docherty, Charles (1981) The growth of the Vale of Leven, 1841-1891. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Donald, Megan Martha (2018) Entanglements with empathy: a critical exploration of more-than-human empathy in a school of veterinary medicine. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Donoho, Emily S. (2012) Appeasing the saint in the loch and the physician in the asylum: The historical geography of insanity in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, from the early modern to Victorian eras. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Drummond, Peter John (2014) An analysis of toponyms and toponymic patterns in eight parishes of the upper Kelvin basin. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

de Jongh, Marli Elizabeth (2022) The role of clay minerals in the decay and durability of Scotland’s vulnerable sandstone heritage. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Earley, Alice Rachel (2020) Community enterprises, community assets and processes of urban regeneration and gentrification. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Evans, Gareth David (2010) The design and application of the stop-specific bus map. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Fitton, James Michael (2015) A national coastal erosion risk assessment for Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Floyd, Cameron James (2024) Dynamic evolution of C-type asteroids inferred from carbonaceous CM chondrites. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Forsyth, Isla McLean (2012) From dazzle to the desert: a cultural-historical geography of camouflage. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Gray, David Kirkness (1993) Counterurbanisation and perceptions of quality of life in rural Scotland: a postmodern framework. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gray, Neil (2015) Neoliberal urbanism and spatial composition in recessionary Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Griffin, Paul (2015) The spatial politics of Red Clydeside: historical labour geographies and radical connections. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Guo, Du-Jiao (2011) Microstructure and crystallography of abalone shells. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Hampton, Rosie Levine (2025) Infrastructures of solidarity: the spatial politics of the left in 1980s Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harold, James Michael (2013) Lovers adrift in the desert. An analysis and comparative study of the poetics of the desert. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hassan, Kazi Iqbal (2015) “MEMORY STRESS”: physical and mathematical modelling of the influence of water-working on sediment entrainment and transport. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hastings, Thomas Michael (2011) A job worth doing? Reinterpreting control, resistance and everyday forms of coping with call centre work in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hasty, William (2012) "Decried and abominated in every place": Space, power and piracy, c.1680-1730. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hellmer, Erich Frank (2019) Perti/enencia and public space: a politics of relevance, ownership and belonging in the historic/traditional center of Bogotá, Colombia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hernandez Velasco, Carlos Roberto (2014) The role of land tenure in housing the urban poor in Mexico. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hilderman, Robin Xiaofang (2024) Repurposing legacy iron and steel slag: a resource potential. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hill, Kirsty Shona (2018) Development of a low-cost marine pCO2 sensor to characterise the natural variability of coastal carbonate chemistry in the context of global change. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hunt, Rachel (2016) Huts, bothies and buildings out-of-doors: an exploration of the practice, heritage and culture of ‘out-dwellings’ in rural Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hussin, Rosazman (2006) Ecotourism development and local community participation: case studies of Batu Puteh and Sukau village in Lower Kinabatangan area of Sabah, Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hutchinson, John Alexander (2020) The Rock and The Map: two tales of contemporary heritage landscaping in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Jacob, Roger Jürgen (2005) The erosional and Cainozoic depositional history of the Lower Orange River, southwestern Africa. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jambiya, George Leszek Kobelski (1993) The development problems of small island states: Zanzibar in its regional setting. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

James, Kelly Margaret (2023) Scottish rhodolith bed blue carbon in a changing world. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Kelliher, Diarmaid (2017) Solidarity, class and labour agency: mapping networks of support between London and the coalfields during the 1984-5 miners’ strike. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Lacsny, Elisabeth Alice (2020) 'Our true intent is all for your delight': Placing materiality, mobility, atmosphere, and affect at Scotland's travelling fairgrounds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lafferty, Allan GM (2008) 'A Machinery for the moral elevation of a town population': Church Extension in Glasgow, 1800-1843. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Laing, Anna Frances (2015) Territory, resistance and struggles for the plurinational state: the spatial politics of the TIPNIS Conflict. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Larsen, Maia Taylor Suhm (2025) Drifting pollen geographies: an amateur’s engagement with palynological practice and a drifting self. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Laurie, Emma Whyte (2014) The embodied politics of health in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lawrie, Sabina Louise (2018) Negotiating work and masculinities through care and development in community groups in Dar es Salaam. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lindsay, Douglas (2012) The City-Region concept in a Scottish context. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Liu, Niantang (2024) Crop mapping using deep learning and multi-source satellite remote sensing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Liu, Peng (2012) InSAR observations and modeling of Earth surface displacements in the Yellow River Delta (China). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lowder, James George (2025) Cosmographies for an Anthropocene: meteorites, Dark Skies and film. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lowdon, Richard Edward (2014) To travel by older ways: a historical-cultural geography of droving in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lucherini, Mark (2015) The everyday geographies of living with diabetes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lynch, Kenneth (1992) The production, distribution and marketing of fruit and vegetables for the urban market of Dar es Salaam. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


MacGill, Ross (2017) Fast moving neutrons, graphite moderators and radioactive clouds: an ANT account of the Chernobyl accident's risky network. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mao, Jinhua (2019) The role of red coralline algal habitats as blue carbon stores. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marr, Natalie Louise (2024) Windows to the universe: mapping the values of the Galloway Forest Dark Sky Park. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mathers, Hannah (2014) The impact of the Minch palaeo-ice stream in NW Scotland: Constraining glacial erosion and landscape evolution through geomorphology and cosmogenic nuclide analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Matthews, Peter (2010) Meanings of policy and place: understandings of regeneration in Scotland 1988 - 2009. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McFarlane, Hazel (2004) Disabled women and socio-spatial 'barriers' to motherhood. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGeachan, Cheryl (2010) Enticing ghosts to life: exploring the historical and cultural geographies of R.D. Laing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Merz, Nina (2025) Monitoring tidal hydrology within saltmarsh vegetation to detect current attenuation using the Mini Buoy. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mfune, Orleans (2012) From fortresses to sustainable development: the changing face of environmental conservation in Africa, the case of Zambia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Millard, Sian Rebecca (1999) The impact of local government decentralisation on the people of Drumchapel. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mitchell, Douglas (2020) 'That important branch of rural science': historical geographies of lime burning in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mohd Said, Mohd Shahmy (2021) The cartographic design and usability of whole-network bus maps. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morrison, Steven (2011) Assessment of geo-environmental inequalities in the Glasgow conurbation. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Moyo, Boyson Henry Zondiwe (2010) The use and role of indigenous knowledge in small-scale agricultural systems in Africa: the case of farmers in northern Malawi. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Munro, Fiona Robertson (2018) Renewable energy in Scotland: Extending the transition-periphery dynamics approach. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Murray, Patrick J. (2015) ‘of meridians and parallels | Man hath weav’d out a net’: Imaginative and intellectual cartographies in Early Modern England. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Murray, Victoria Louise (2018) The moving landscapes of learning disability. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Nicholson, Philip John (2018) Snap, pan, zoom, click, grab, and the embodied archive of geographic information systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Nolan, Laura-Jane (2015) Space, politics and community: the case of Kinning Park Complex. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Norcup, Joanne (2015) Awkward geographies? An historical and cultural geography of the journal Contemporary Issues in Geography and Education (CIGE) (1983-1991). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Oglethorpe, Miles K. (1983) Aspects of the economic evolution of Malta since independence in 1964. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Olden, Ruth Gilberta Mona (2016) River silting, watered common: reimagining Govan graving docks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Patchett, Merle Marshall (2010) Putting animals on display: geographies of taxidermy practice. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Paterson, Mhairi (2015) 'Set in Stone?' Building a new geography of the dry-stone wall. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Persano, Cristina (2003) A combination of apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometers to constrain the escarpment evolution in south eastern Australia: a case study of high elevation passive margins. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Peterson, Melike (2019) Meeting spaces: everyday spaces of multicultural encounter in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pritchard, Nicola F. (2017) Disentangling water governance in Dar es Salaam: the role of NGOs and community water provision. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Ross, Kim A. (2014) The locational history of Scotland's district lunatic asylums, 1857-1913. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Sadeq, Haval AbdulJabbar (2015) Merging digital surface models sourced from multi-satellite imagery and their consequent application in automating 3D building modelling. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Santamarina Guerrero, Ana (2023) Undoing borders, building the commons: the solidarity politics of the No Evictions Network in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sarg, Cristin M. (2017) Scottish-Jewish 'madness'?: An examination of Jewish admissions to the royal asylums of Edinburgh and Glasgow, c.1870-1939. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Schliehe, Anna Katharina (2016) Tracing outsideness: young women's institutional journeys and the geographies of closed space. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Seet, Robin Poh Aik (2013) Accurate low-water line determination: the influence of Malaysia’s legislation and coastal policies on maritime baseline integrity. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Shuttleworth, Sophie Rose (2018) Moving language: the language geographies of refugees and asylum-seekers in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Slaymark, Charlotte Elizabeth (2024) Development and application of biomarkers for climate reconstructions of the last glacial – interglacial transition in the United Kingdom. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Smith, Niall D. (2013) The everyday social geographies of living with epilepsy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Smith, Thomas Aneurin (2012) At the crux of development? Local knowledge, participation, empowerment and environmental education in Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Stott, Eilidh (2019) Rainfall-to-reach, modelling of braided morphodynamics. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sugar, Katherine Helen (2021) Governing low carbon and inclusive transitions in the city: a case study of Nottingham, UK. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sutcliffe, Daisy (2018) Reworlding world heritage: emergent properties of 'kinservation'. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sydneysmith, Robin Sam More (1996) The composition of rubber tapper livelihoods in Acre, Brazil: a case study of sustainability and peasant economy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Ting, Su (1937) Studies of the Scottish shoreline. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Uzzell, Christopher (2019) Geospatial analysis of environmental risk factors of leptospirosis in East Africa. A multiscale, mixed method approach in spatial epidemiology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Velásquez-Forte, Flavia (2013) Understanding decentralisation: the case of Chile. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Virhia, Jennika (2020) Healthy animals, healthy people: lived experiences of zoonotic febrile Illness in northern Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Williams, Rachel Elizabeth (2023) Quantifying variability within the medial zone of modern distributive fluvial systems: implications for reservoir characterisation. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wu, Guoqiang (2018) An investigation into the role of information and communication technologies on travel behaviour of working adults and youth. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Young, Richard (1999) Dealing with uncertainty in environmental decision making. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

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