Items where Subject is "LC Special aspects of education"

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Number of items at this level: 87.


Abdelghany, Sawsan (2023) Understanding the role of language in integration journeys: ESOL from refugees' perspectives. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Abdulla, Sharifa (2021) Culture, play and health: A folk media approach to HIV and AIDS research in rural Malawi. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Abdullayev, Rafig (2024) Governmentality in British and Russian Higher Education. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Abohiamid, Manal Abdulaziz (2024) Enhancing the quality and standard of research in Saudi Arabian universities: Selection and use of research methods at doctoral level: An investigative study on the use of research into statistical methods. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Akbar, Tahsina (2025) Power and resistance: exploring the conceptions and experiences of gender and career aspirations of young people in Bangladesh. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Al-Mabsali, Amina Mohammed Khamis (2024) An exploration of the approaches to gifted education in the Sultanate of Oman: Policy, practices and decision-making. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Aldahmashi, Abdulaziz (2022) Leadership development for school principals: global perspectives in shaping approaches for Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Aldossry, Badi Shara F. (2022) The effectiveness of iPad in enhancing instruction in mathematics teaching and learning for secondary schools in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alghamdi, Abeer Saeed Mesfer (2023) Educational leadership and the turn to empowerment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alharbi, Noha Abdulkgalig M. (2024) Assessing the impact of the introduction of a research-led computer science framework for primary education in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ali Ambu-Saidi, Abdullah Khamis (2000) An investigation into fixed response questions in science at secondary and tertiary levels. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alkhannani, Badriah (2016) An exploration of the educational experiences of gifted English language learners in the Saudi context. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Allen, Eileen Marie (2009) Citizenship education: the search for meaningful delivery within an English high school. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alshalhoub, Nourah Fahad Abdullah (2022) When inclusive education came to Saudi Arabia: The Tatweer School Project and stakeholders’ understanding of concepts and practices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alshammari, Yousef Salem H. (2023) Understanding the perspectives of mathematics teachers concerning eLearning in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alshehri, Omar Abdullah (2021) Examining the existing reality of using social media as e-learning tools at an Emerging University in Saudi Arabia from the viewpoint of tutors and students. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Anderson, Penny (2023) Care and gender: A time worn narrative? Perceptions of carework in the Scottish out of school care workforce. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.


Brown, Neil Michael (1975) A study of certain non-cognitive factors affecting reading achievement in emotionally disturbed school children. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bull, Alister William (2013) The insights gained from a portfolio of spiritual assessment tools used with hospitalised school-aged children to facilitate the delivery of spiritual care offered by the healthcare chaplain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Cai, Liexu (2022) The impact of intercultural engagement on cultural understanding through activities offered in Confucius Institutes in Britain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Campbell, Elizabeth (2011) Scottish adult literacy and numeracy policy and practice: a social practice model: rhetoric or reality. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cavanagh, John Bartholomew (2010) Managing collegiality: The discourse of collegiality in Scottish school leadership. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chan, Jason (2023) Journey to the West: acknowledging intersectionality: An autoethnographic study of a Chinese English teacher's career from Hong Kong to Germany. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Colebrook, Christopher (2020) Evaluating Solution-Focused Drama-Based Coaching: an integrated intervention for managing conflict more effectively and promote student flourishing in higher education. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Coles, Christopher Williams (2020) Contrasting experiences of working class and middle class students at a Scottish selective university: looking to Bourdieu for perspective. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Couceiro, Louise (2023) ‘Extraordinary Women’, ‘Visionary Women’ and ‘Fantastically Great Women’: exploring children’s responses to contemporary biographies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cumming, Heather (2021) Teachers’ perceptions of inclusive education in Nova Scotia, Canada. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.


Dai, Qiao (2025) (Re)Constructing Chinese womanhood through UK higher education: A transnational, intersectional, and arts-based study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Davis, Gareth Michael (2023) Grand narrative and the Islamic State: investigating propaganda, education and narrative in Dabiq. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

DeYoung, Jamie Kathleen (2023) Exploring the experiences of female engineering students at an undergraduate evangelical religious institution in the United States. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.


El Naggar, Alia (2023) The provisions on offer for gifted learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Dubai mainstream schools: capturing students and educators perspectives. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Frimberger, Katja (2013) Towards a Brechtian research pedagogy for intercultural education: cultivating intercultural spaces of experiment through drama. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Gallagher, Joseph A. (2017) Towards better choices and improved practice: A study of the influences on students' course and college choice in Ireland. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ghani, Sazelli Abdul (2004) A study of student teachers' performance and psychological characteristics in learning introductory statistics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Giffen, Alicia Marion (2017) Exploring the educational experiences of children and young people with non-syndromic cleft lip and or palate in the west of Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goulet, Gail M (2014) The assessment of transformational potential of students in placement modules in United Kingdom universities: academic staff perspectives. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gülgeçer, James Kartal (2023) Young men’s education to work transitions in post-industrial Glasgow and Liverpool. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Harding, Albert William (1979) Sgoilean Chriosd 1811-1861: a study of the Edinburgh Society for the support of Gaelic schools. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harper, Helen (2004) The role of research in policy development: school sex education policy in Scotland since devolution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hastie, Louise (2019) Training in a highly regulated industry: an examination of a certified nuclear power operator training programme in Ontario, Canada. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Henderson, Fiona P. (1999) Evaluating computer-based teaching and learning situations: theoretical approaches to TILT-E's work. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hernandez Mendoza, Jose Sergio (2022) Transnational adult education for migrant populations: a realist evaluation of the programme “Education Model for Life and Work” (MEVyT Spanish acronym). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hussain, Nouman (2023) UK religious studies textbooks and the notion of Jihad: an analysis using the works of Ibn Taymiyyah. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Jaap, Angela Sarah (2011) Recognising and developing musical gift and talent. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jewitt, Katharine Elizabeth (2018) Using virtual reality to enhance informal learning in small and medium enterprises. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Knox, Lindsay (2023) Becoming a second language teacher: developing graduate attributes in an international landscape of academic and professional practices. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kocar, Eda (2020) Exploring applicability of learner autonomy in Turkish EFL classrooms: how is learner autonomy perceived and practised in Turkish EFL classrooms at high school level? MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kochakornjarupong, Duenpen (2007) A metacognitive feedback scaffolding system for pedagogical apprenticeship. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Lawrence, Anita (2024) Shh – Don’t mention the Christians! An exploration of the potential role of contemporary children’s literature in the RE classroom. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


MacIntyre, Gillian (2007) What next? opportunities for young people with learning disabilities after leaving school. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Macfarlane, Gaele Morag (2020) Teachers’ engagement in professional development: a study of the influences that affect groups of national and international English language teachers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Macintyre, Donald McMaster (2005) Exploring understandings of the competence vocabulary : implications for understanding teacher competence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McAllister, Christopher (2016) Learning to construct our identities over the life course: a study with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCann, Helen Pamela (2023) Bilingualism and identity: Chinese students’ perspectives on an independent bilingual school. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

McColl, Margaret Mary (2020) Accessing other worlds: engaging art. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

McEachern-Kelly, Mary Clare (2008) Provision of modern foreign languages for lower achievers and pupils with special educational needs in secondary schools in England, Scotland and the Czech Republic. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGovern, Deirdre F. (2010) Hospitality to the 'Other' in Faith-Based Schools. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mohammed, Abduleelah (2023) Investigating student engagement through English learning in a Saudi university Preparatory Year Programme. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morrison, Colin Arthur (2011) From disability to capability: sex and relationship learning for children and young people with a learning disability. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mowat, Joan Gaynor (2007) Teaching for understanding within the affective field. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Nayal, Mohammed (2023) Reflection in professional practice: Perspectives and experiences of a group of corporate trainers in the UAE. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Nielsen, Niels Bech (2007) Using electronic voting systems data outside lectures to support learning. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


O'Brien, James Paul (1998) An analysis of participatory democracy in Scottish School Boards up to 1994. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

O'Hagan, Francis (2002) The contribution of the religious orders to education in Glasgow during the period 1847 -1918. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ogretici, Yusuf Ziya (2021) Bridging theory, experiment, and implications: knowledge and emotion-based musical practices for Religious Education. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ogston, Jill (2008) Educational staff's responses to challenging behaviour of children with learning disabilities: the impact of diagnosis and clinical research portfolio. D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow.

Orsini, Cesar A. (2017) The self-determination theory of motivation in dental education: testing a model of social factors, psychological mediators, academic motivation and outcomes. DHPE thesis, University of Glasgow.


Patrick, William John (2004) First-year undergraduate student attrition. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pelawi, Muhammad Arifin (2021) Funding higher education for human capital and social justice in Indonesia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Podschwadek, Frodo (2018) Rawlsian liberalism and public education. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pope, Lindsey M. (2018) Joint undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in general practice: a case study of the continuum of medical education in practice. DHPE thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pourhashemi, Philippe (2005) Travelling light : an investigation into the relationship between professional environments, language(s) and readings of cultural difference in graduates' narratives of working life abroad. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Sarkar, Ruby (2001) Teaching of Asian mother tongues in Scottish schools : an analysis of their roles in cognitive, social and personal development. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Shanks, Rehana Louise (2024) A Story of Headship. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Simonen, Petri Olli Ilmari (2023) Young adults’ decision-making in their transition to world-of-work and the role of key influencers and Scottish policies in shaping and supporting educational choices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Smith, Alan J. (1997) Children with specific learning difficulties of mathematics and reading: behavioural, emotional, and social problems : and research portfolio. D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow.

Stimpson, Helen Rosalinde (2016) Spiritual guides: supporting adults who nurture the spirituality of children. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sulaiman, Nor 'Ain binti (2019) An investigation of student teacher development in pre-service English language teacher education in Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Suzuki, Akane (2007) Attitudes of Japanese students in relation to school biology. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Valdera-Gil, Francisco Javier (2020) Theory and practice reflected in interaction in the Scottish Modern Languages classroom: four early career Modern Languages teachers' ideal-selves stories. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Vanderhoven, Ellen (2024) A global policy in local context/a local policy in global context: investigating dual VET youth transitions in Coahuila, Mexico. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

van Houten, Maarten Matheus (2020) Intercollegial sharing of professional tacit knowledge and expertise within education. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.


Williamson, Adam James (2024) Defining the role of the UK asylum interpreter: expectations, realities and training needs. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Younger, Stephen (2018) Religious observance and spiritual development within Scotland's 'Curriculum for Excellence'. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Zaman, Tanvir Uz (1996) The use of an information processing model to design and evaluate a physics undergraduate laboratory. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Zhai, Keyu (2020) Social mobility and international graduates in China. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Zhang, Jingjie (2023) Students on the move - interregional migration aspirations of higher education institution graduate candidates in Central China. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

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