Items where Subject is "PE English"

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Number of items at this level: 139.


Ahvensalmi, Juulia Kirsikka (2013) Reading the manuscript page: the use of supra-textual devices in the Middle English Trotula-manuscripts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Akimoto, Jun (2010) A study of the semantic characteristics of the modal auxiliaries may and might in Scots. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Al-Karooni, Dhia Mohsen (1996) The transfer of modal content in translation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Al-Sharah, Nayel Darweesh Al-Ali (1997) An investigation of EFL student writing : aspects of process and product. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

AlHarbi, Mohammed Salim (2018) Exploring English language teaching approaches in Saudi Higher Education in the West Province. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alam, Farhana (2015) Glaswasian? A sociophonetic analysis of Glasgow-Asian accent and identity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Aldred, Deborah Elizabeth (2002) Exploring students' and teachers' perceptions of roles in English language classrooms in Hong Kong. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alexander, Craig (2019) Multilevel models for the analysis of linguistic data. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Archer, Gemma (2018) Pronunciation models in regional environments: a comparison and assessment of RP and SSE. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.


Baxter, Katherine Isobel (2003) Early twentieth century modernism and the absence of God. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Black, Merja Ritta (1997) Studies in the dialect materials of medieval Herefordshire. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Boehme, Julia (2011) The Macaronic technique in the English language in texts from the Old English, medieval and early modern periods (9th to 18th centuries): a collection and discussion. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bragina, Jekaterina (2012) A cognitive stylistic analysis of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bray, Robyn (2013) ‘A Scholar, a Gentleman, and a Christian’: John Josias Conybeare (1779-1824) and his 'Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry' (1826). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brown, Ian (2018) History as Theatrical Metaphor: History, Myth and National Identities in Modern Scottish Drama. DLitt thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brown, Stephen Allan Charles (2018) Comply or transform? College ESOL programmes as a potential source of emancipation for immigrant communities in Scotland. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Burns, Amy E. (2011) Wake Me When It's Over and Will the Real Scarlett O'Hara Please Stand Up: a critical meditation on creative study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Butler, James Odelle (2010) The power & politics of naming: literary onomastics within dystopian fiction. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Campbell, Calum Iain (2009) A study of Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 232: John Lydgate's 'Life of Our Lady'. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Carnehl, Adam Edward (2018) G.K. Chesterton's recovery of the Catholic-mystical tradition and his position in relation to Victorian aesthetics. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chen, Ruihua (2020) Gifted English language learners: the cultural and practical experiences of Chinese students learning English in Scotland and in China. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chien, Shou-Chun (2018) Attitudes towards varieties of English by non-native and native speakers: A comparative view from Taiwan and the UK. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chirrey, Deborah Ann (1995) An articulatory and acoustic phonetic study of selected consonants in accents of Scottish English. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Colla, Chloe (2023) Life in the Fells: names in a nineteenth-century Cumberland landscape. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Collins, Stephen (2011) Playwriting and postcolonialism : identifying the key factors in the development and diminution of playwriting in Ghana 1916-2007. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cox, Sarah Jane (2021) 'You and me, we're the same. You struggle with Tigrinya and I struggle with English.' An exploration of an ecological, multilingual approach to language learning with New Scots. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Coyer, Megan Joann (2010) The Ettrick Shepherd and the Modern Pythagorean: science and imagination in romantic Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Crook, Alice Louise (2012) Personal naming patterns in Scotland, 1700 - 1800: a comparative study of the parishes of Beith, Dingwall, Earlston, and Govan. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Crum, Ailsa Kirsten Laird (2017) Floating (a novel) and writing and not writing a novel called floating (an essay). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Dahal, Tanka Prasad (2013) The wooden house. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Davis, Richard Hill (2015) A genre analysis of medical research articles. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dornan, Jennifer (2015) Controversial reform: the linguistic construction of present-day Britain in the speeches of the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Drummond, Heather (2017) Comparing variation in Glaswegian scripted and spontaneous speech: a sociolinguistic study. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dunlop, Leonie Mhari (2012) Manuscript layout as evidence for word prototypicality in Old English, with particular reference to onomastic items. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Felekidou, Despoina (2014) The use of metaphors in Nelson Mandela's autobiography and their relation to his social roles. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fisher, Flora (2011) A study of late eighteenth century linguistic, cultural and philosophical attitudes in Britain : with a focus on the lexicographical work of Captain Francis Grose. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fletcher, Rachel Ann (2021) Pushing the boundary: the periodisation problem in dictionaries of Old English. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fletcher, Rachel Ann (2017) William Somner’s Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum: method, function and legacy. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Glover, Danni (2014) Studies in language change in Bishop Percy's Reliques of ancient English poetry. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

González Blanco, Marta Isabel (2018) An edition of the Middle English translation of the Antidotarium Nicolai. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Good, Julian Russell Peter (2012) The human presence in Robert Henryson's Fables and William Caxton's The History of Reynard the Fox. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goundry, Katrin (2016) Regional variation and change in the history of English strong verbs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Grant, Alison Elizabeth (2003) Scandinavian place-names in Northern Britain as evidence for language contact and interaction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Green, Johanna M. E. (2012) Judgement Day I, Resignation A and Resignation B: a conceptual unit in the Exeter Book. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Guthrie, Laura (2018) Re-writing Pollyanna: towards a rethinking of representations of Asperger's in fiction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Hall, Alaric T.P. (2004) The meanings of elf and elves in medieval England. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hamilton, Rachael Louise (2016) Colour in English: from metonymy to metaphor. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hamlin, Sarah Elizabeth (2016) Poetic politics: writers and the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hannaford, Ewan David (2017) The press and public on mental health: a corpus linguistic analysis of UK newspaper coverage of mental illness (1995-2014), compared with the UK National Attitudes to Mental Illness survey. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harper, Stephen (1997) The subject of madness : insanity, individuals and society in late-medieval English literature. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hassan, Salem Kadhem (1985) Time, tense and structure in contemporary English poetry: Larkin and the Movement. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hassan, Syed Sabih ul (2016) Recent educational changes at higher educational level in Pakistan: English language teachers' perceptions and practices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hlaing, Olivia Eishwezin (2016) "Secretary in Fashion" and "Love-Letters": a study of socio-cultural and pragmatic-linguistic features in the late 17th century English language. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hutcheson, Louise (2014) Rhetorics of martial virtue: mapping Scottish heroic literature c.1600-1660. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Izdebska, Daria Wiktoria (2015) Semantic field of ANGER in Old English. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Jardim, Carolina Reolon (2018) Investigating the lexicographical needs of Brazilian learners of English: a user study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jones, M. Claire (2000) Vernacular literacy in late-medieval England: the example of East Anglian medical manuscripts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Kashoob, Hassan S. (1995) Cultural translation problems with special reference to English/Arabic advertisements. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kikusawa, Namiko (2011) Conditional if-clauses in Late Middle English prose texts. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kikusawa, Namiko (2017) The subjunctive mood in Late Middle English adverbial clauses: the interaction of form and function. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Koristashevskaya, Elina (2014) Semantic density mapping: a discussion of meaning in William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.


Lander, Joshua (2019) Philip Roth and the "Jewish Body". PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Leitner, Magdalena (2015) Conflicts in early modern Scottish letters and law-courts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lewty, Jane A. (2002) Broadcasting modernity: eloquent listening in the early twentieth century. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Little, Dana L. (2020) Factions: acts of worldbuilding on social media platforms. DFA thesis, University of Glasgow.

Loen-Marshall, Maria Helena (2005) An edition of the English texts in British Library MS Sloane 3285, Practical medicine, Sussex dialect and the London Associations of a fifteenth century book. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lu, Peih-ying (2006) Developing an intercultural English curriculum of university level in Taiwan. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


MacBean, Lorna (2013) A documentary edition of Alexander Craig's 'Pilgrime and Hermite,' 1631: print and manuscript culture across the Union of Crowns. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacDiarmid, Carole (2017) Interaction and engagement in problem-based learning sessions: a corpus-based analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mackay, Francesca L. (2012) The development of reading practices: as represented in the textual afterlife of Nicholas Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mackenzie, Colin Peter (2010) A lexical study of the semantic field MEMORY in Old English and Old Icelandic. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marcus, Imogen Julia (2012) An investigation into the language and letters of Bess of Hardwick (c. 1527-1608). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marszalek, Agnes (2016) Beyond amusement: language and emotion in narrative comedy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marszalek, Agnes (2012) Humorous worlds: a cognitive stylistic approach to the creation of humour in comic narratives. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Matheson, Lister Malcolm (1977) The prose Brut : a parallel edition of Glasgow Hunterian MSS. T.3.12 and V.5.13, with introduction and notes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mayr, Andrea (2000) Language as a means of social control and resistance: discourse analysis in a prison setting. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCandlish, Martin (2024) Crafting authenticity: voice and structure in three 20th-Century Scottish novelists. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCarthy, Owen (2012) A sociophonetic study of the realization of word-final velar plosives by female pupils in a Glasgow high school. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCartney-Moore, Alexander (2020) Re-Cycling Toccate Re-. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCumber, Vanessa Marie (2014) Punctuation and the ‘Well-formed Sentence’ in the afterlife of the King James Bible. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGinley, Rory Mackay (2016) Richard Yates: re-writing postwar American culture. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGinn, Clark (2014) 'Every Honour Except Canonisation': the global development of the Burns Supper: 1801 to 2009. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McKeever, Gerard (2011) Enlightened fictions and the romantic nation: contesting ideological formations of Scottish writing over the long eighteenth century. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Megat Khalid, Puteri Zarina binti (2013) A linguistic analysis of three genres associated with the ship RMS Queen Elizabeth. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Miller, Susan (2013) Shelley’s early fiction in relation to his poetics and his politics: an assessment. Not waiting to see the event of his victory. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mol, Janneke Susanne (2010) The scribal fingerprint: a graphetic analysis of MS Glasow University Library Hunter 83. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mooney, Annabelle Nell (2001) Terms of use and abuse: the recruiting rhetoric of cults. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Moos, Anja C. (2013) Do colourless green voices speak furiously? Linkages between phonetic and visual perception in synaesthesia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morris, James Medley (2016) Beyond orientalism: 'The Stranger' and 'Colonial Cosmopolitanism' in the romantic period novel. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Myers, Sara Mae (2009) The evolution of the genitive noun phrase in early Middle English. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Noblet, Michele Anne (2008) The applicability of the O'Connor and Arnold model of English intonation to the analysis of Luxembourgish intonation. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Orr, Susan Elizabeth (2007) The ups & downs of working in telesales: an analysis of the development of prosodic style in a Scottish call centre. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Osborne, Emma Elizabeth (2018) Reading women: models of behaviour and womanhood in the Auchinleck manuscript. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ouayed, Abdul-Jabbar (1990) Manipulation of semantics and syntax: the use of emotive language in English and Arabic news reports and editorials with reference to translation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Parnell-Mooney, James (2019) Tran/s/gender: assessing the effects of the social construction of gender on speech: a focus on transgender /s/ realisations. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pickens, Kara Lynne (2012) The reinterpretation of biblical symbols through the lives and fictions of Victorian women: “To come within the orbit of possibility”. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pollick, Johanna (2021) Fragmented devotions: picturing the wounds of Christ in late medieval England, c.1400-1533. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Rae, Rebecca (2021) ‘The scene of our constant negotiation’: tracing the development of Kathleen Jamie’s ecopoetic sensibility. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rahman, Zuheir A. Abdul (1990) An analytic study of errors made by Iraqi students in using English prepositions of place relation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rambaran-Olm, Mary Rosanna (2012) John's Prayer: an edition, literary analysis and commentary. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Redhead, Selah Ann (1997) How does reading and writing become a celebratory act for women. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reid, Jessica (2016) Devotional reading and dissolving the self: a critical reading of the late medieval Scottish Legendary using Kristevan theory. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reilly, Colin (2016) Language use and language attitudes in Malawian universities. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Robertson, Duncan (2015) Implicit cognition and the social evaluation of speech. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ryan, Sadie Durkacz (2014) ‘Cin u get aff my facebook hen?’: variation and identity marking in adolescent Glaswegian girls. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Sanderson, Stewart (2012) Poems chiefly in the Scottish dialectic: Scots poetic translation and the second generation modern Scottish renaissance (c.1940-1981). MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Saunders, Rosalyn (2009) The monstrous female: monstrosity in the Anglo-Saxon monstrous and early modern witchcraft traditions. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Schmitt, Melanie (2009) Studies in second fronting. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Schofield Mellor, Connor (2018) Ideological bias and reaction to contemporary events in H.G. Wells post-Great War works. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Scott, Diane Gillies (2011) A socio-historical study of the treatment and reception of John Lydgate in Early Modern print culture. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Shah, Tariq (2008) An exploration of attitudes towards the English curriculum in educational establishments in urban and rural Pakistan. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Shaver, Joel A. (2011) Metaphors of travel in the language of hymns: 1650–1800. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sigalov, Nadine (Nadia) (2024) Embodied interconnectedness through synaesthesia: art, intersubjectivity and hypermnesia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Smith, Mark Ryan (2013) The Literature of Shetland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Song, Jingwei (2023) Assessing for learning in middle school English language classrooms in China. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Soto, Fernando Jorge (2010) Sources, symbols, identities, and metamorphoses in Carroll’s ‘Nonsense’ and Macdonald’s Fantasy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Soule, Daniel P.J. (2006) The construction and negotiation of meaning in Scottish political discourse: a case study of the 2003 Scottish Parliament elections. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Spoto, Angela (2020) The Grief Nurse, a novel, & Asterisms, lyrical essays: Creative questionings of grief. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Strobel, Madeleine (2023) Collaborative dialogue and deliberative communication: Reading circles with Young Adult novels and adolescent learners of English as a Second Language. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Szpotanski, Daniel Edward (2023) Sarcastic irony as a facework device in the parliamentary discourse of the UK House of Commons. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Takenouchi, Yoko (2015) Formal variation and semantic change in the Middle English demonstratives. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tan, Sze Leng (2015) A literary-linguistic study of heroism in Harry Potter. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tani, Akinobu (2010) Word pairs in late Middle English prose. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Thomson, Clare Louise (2019) A real-time study of sound change in inner-city Dublin-English over five decades. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Thornton, Freda J. (1988) A classification of the semantic field good and evil in the vocabulary of English. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Thuillier, Manon Gwendoline Morgane (2019) The Welsh Hymn to the Virgin: contexts and reception. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tripornchaisak, Natthaphon (2023) Navigating between systems and opening doors of opportunities: Thai‒English interpreters’ experiences. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Van Renterghem, Aya (2014) The Anglo-Saxon runic poem: a critical reassessment. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Warth-Szczyglowska, Magdalena Malgorzata (2014) Colour and semantic change: a corpus-based comparison of English green and Polish zielony. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Weir, Gillian (2010) Orthography in the correspondence of Lady Katherine Paston, 1603-1627. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wild, Catherine (Kate) (2010) Attitudes towards English usage in the late modern period: the case of phrasal verbs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Williams, Graham Trevor (2009) Pragmatic readings of the letters of Joan and Maria Thynne, 1575-1611 with diplomatic transcriptions of their correspondence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Williams, Vivien Estelle (2013) The cultural history of the bagpipe in Britain, 1680-1840. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wright, Natalia (2024) Towards becoming a transnational language educator. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wulff, Marte H. (2017) Emotional expression in medieval society: tears and weeping in Chaucer's 'Prioress's Tale' and 'Troilus and Criseyde'. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.


Yadomi, Hiroshi (2019) Language, identity and community: A sociolinguistic analysis of language practice of early modern English preachers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Yokota, Yumi (2006) Studies in the plural demonstratives in Middle English texts from the West Riding of Yorkshire. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Yuen, Kwok Sum Stephen (2017) Variation in written learner Hong Kong English: a quantitative and qualitative description. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Zidros, Vaia Vanessa (2015) Conflictive courtroom discourse from a sociohistorical pragmatic perspective: power dynamics in the civil trial of Anne Hutchinson (1637) with special reference to speech acts, Gricean maxims and (im)politeness strategies. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

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