Items where Year is 1961
Affrossman, Stanley (1961) The application of radiochemical techniques to the study of surface reactions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Baillie, Peter (1961) Studies on the neural control of feeding in rat. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bain, John (1961) Studies in industrial crystallisation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Baker, Archibald James (1961) Synthetic studies in the carbohydrate field. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bannatyne, William Reid (1961) Mutual interaction in unsaturated fat oxidase system. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Barr, D. I. H (1961) Aspects of the study of heat dissipation using models. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bell, David (1961) Certain aspects of polynucleotide biosynthesis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Blakely, J. M (1961) Self-diffusion on metal surfaces. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brash, John L (1961) Mechanism and kinetics of polymerisation: The polymerisation of methyl methacrylate. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brockway, John Martin (1961) Indirect calorimetry and its use to determine energy expenditure by women at different ages. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brown, Laurence C (1961) Diffusion in thin films. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Caldwell, R.A. (1961) A study of the incidence, aetiology and pathology of senile osteoporosis. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cameron, G.G. (1961) The "weak links" in polystyrene. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cleland, Daniel (1961) Studies in heat and mass transfer. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Coleman, Eric Norman (1961) Electrocardiography in idiopathic hypercalcaemia and other cation disorders of childhood. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Connolly, J. D (1961) Studies in the Terpenoid Series. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cresswell, Ronald M (1961) Chemical studies of the biosynthesis of riboflavin. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Culfeather, William R (1961) The physical and chemical evaluation of airborne coal mine dusts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Currie, A. B. M (1961) Observations on Osteitis Deformans. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Currie, Andrew Cochran (1961) 14-hydroxycodeine and derivatives. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Davidson, Thomas A (1961) Synthesis of Natural Products by the Oxidation of Phenols. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Dee, Jennifer (1961) Genetic analysis of a myxomycite. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Dougan, Peter W (1961) Proportional counter studies of orbital electron capture ratios. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Drennan, Donald Stewart Hall (1961) Studies in the physiology of germination in the genus Avena. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Duthie, Herbert L (1961) Absorption of Iron from the Small Bowel. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
El Bagoury, Samiha M (1961) A study of the processes involved in the change of the cells of the bacterial species Escherichia coli from life to death. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ellis, Catherine J (1961) A study of Central Australian music. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Evans, Hugh C (1961) Photoproduction of negative pions in deuterium. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ferguson, George (1961) X-ray Investigations of Molecular Overcrowding. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ferguson, James (1961) Kinetic studies on vinyl polymerisation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Fisher, Edward W (1961) The carbon dioxide content and the pH of the plasma of cattle and the changes associated with disturbances of respiration. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Fouskas, Constantine M (1961) St. Isidore of Pelusium with Special Reference to His Use of the New Testament. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Gailey, Robert Alan (1961) Settlement Changes in the Southwest Highlands of Scotland 1700-1960. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Gardner, Francis P (1961) The transmission of ground movement to structures. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Gibson, George L (1961) Staphylococcal Penicillinase: A Study of Some Aspects of the Production of Staphylococcal Penicillinase and Its Association with Pathogenicity. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Gibson, Hugh (1961) The oxidation of mineral lubricating oil. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Gilmour, N. J. L (1961) Studies on Mycobacterium johnei infection in cattle and mice. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Haddow, A. J. (1961) Circadian rhythms in the biting diptera: a factor in the transmission of insect-borne disease. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Hamilton, James Graham (1961) Some Studies in the Synthesis of Medium Ring Ketones. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Hamilton, Robert A. H (1961) The resonating group method in light nuclear physics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Hamilton, William Allan (1961) A biochemical study of the diauxic growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Henderson, Andrew E (1961) Studies on the respiratory and hydrostatic functions of the mantle cavity in two freshwater pulmonate snails. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Jackson, Ronald W (1961) A theoretical and experimental investigation of the thermal buckling of flat rectangular plates. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Jackson, W. D (1961) The electromagnetic flowmeter. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Joshi, Bala R (1961) Studies of orbital electron capture by scintillation counter methods. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Kubie, William Mortimer (1961) The Dynamic Bending Properties of Textile Fibres and the Effects of Temperature and Humidity Thereon. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Laurie, Alexander (1961) The Routine School Medical Inspection: A Study of the Efficiency of the Present Form of Examination. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Lunt, Dorothy A (1961) The Dentition of Early Scottish Races. Doctor of Medicine and Surgery thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
MacCallum, James Richard (1961) The Thermal and Photochemical Degradation of Poly-N-Butyl Methacrylate. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
MacDonald, Jessie (1961) A Study of Rheumatic Fever. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
MacKay, Donald (1961) Mass transfer studies on gas absorption columns. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Maclachlan, Donald L.C (1961) Epistemological realism and metaphysical pluralism. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Martin-Smith, Cecily A (1961) A genetic investigation of the ad9 cistron of Aspergillus nidulans. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
McAuley, Alexander (1961) Studies on the Thermodynamics of Ion Association in Aqueous Solutions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
McGhie, John (1961) The Inadequate Adolescent Soldier. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
McIntosh, Samuel A (1961) The polymerisation of acrylonitrile. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
McLennan, William M (1961) Midwifery in a North East of Scotland Practice, 1949 to 1958. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Morman, James Forrester (1961) Spectroscopic Studies Concerning Certain Biologically Important Substances. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Murdoch, Henry D (1961) Studies in the pyrazolidine and metal chelate fields. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Neilson, Thomas (1961) The biosynthesis of riboflavin and related pteridines. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Norman, John Nelson (1961) Man in the Antarctic. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Norris, Walter (1961) Anaesthesia and Sedation for Cardiac Catheterisation. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Page, Ernest Ronald (1961) Manganese in soil and plant. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Patrick, Robert S (1961) Various Studies on Liver Disease. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Pullar, Peter (1961) Morphological and Experimental Studies on Keratinisation. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Purdie, Neil (1961) The Kinetics of Crystallisation and Dissolution of Sparingly Soluble Salts in Aqueous Solutions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Qureshi, I. H (1961) Analytical and experimental investigations of the collapse load characteristics of thin walled structural forms under compressive load actions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Rahman, Syed M. K (1961) Studies in the physical state of adsorbed dyestuffs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ramage, Robert (1961) Synthetic Studies in the Sesquiterpene Field. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Rashid, A. M. Harun ar (1961) Low energy K-meson-nucleon scattering and elastic scattering and the elastic scattering of pions by alpha-particles. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ratzer, Maria A (1961) Acne Vulgaris: The Influence of Marriage, Pregnancy and Childbirth. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Reid, Stewart T (1961) Thionaphthen isosteres of biologically active indole derivatives. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Robertson, James C (1961) Particle selection using CsI(Ti) crystals and associated experiments on the luminescence of alkali halide crystals. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ross, D. S (1961) A theoretical and photoelastic investigation of the stress concentration effects of discontinuities in tension plates. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Scobie, Charles H. H (1961) John the Baptist. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Seaton, David Anderson (1961) The Myeloproliferative Disorders: An Investigation into Their Natural History and Aetiology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Sen, Udayananda (1961) Studies in the anatomy of the ferns. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Stanwix, Philip R (1961) Fallout and radiostrontium. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Stewart, James (1961) A study of diffusion rates in porous media. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Stewart, William D.P (1961) Studies in the biological fixation of nitrogen. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Still, Ian William James (1961) Studies in the Cycloheptane Field. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Sutherland, Shirley Anne Marguerite (1961) The Crystal Structures of Sorbic and Crotonic Acids. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Sykes, Andrew J. M (1961) A comparison of the belief systems of three industrial groups. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Taggart, James (1961) Sporulation in fungi, with special reference to the hymenomycetes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Taylor, George R (1961) Studies in the lupane series of triterpenoids. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Tennant, George (1961) Substituent Interaction in Ortho-Substituted Nitro-Benzenes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Thomas, Paul A. V (1961) The Design Philosophy of a Small Electronic Automatic Digital Computer. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Todd, John Kirkland (1961) Studies on the Innervation and Physiology of the Pelvic Parts of the Alimentary and Urinary Tracts. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Turnbull, Robert McI (1961) High energy photoproton investigations using a counter-controlled cloud chamber. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Walker, J. K (1961) The production of charged pions by photons. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Walker, Thomas G (1961) Photoproduction in complex nuclei. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Warbrick, James G (1961) Some observations on the uterus of the rat during the puerperium. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Wardlaw, N. C (1961) Dinantian Rocks of the Ardfinnan-Mitchelstown Syncline, County Tipperary. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Watson, William C (1961) The Control of Blood Lipids. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Weatherley, Alan H (1961) Some effects of high temperatures on the perch Perca fluviatilis (Linnaeus) and their importance in influencing its distribution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Whitelaw, James H (1961) The viscosity of steam at supercritical temperatures and pressures. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Wilson, John Miller (1961) Studies on the Electron Impact Induced Dissociation of Some Organic Compounds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Wood, Alexander (1961) Carbon Isotope Effects in the Decarboxylation of Oxaloacetic Acid. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Wright, Adam Ellis (1961) Studies in pyrolysis: Part 1: Pyrolitic formation of p-diacetylbenzene from vinyl p-acetylbenzoate. Part 2: Pyrolysis of anilino-nitriles and benzoyloxy-nitriles. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Young, John (1961) Parallel-surface thrust bearings at high speeds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]