Items where Year is 1974

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Number of items: 99.


Ahlquist, Eric Fredolin (1974) The production and isolation of mutants of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NCIB 8250. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Ahmed, Mohammed Abou-Ouf Sayed (1974) Recent Foraminifera From the Firth of Clyde. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Al-Mowali, Ali Husain Humood (1974) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Some Complexes of Manganese(VI) and Rhenium(VI). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Allonby, Edward Wilson (1974) Studies on Haemonchus contortus infections in Merino sheep. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Baker, T. M (1974) Equity in transport planning. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Beltagui, Salah A (1974) Aerodynamics and modelling of vane-swirled flames in furnaces. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Bidgood, Anthony Gwyn (1974) Public participation and structure planning. Innovations in British planning. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Black, John D (1974) Photochemistry of Some Metal Carbonyls in Frozen Solvent Glasses. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Blair, David (1974) Life-cycle studies on strigeoid trematodes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Boobis, Alan Raymond (1974) Catecholamines and Hepatic Drug Metabolism. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Borthwick, Neil M (1974) The action of oestradiol-17beta on the RNA polymerases in the uterus of the immature rabbit. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Boyd, John Snodgrass (1974) Patterns of ossification in the feline foetus: A study of the foetal development of the skeleton of the feline using comparative methods. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Brady, Paul Anthony (1974) Autoxidation of 2-Naphthols. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Brown, Jennifer M. (1974) Bonds of manrent in Scotland before 1603. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Burke, Ian Shearer (1974) Electrokinetic and other transport properties of charged membranes under pressure forces : an irreversible thermodynamic analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Cage, Robert A. (1974) The Scottish poor law, 1745-1845. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Carmichael, Ian C (1974) Numerical Studies on Surplus Electrons in Polar Media. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Clark, Barry (1974) Control of the sequential utilisation of some sugars by Escherichia coli ATCC 15224. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Clark, Jean Cantwell (1974) Studies on the development of primordial germ cells in Xenopus laevis. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Colquhoun, Andrew John (1974) Studies of the hormonal regulation of leaf senescence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Cording, Alastair (1974) Twentieth century Scottish drama. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Cunningham, John G. (1974) Friedel Crafts polymers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Cuthbertson, Eric (1974) Synthetic and Conformational Studies of Cyclic Systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Davies, M (1974) The affinity of bacterial polysaccharides for mammalian cell surfaces and its relationship to adjuvant activity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Dickinson, Gordon (1974) A Geographical Study of Machair Vegetation in the Uists. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Dietrich, Ulrich (1974) Church and state in the Free Church of Scotland between 1843 - 1873. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Dodson, Kay Sybil (1974) Ovarian steroidogenesis in normal and infertile women. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Duncan, Iain Murray (1974) The Use of Programmed Learning Materials to Investigate Learning Processes in Difficult Areas in School Chemistry. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Ewan, Bruce C. R (1974) Properties of Trapped Electrons. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Fishwick, Graham (1974) Studies in ruminant nutrition with particular reference to non-protein nitrogen and phosphorus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Fitzpatrick, Margaret Lynne (1974) K-electron capture to positron emission ratios in allowed transitions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Forrest, Ian Simpson (1974) Competitive utilization of glucose and glycerol by Escherichia coli. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Gray, Henry Withers (1974) Dynamic thyroid function studies: Development and application of dynamic test procedures using iodine-131 and technetium-99m for the evaluation of thyroid function. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Gunning, Dennis J (1974) An Evaluation of Practical Work in School Chemistry Courses Up to O-Grade. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Hadi, Rafia Abdul-Majid (1974) Studies on salinity tolerance, growth and extracellular carbohydrate yield in Prasinocladus marinus (Cienk.) Waern. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Hargreaves, Hal Houston (1974) A study of intersubjectivity in the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and its bearing on the issue of transcendence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Harman, Mary Elizabeth (1974) Topics in the Chemistry of Main-Group and Transitional-Metal Fluorides. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Herron, Francis (1974) The operation of local labour markets: With respect to redundancies from Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Limited. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Hinton, George Charles Frederick (1974) Studies on the phytoplankton of the Firth of Clyde. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Hossain, Md. Momtaz (1974) Studies in seed germination in the genus Nicotiana. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Howard, David K. (1974) DNA synthesis in cultured hamster cells and the effect of infection by herpesviruses. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Humphries, Stephen E (1974) The genes for mouse globin and the post-transcriptional control of their expression. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Jarvis, Michael C (1974) Studies on Agriculturally Important Plant Metabolites. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Jones, Graham R (1974) Antigenic analysis of yeast cell-walls as an aid to classification. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Kennedy, William Brian (1974) Synthetic Approaches to Medium and Large Rings. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

King, John (1974) Studies on human serum cholinesterases. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Kinninmont, Thomas Hall (1974) The novels of Wyndham Lewis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Klimes, Ivana (1974) First Psychiatric Attendance in the Context of Life Events. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Laidlaw, Adam Scott (1974) The influence of environment and nutrition on the development of rye-grasses. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Lamb, David R.L (1974) Cost-benefit analysis in urban transport planning. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Lee, Kwang Shiang (1974) A comparative study of certain political attitudes of Scottish and Taiwan students. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Lee, R. (Robin) (1974) Perthes disease in the dog, its incidence, histological, and radiological features, including a discussion of the comparative aspects of the condition in man and the dog. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Lim, Boon Hee (1974) Well-bounded operators. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Linn, William Iain (1974) Aerodynamic behaviour of bridges. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Luk, Kong (1974) Pyrolytic Studies in the Alicyclic Series. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Luther-Davies, Susan (1974) The Urban and Historical Geography of Kirkwall and Stromness, Orkney. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Majmudar, Madhavi (1974) Regional disparities and structural change in an underdeveloped economy: a case study of India. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Mamo, Ephraim D. (1974) Pathophysiological and immunological studies of bovine trypanosomiasis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Maulood, Bahram Khedher (1974) Studies on the phytoplankton of Loch Lomond and of neighbouring lochs north and south of the Highland Boundary Fault. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

McCormick, Kevin (1974) Responsibility and excuses. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

McGillion, Francis B. (1974) A possible role for Δ-aminolaevulinic acid in acute intermittent porphyria. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

McGowan, Angela Rosemary (1974) The measurement of skinfold thickness in newborn infants. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

McIlwaine, Gillian Marjorie (1974) Social and obstetric factors relating to perinatal mortality in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

McKendrick, Joseph James (1974) Molecular Rearrangement and Clathrate Studies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

McLaren, Duncan Muir (1974) A Study in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer With Particular Reference to Christian Spirituality. Master of Theology thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

McLean, Ian S. (1974) Studies in astronomical narrow band spectropolarimetry. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Mian, Salma (1974) Aspects of symbiotic fixation of nitrogen (with special reference to non-leguminous root nodules). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Montgomery, Fiona Ann (1974) Glasgow radicalism 1830-1848. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Morrison, John (1974) A cultural, physical and pathological study of the Western Desert Aborigines of Australia. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Murray, Peter Keith (1974) Aspects of the pathogenesis of trypanosomiasis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Muslim, Abdul Ghafur (1974) The theory of interest in Islamic Law and the effects of the interpretation of this by the Hanafi School up to the end of the Mughal Empire. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Oo, Khin Maung (1974) The design of semi-submersibles for minimum vertical motion. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Orr, Alexander Ferguson (1974) Synthetic Studies on Gibberellins. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Patel, Noshirwan Jehangir (1974) Studies on the anoxic impairment of cerebral respiration. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Pritchard, Norman M. (1974) Worship in the New Testament church - its themes and motifs: an exegetical examination of the New Testament evidence for the practices of the early church in worship. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Reid, James S (1974) The Relationship of Extrinsic Dark Tooth Stains to Dental Caries. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Renucci, Michael Peter (1974) The response of linear systems to non-Gaussian excitation. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Robertson, James Searl (1974) Mammalian Ribosomal Precursor RNA. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Robertson, John (1974) Studies in the Catalytic Properties of Supported Transition Metal Complexes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Rodger, Jean Christine (1974) Echocardiography: A clinical appraisal. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Rullkotter, Bernd (1974) The depiction of the hero in Soviet Russian scientific fantasy: Aspects of alienation in a peripheral genre. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Rushton, Bernard (1974) Studies on the pathology of experimental ovine fascioliasis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Sealey, Jean Elizabeth (1974) The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone hormonal system. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Shenkin, Alan (1974) Homopolymer-rich regions in mammalian DNA. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Slater, Stefan Daniel (1974) The haemolytic complications of prosthetic heart valve replacement. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Stenhouse, Michael John (1974) Artificial Production of 14C From Nuclear Weapon Tests and Its Uptake by Man. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Straiton, Thomas (1974) Thermal Degradation of Some Vinyl Chloride Copolymers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Sulaiman, Waleed R (1974) The effect of drugs upon metabolic changes resulting from various stresses with particular reference to exercise. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Taylor, Alwyn Beresford (1974) The role of financial institutions in the economic development of Sierra Leone. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Tennent, Norman H (1974) Organometallic Complexes of Platinum, Palladium and Mercury. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Thompson, Harold (1974) Contagious respiratory disease in dogs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Thomson, John Alexander (1974) Incorporation of labelled carbohydrates into the soluble thyroid proteins of rat and man. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Vance, John Peden (1974) Studies on canine myocardial blood flow related to anaesthesia: An examination of the effects of changes in blood gas tensions and blood pressure. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Walton, Francis Thomas (1974) Regional development theory and policy: a trans-Atlantic comparison. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Watt, David A. (1974) Analysis-oriented two-level grammars. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Wheeldon, Eric Brian (1974) Chronic bronchitis in the dog. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Wong, Kee-Bun (1974) The structural change of trade and economic development in Sabah, Malaysia. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Wood, William McMaster (1974) DNA polymerases and their role in isolated mouse nuclei. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

Woodhouse, David Innes (1974) Crystal and Molecular Structures of Some Organometallic Compounds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]

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