Items where Subject is "BL Religion"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (133)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (133)
- BL Religion (133)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (133)
Ahmad, Nyla (2019) ‘Good is Not a Thing You Are, it’s a Thing You Do’: An exploration of Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) as an authentic superhero who functions as a retaliation to Muslim stereotypes. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ahumibe, Chukwuma D. (1980) Moral objectivity and religion. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-Gailani, Noorah (2016) The Shrine of ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī in Baghdad & the Shrine of ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Jīlānī in ʿAqra: Mapping the multiple orientations of two Qādirī Sufi shrines in Iraq. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-JaraAllah, Sulaiman Muhammad (1991) The origins of Ḥadīth: a critical appraisal of a Western approach to the subject. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Allison, Anthony (2008) Latin Christian theological and historical perceptions of Islam : 1100-2000. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Allison, Anthony (2013) Love, law, and reason in the thought of Al-Ghazali and Aquinas. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Allison, Irene Mary (2002) Nineteenth century clergymen and issues of faith, doubt and death: A literary review. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Anderson, Nigel (2018) The response of the Free Church of Scotland to the First World War, 1914-1919. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Anderson, Sarah Elizabeth (2011) Writing a material mysticism: H.D., Helene Cixous and divine alterity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Arthur, James Bryson (1994) Revelation and religious pluralism in the theologies of John Macquarrie and Karl Rahner. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Athithan, Vanneya P. (2010) Triumph of pessimism over optimism in Kant & Kierkegaard's response. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bates, Alistair Meredith (2021) The experience of involuntary childlessness in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Berry, Janet Nesta (2006) Transforming rites: the practice of women's ritual making. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bird, Darlene L. (2003) (Extra)Ordinary evenings in New H(e)aven: the religious element in the poetics of Wallace Stevens. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Biswas, Tatini (2024) Jewish-Indian transcultural encounters in the mid-twentieth century. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bojnordi, Abdolreza Javan Jafari (2006) Religion, culture and punishment. Rethinking the sociology of punishment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brown, Callum Graham (1981) Religion and the development of an urban society : Glasgow 1780-1914. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bulkeley, Stephen Gilbert Timothy (1981) The image of God and parental images: a dialogue between theology and psychology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Carswell, W. John (2017) Becoming Christian: redeeming the secular through the ordo of baptism. DPT thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chou, Hsiu-Chin (2008) The problem of faith and the self: the interplay between literary art, apologetics and hermeneutics in C.S. Lewis's religious narratives. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Clarkson, David Andrew (2024) Learning from the Church of Scotland mission initiative ‘Path of Renewal’ about the understanding, experience and practice of Christian discipleship. DPT thesis, University of Glasgow.
Coghill, George M. (2023) A critical analysis of Donald M. MacKay’s contribution to theology and science. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow in partnership with the Edinburgh Theological Seminary.
Coll, Roisin (2008) Nemo dat quod non habet (no one can give what they do not possess): the faith development needs of the authentic and authoritative Catholic teacher. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Connolly-Panagopoulos, Maxinne (2020) The psychology of religion: examining religious conversion among Iranian migrants in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Coyle, Derek (2002) 'Out to an other side':the poetry of Paul Celan and Seamus Heaney and the poetic challenge to post-modern discussions of absence and presence in the context of theological and philosophical conceptions of language and artistic production. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cruickshank, Dan David (2023) The Church of England and the Third Reich: a case study in Church-State relations. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cullen, Mary Josephine (2017) Looking to the future: the development of a new partnership between priests and people in the Catholic Church in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cybulska, Magdalene (2024) Goddesses of pop: Understanding God and Christianity in 21st century female-driven pop music. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Davis, Deryl Andrew (2018) "A Scottish Milton": Robert Pollok and epic theodicy in the Romantic Age. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Davis, Thomas Charles Greig (2023) William Cunningham, historical theologian: Coram Deo, Per Systema, Pro Ecclesia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dawson, Kenneth (2024) Struggles over images: Byzantium and English reformed protestantism. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
De Sondy, Amanullah (2009) Constructions of masculinities in Islamic traditions, societies and cultures, with a specific focus on India and Pakistan between the 18th-21st Century. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dear, Joanne (2023) Artificial intelligence and the Imago Dei in contemporary speculative fiction: a study of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
Della Foresta, Eduardo (2023) The Rusty Nail: representations of homelessness and the aesthetics of suffering. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Denniston, Jane M. (2018) A Kingdom Project. Developing formational supervision: a critical assessment of training offered to supervisors of candidates for ministry within the Church of Scotland. DPT thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dimopoulou, Ekaterina (2001) Human and divine responsibility in archaic Greek poetry. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Drew, Rose (2009) An exploration of Buddhist Christian dual belonging. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dudley, Merle Bland (1973) New Testament preaching and twentieth century communication. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dunbar, Linda Jayne (2020) Towards a covenantal kirk: heeding stories of clergy stress in the Church of Scotland. DPT thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dunster, Ruth M. (2017) Mindfulness of separation: an autistic a-theological hermeneutic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Edwards, Arthur David (1982) An exegesis of Ephesians 2:14-17. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Eggert Stevns, Anne (2018) Metaphysics and ethics in K.E. Løgstrup and Iris Murdoch. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
Erskine, Neil D. A. (2020) Folds, fields, and fauna: A Deleuzo-Guattarian approach to the socialising power of religious experiences in Ancient Near Eastern landscapes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Erskine, Neil D. A. (2017) Religiosity in routine: embedding social meaning in the everyday life of the Iron II Negev. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ferguson, Harvie (1994) Søren Kierkegaard's religious psychology of melancholy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fisk, Anna Elizabeth (2012) ‘The Beauty of the Bones’: A feminist theological engagement with the fiction of Michèle Roberts and Sara Maitland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fromholz, Gregory (2023) Chasing solidarity: a critical engagement with the hosts of American spirituality podcasts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fuller, David John (2014) Homo Eucharisticus: Dom Gregory Dix reshaped. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Giofkou, Dafni (2020) Repetition and the question of temporality in Kierkegaard's authorship. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hagans, Roger Chase (2021) Re-thinking conceptual approaches to modern Islamic terrorism: a genealogy of ISIS and the dynamism of Salafi-Jihadism. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hall, Alaric T.P. (2004) The meanings of elf and elves in medieval England. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hamilton, Alan James (2013) In mitiorem partem: Robert Leighton’s journey towards Episcopacy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Harada, Koji (2010) A study of the origin of Scottish Presbyterianism (1560-1638). MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Harris, Eilidh (2024) Culture, crisis and salvation on the Isle of Lewis. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hauch, Sofie (2013) Reassessing religious experience in a scientific age: early approaches to religious pluralism. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hayes, Eleanor (2022) “You gotta have a con in this land of milk and honey”: exodus, race, and liberative performance in rap, Hip-Hop, and R&B music. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Holdsworth, Lucinda Ann (2023) The use and abuse of Lucifer in contemporary literary culture. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Holmes, Peter John (2001) Karl Barth's social philosophy 1918-1933. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hung, Yung-Ju (2016) The relationship between Christian daughters-in-law and their non-Christian mothers-in-law in Taiwan: a theological and pastoral challenge. DPT thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hussain, Nouman (2023) UK religious studies textbooks and the notion of Jihad: an analysis using the works of Ibn Taymiyyah. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
James, Nicola (2016) Jane Gardam: religious writer. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Khan, Amina Kausar (2017) On becoming naught: reading the doctrine of Fana and Baqa in the Mathnawi of Jalal al-Din Rumi. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kilbride, William George (2000) An archaeology of literacy and the church in southern England to AD 750. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kim, Jung Hoon (1998) The significance of clothing imagery in the Pauline corpus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lambkin, Magdalen (2014) Learning from religious others: the problems and prospects of interreligious hermeneutics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lawrence, Anita (2024) Shh – Don’t mention the Christians! An exploration of the potential role of contemporary children’s literature in the RE classroom. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lee, Hong Jei (1990) The comparative study of the Christology in Latin American liberation theology and Korean Minjung theology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Liu, Shiyin (2020) Deciphering James Legge's 'Confucianism'. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lundie, David Charles Athanasius (2011) The Other in the curriculum : ethnographic case studies on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural dimensions of religious education in sites of value commitment and contestation in the UK. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Macaskill, Donald (1998) The practice of ordained ministry within the contemporary Church of Scotland: Problems of identity, role and function. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Mai, Chih-Yuan (2008) Sacrificial form: the libretti in English 1940-2000. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Martin, Marie (2008) Dwelling among ruins: landscapes in the late 8th century BC Argolic Plain, Greece. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
McAlpine, Robin James (2005) An investigation into practical theology as a dynamic process in the work of the external consultant, and in the development of the missional congregation. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
McClements, Louise Jayne Elizabeth (2025) The importance of Christian ministry to those living with dementia within the church, defining it as a faithful act of mission, an affirmation of personhood and a deep source of abundant blessing. DPT thesis, University of Glasgow.
McDonald, James Joseph (2016) Religion and narrative in the "Metamorphoses" of Apuleius. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
McGee, Philip (2011) An analysis of the major tensions inherent in the Catholic Church’s response to the religious other: From Vatican II and Nostra Aetate to Dominus Iesus. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
McGeoch, Graham Gerald (2015) Liberating Ecumenism: an ecclesiological dialogue with the Final Report of the Special Commission on Orthodox participation in the World Council of Churches. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
McGlynn, Mary E. C. (1999) "The teeth of poisonous dragons" : the dialogue between divine judgement and divine benevolence in the Book of Wisdom. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
McIntosh, John Rattray (1989) The Popular party in the Church of Scotland, 1740-1800. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
McKenzie, Timothy A. (1999) Torn in two: Vocation and wholeness in the poetry of George Herbert, Gerard Manley Hopkins and R.S. Thomas. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
McNabb, Tyler Dalton (2016) Closing Pandora's box: a defence of Alvin Plantinga's epistemology of religious belief. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Mesbahi, Touba (2024) Compatibility of Shi‘a Islamic diplomatic law and modern International diplomatic law. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Mirabello, Mark Linden (1988) Dissent and the Church of Scotland, 1660-1690. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Monson, Jason McLeod (2013) Hunger is the worst disease: conceptions of poverty and poverty relief in Buddhist social ethics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Moore, Gardner Mary (2021) Stoic Pietas in the Aeneid: a study of the poem's ideological appeal and reception. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Muirhead, Andrew Thomas Napier (2023) ‘Reformation, Dissent and Diversity’ & ‘Scottish Presbyterianism Re-established’. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Murray, Martin Anthony (2024) A theological justification for the provision of medically supervised injecting facilities for people who inject illicit drugs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
O'Hagan, Francis (2002) The contribution of the religious orders to education in Glasgow during the period 1847 -1918. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ogden, Marina Gennadjevna (2020) Beyond rational consciousness: On Lev Shestov's Angel of Death. philosophical revelation and created truth. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ogretici, Yusuf Ziya (2021) Bridging theory, experiment, and implications: knowledge and emotion-based musical practices for Religious Education. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Orr, Donald M. (2008) Into His marvellous light. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Otero Guerra, Juan José (2020) The fear of God in Isaiah. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow in partnership with Edinburgh Theological Seminary.
Patsalidou, Ioanna-Maria (2011) Hell: against universalism. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Pattison, Kirsty Laura (2020) Ideas of spiritual ascent and theurgy from the ancients to Ficino and Pico. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Philips, William (1969) The roots of sin: the New Testament view of responsibility for the origin of moral evil. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Phillips, Russell J. (2022) The exception or the rule? Historical survey and analytical breakdown of Constantinople’s missionary work 398-1453. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Pickens, Bradley J. (2005) The emergence of an American, capitalist ecclesiology in the independent Christian churches: an analysis of how the Stone-Campbell restoration movement created a new theological tradition based on Scottish common sense philosophy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Prabhakar, Rakshith (2022) James Hadow (1667-1747): Defender of Orthodoxy? A Comparative Study. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow in partnership with Edinburgh Theological Seminary.
Pritchard, Norman M. (1974) Worship in the New Testament church - its themes and motifs: an exegetical examination of the New Testament evidence for the practices of the early church in worship. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Reddy, Kathleen (2024) Cleachdaidhean creideimh nan Gàidheal Caitligeach sna h-Eileanan Siar mu dheas bho dheireadh na 19mh linn gus an latha an-diugh. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Reid, Jessica (2016) Devotional reading and dissolving the self: a critical reading of the late medieval Scottish Legendary using Kristevan theory. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Robertson, Scott (2008) Henry Fielding : literary and theological misplacement. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Saavedra Corrada, Maria M. (2022) The Virgin of Altagracia in the Intra Caribbean migration context; An intersectional study of migration and lived religion of Dominico Puerto Rican women. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Sarg, Cristin M. (2017) Scottish-Jewish 'madness'?: An examination of Jewish admissions to the royal asylums of Edinburgh and Glasgow, c.1870-1939. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Schlesinger, Dan R. (2016) Did Origen teach reincarnation? A response to neo-Gnostic theories of Christian reincarnation with particular reference to Origen and to the Second Council of Constantinople (553). MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Schmidt, Jochen (2006) "Constructive destruction" as response to suffering. Prolegomena to a "concept" of salutary disaster on the crossroad of philosophy, philosophy of religion and literature. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Shaffer, Cameron (2018) The Lord's Supper as covenant seal, from the Westminster Assembly through Princeton Seminary. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Shin, Hyun Soo (1997) The reconciliation of the world in the theology of W. Pannenberg. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Singgih, Emanuel Gerrit (1982) The concept of creation in prophetic tradition from Amos to Deutero Isaiah. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Smith, Kevin (2020) Erich Fromm's 'The Art of Loving': An existential, psychodynamic, and theological critique. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Smith, Kevin (2016) The art of integration? Psychology and religion in the work of Thomas Merton. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
Starr, Jean Elizabeth Florence (1993) Ideal models and the reality: from Cofradia to Mayordomia in the Valles Centrales of Oaxaca, Mexico. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Strømmen, H.M. (2014) The ends of (hu)man: following Jacques Derrida's animal question into the biblical archive. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Stuart, Penelope J. (2004) A search for 'sacred bodies': re-visioning and re-valuing women's bodies. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Tabalujan, Benny Simon (2020) Improving church governance: Lessons from governance failures in different church polities. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Templeton, Douglas Alan (1967) A critique of some aspects of Kerygma as understood by Rudolph Bultmann and Charles Harold Dodd: Kerygma and its presuppositions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Thompson, Nicholas James (2000) Eucharistic sacrifice and the patristic tradition in the theology of Martin Bucer, 1534-1546. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Tofighi, Fatima (2014) The portraits of the apostle: Paul of Tarsus and the rise of modern Europe. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Tracey, Stephen John (2016) Joseph McKeen and the soul of Bowdoin College: an analysis of the chapel sermons of Rev. Joseph McKeen, first president of Bowdoin College, as they relate to his call to serve the common good. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Trotter, Stephen Richard (2019) Leavening society: the role of religious organisations in integration processes in Norway. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Tshenkeng, Pule Isaac Drake (1984) A critical survey of the literature of Black theology in Southern Africa. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Umaru, Thaddeus Byimui (2013) Toward Christian-Muslim dialogue and peace-building activities in Northern Nigeria: theological reflection. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Van Andel, Kelly (2009) The geography of sinfulness: mapping Calvinist subjectiving between word and image. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
West, David Reid (1990) Some cults of Greek goddesses and female daemons of oriental origin: especially in relation to the mythology of goddesses and demons in the Semitic world. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Whaley, Kristine (2021) Wounded Images: Revisioning the Imago Dei through a reading of Jean Rhys’ interwar novels. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Wong, Yan Jenny (2015) The translatability of the religious dimension in Shakespeare from page to stage, from West to East: with reference to The Merchant of Venice in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Woolsey, Andrew Alexander (1988) Unity and continuity in covenantal thought : a study in the reformed tradition to the Westminster Assembly. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Wright, Nigel Goring (1987) Karl Barth and evangelicalism: a study of the relationship between Karl Barth and the evangelical tradition with particular reference to the concept of "nothingness". MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Wyatt, Nicolas (1976) The relationship of Yahweh and El: a study of two cults and their related mythology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Younger, Stephen (2018) Religious observance and spiritual development within Scotland's 'Curriculum for Excellence'. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Youngmevittaya, Wanpat (2021) Rawlsian secularism: A critique. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
van Eyk, John (2019) "O Blessed and Thrice Glorious Lord Jesus": Thomas Goodwin (1600-1680) and the threefold glory of the second person of the Trinity. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ó Tuama, Pádraig (2023) Kitchen hymns. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.