Items where Subject is "P Philology. Linguistics"

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Agazzoni, Debora (2017) Syntax and style in Alberto Arbasino's early works (1957-1963). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ahvensalmi, Juulia Kirsikka (2013) Reading the manuscript page: the use of supra-textual devices in the Middle English Trotula-manuscripts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Al-Asiri, Ebtehal Ali (2023) Intra-ethnic variation in the English spoken by Iraqi Arabs in London and Glasgow: a sociophonetic study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Al-Bustan, Suad Ahmed (1993) Quality and efficiency factors in translation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Al-Khafaji, Abdur-Rasul (1972) Description and contrastive analysis of tense and time in English and Arabic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alexander, Marc Gabriel (2006) Cognitive-linguistic manipulation and persuasion in Agatha Christie. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alexander, Marc Gabriel (2011) Meaning construction in popular science : an investigation into cognitive, digital, and empirical approaches to discourse reification. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alsuwayhiri, Meshari Muthyib (2024) The use of translation in English for specific academic purposes classes in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alymova, Elizaveta (2022) Cross-cultural lacunarity and translation techniques: a corpus-based study of English, Russian and Spanish. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alzahrani, Eman Abdulrahman (2023) The function of code-switching in EFL Saudi classrooms. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Anderson, Anthony (1983) Semantic and social-pragmatic aspects of meaning in task-oriented dialogue. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Anderson, Emma Jane (2014) The South Harris machair: sources and settlements. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Archer, Gemma (2018) Pronunciation models in regional environments: a comparison and assessment of RP and SSE. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bianchin, Ruggero (2020) William Dunbar’s Tretis in Romance translations: a textual analysis. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Birkett, Elenor Marjory (1984) A comparative study of the effects of the Makaton Vocabulary and a language stimulation programme on the communication abilities of mentally handicapped adults. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Blanksma, Amber (2024) The Orpheus complex: Understanding cinema through Maurice Blanchot. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Boehme, Julia (2011) The Macaronic technique in the English language in texts from the Old English, medieval and early modern periods (9th to 18th centuries): a collection and discussion. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bohan, Jason Thomas (2008) Depth of processing and semantic anomalies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Boughenout, Kamilia M. (2023) The good, the bad, and the bloody. Conceptualisations of menstruation across genders and languages. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Boussalhi, Abdelfattah (1991) The sociolinguistics of learning: attitudinal patterns and implications (a case study of Moroccan diglossia). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bouzidi, Hassan (1989) Language attitudes and their implications for education: Morocco as a case study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bramwell, Ellen Sage (2012) Naming in society: a cross-cultural study of five communities in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bressendorff, Kirsteen (2012) From vikings to valley girls: A sociolinguistic study of non-native use of quotative be like and discourse markers like and just. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Burns, Alison (2015) Field-names of North-East Scotland: a socio-onomastic study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Butler, James Odelle (2013) Name, place, and emotional space: themed semantics in literary onomastic research. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Carty, Nicola (2015) Slighean gu fileantas: an exploratory study of the nature of proficiency in adult L2 Scottish Gaelic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cassels, James R.T. (1980) Language and thinking in science: some investigations with multiple choice questions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chapman, Eleanor (2024) Towards a reparative geography of the mother tongue. Multiculturalism, migration and minoritised languages in the Outer Hebrides. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chase, Thomas J.P. (1983) A diachronic semantic classification of the English religious lexis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chaudhary, Mohammad Akram (1985) al-Furūq fī al-lughah by Abū Hilāl al-ʻAskarī : a thesaurus for distinctions of meaning between assumed synonyms in Arabic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chien, Shou-Chun (2018) Attitudes towards varieties of English by non-native and native speakers: A comparative view from Taiwan and the UK. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Colla, Chloe (2023) Life in the Fells: names in a nineteenth-century Cumberland landscape. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Crook, Alice Louise (2016) Personal naming practices in early modern Scotland: a comparative study of eleven parishes, 1680-1839. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cuthbertson, Katherine M.E. (2018) The use of name evidence in lexicography: comparative analysis of onomastic data for historical and contemporary Scots. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dahroj, Fawaz Ahmad (1998) The effect of modern linguistics on Arabic literary criticism: the stylistic approach and its application to Arabic poetry. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Digan, Laura (2011) Aspects of vocabulary in selected Old English riddles. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Drummond, Peter John (2014) An analysis of toponyms and toponymic patterns in eight parishes of the upper Kelvin basin. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dunlop, Leonie Mhari (2016) Breaking old and new ground: a comparative study of coastal and inland naming in Berwickshire. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dunlop, Leonie Mhari (2012) Manuscript layout as evidence for word prototypicality in Old English, with particular reference to onomastic items. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

El-Isa, Sameer (1982) A study of dynamic features in Irta:hi spoken Arabic with particular reference to stress, rhythm and intonation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Eyjolfsdottir, Elin Ingibjorg (2012) The Bórama: the poetry and the hagiography in the Book of Leinster. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fahssi, Elias Alexander (2014) Marking the medieval: the textual afterlives of Middle English texts. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Felekidou, Despoina (2014) The use of metaphors in Nelson Mandela's autobiography and their relation to his social roles. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ferguson, Heather Jane (2008) Comprehending counterfactuals. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Finlayson, Natalie Eloise (2022) Making and evaluating topic word lists for intermediate learners of English and German: A corpus and cognitive semantic approach. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fisher, Flora (2011) A study of late eighteenth century linguistic, cultural and philosophical attitudes in Britain : with a focus on the lexicographical work of Captain Francis Grose. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fletcher, Rachel Ann (2021) Pushing the boundary: the periodisation problem in dictionaries of Old English. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fletcher, Rachel Ann (2017) William Somner’s Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum: method, function and legacy. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Forey, Gail (2002) Aspects of theme and their role in workplace texts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fronek, Josef (1978) Thematic meaning and translation: functional sentence perspective and its relevance for contrastive language. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Futro, Dobrochna (2023) Translanguaging art: multilingual practices of contemporary artists and their implications for language pedagogy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Germinario, Renato (2015) A linguistic analysis of Gestalt psychotherapy discourse. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

González Blanco, Marta Isabel (2018) An edition of the Middle English translation of the Antidotarium Nicolai. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goundry, Katrin (2016) Regional variation and change in the history of English strong verbs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hamilton, Rachael Louise (2016) Colour in English: from metonymy to metaphor. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hannaford, Ewan David (2021) Interpreting illness and the mental/physical health divide: A corpus linguistic investigation of illness representations in the UK and US press (1995-2017). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hannaford, Ewan David (2017) The press and public on mental health: a corpus linguistic analysis of UK newspaper coverage of mental illness (1995-2014), compared with the UK National Attitudes to Mental Illness survey. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harris-Logan, Stuart A. (2007) Nuair a bha Gaidhlig aig na h-eoin : an investigation into the art and artifice of avifaunal mimesis as a mode of artistic expression in Gaelic oral culture from the seventeenth century to the present. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Head, George (1997) Studies in the language, palaeography and codicology of MS Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Advocates' 19.2.2. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hinde, Amber Rebecca (2024) The rhetoric of food reform in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Britain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hlaing, Olivia Eishwezin (2016) "Secretary in Fashion" and "Love-Letters": a study of socio-cultural and pragmatic-linguistic features in the late 17th century English language. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Holmes-Elliott, Sophie Elizabeth Margaret (2015) London calling: assessing the spread of metropolitan features in the southeast. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Izdebska, Daria Wiktoria (2015) Semantic field of ANGER in Old English. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jardim, Carolina Reolon (2018) Investigating the lexicographical needs of Brazilian learners of English: a user study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kikusawa, Namiko (2017) The subjunctive mood in Late Middle English adverbial clauses: the interaction of form and function. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Koristashevskaya, Elina (2021) Meaning in poetry: semantic annotation of verse with the Historical Thesaurus of English. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kristensen-McLachlan, Ross Deans (2020) Rhetorical effects in illness writing: a coherence-based approach. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lawson, Eleanor (2002) Studies in the dialect and palaeographical materials of the medieval West Country. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lawson, Robert (2009) Sociolinguistic constructions of identity among adolescent males in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Legeny, Viola (2018) Idioms in Scots. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Leitner, Magdalena (2015) Conflicts in early modern Scottish letters and law-courts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lennon, Robert (2017) Experience and learning in cross-dialect perception: Derhoticised /r/ in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mac Leòid, Aonghas U. G. (2012) Innis-na-Fìrinne: Dòmhnull Mac-na-Ceàrdaich (1885-1932) agus a obair fhoillsichte. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacBean, Lorna (2013) A documentary edition of Alexander Craig's 'Pilgrime and Hermite,' 1631: print and manuscript culture across the Union of Crowns. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacMahon, Michael Kenneth Cowan (1981) Approaches to an understanding of aphasia: neurolinguistic studies in the British Isles, 1793-1894. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mackay, Francesca L. (2016) Reading Pitscottie's Cronicles: a case study on the history of literacy in Scotland, 1575-1814. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mackay, Francesca L. (2012) The development of reading practices: as represented in the textual afterlife of Nicholas Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mackenzie, Colin Peter (2014) Vernacular psychologies in Old Norse-Icelandic and Old English. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marcus, Imogen Julia (2012) An investigation into the language and letters of Bess of Hardwick (c. 1527-1608). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marshall, Edward Joseph (2024) Do choirs have accents? A sociophonetic investigation of choral sound. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marszalek, Agnes (2016) Beyond amusement: language and emotion in narrative comedy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marszalek, Agnes (2012) Humorous worlds: a cognitive stylistic approach to the creation of humour in comic narratives. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Maxwell, Felicity Lyn (2014) Household words: textualising social relations in the correspondence of Bess of Hardwick's servants, c. 1550-1590. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mayr, Andrea (2000) Language as a means of social control and resistance: discourse analysis in a prison setting. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCarthy, Owen (2012) A sociophonetic study of the realization of word-final velar plosives by female pupils in a Glasgow high school. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McClelland, Lauren Shaw (2013) Studies in pre-Reformation Carthusian vernacular manuscripts: the cases of Dom William Mede and Dom Stephen Dodesham of Sheen. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCumber, Vanessa Marie (2014) Punctuation and the ‘Well-formed Sentence’ in the afterlife of the King James Bible. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McLachlan, Ross Deans (2015) Syntax, spaces, and story: discourse modes and cognitive grammar. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McNiven, Peter Edward (2011) Gaelic place-names and the social history of Gaelic speakers in medieval Menteith. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McNulty, Erin (2024) “Cre’n sorçh dy Ghaelg t’ou loayrt nish?”: The intersection of ideologies and morphosyntactic variation in new speakers of Manx Gaelic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mohr, Sibylle (2012) The neurocognition of linguistic conflict resolution: evidence from brain oscillations, ERPs, and source modelling. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mooney, Annabelle Nell (2001) Terms of use and abuse: the recruiting rhetoric of cults. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Moreno, Julia Beatrice (2020) The social stratification of clicks in English interaction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mouhoubi, Rabirha (1997) A comparative study of a minority language for teaching purposes : Kabyl Tamazight as a case study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Myers, Sara Mae (2009) The evolution of the genitive noun phrase in early Middle English. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Nance, Claire (2013) Phonetic variation, sound change, and identity in Scottish Gaelic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

NicLeòid, Ciorstaidh (2013) Briathrachas an iasgaich ann an Eilean Bharraigh. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

NicLeóid, Linda (2012) Baird agus bana-bhaird a' Bhaile Shear thairis air an 19mh linn agus an 20mh linn: orain is dain neo-fhoillsichte agus an co-theacsa. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Noblet, Michele Anne (2008) The applicability of the O'Connor and Arnold model of English intonation to the analysis of Luxembourgish intonation. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ollikainen, Iiris Karoliina (2020) Authority in Early English medical writing (1375-1700): a corpus linguistic study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ower, Cerwyss Ann (1996) A diachronic investigation of the semantic field 'death'. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

O’Hara, Emily Willow (2024) Simply filling a gap? Investigating the formation of social perceptions of fillers as a type of brief non-lexical vocalisation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Parnell-Mooney, James (2019) Tran/s/gender: assessing the effects of the social construction of gender on speech: a focus on transgender /s/ realisations. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pearce, Joe (2020) Exploring the contribution of voice quality to the perception of gender in Scottish English. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pearce, Joe (2024) Social meaning in Scottish voices: A sociophonetic investigation of voice quality combining auditory-perceptual, acoustic, and qualitative approaches. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rae, Emily M. (2021) A comparison of decorative features in the Ælfrician textual tradition. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ramaeba, Goabilwe Nnanishie (2019) A comparative study of linguistic and social aspects of personal names in Botswana and Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rambaran-Olm, Mary Rosanna (2012) John's Prayer: an edition, literary analysis and commentary. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reay, I. E. (1991) A lexical analysis of metaphor and phonaestheme. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reilly, Colin (2019) Language in Malawian universities: an investigation into language use and language attitudes amongst students and staff. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rhys, Guto (2015) Approaching the Pictish language: historiography, early evidence and the question of Pritenic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Robertson, Duncan (2015) Implicit cognition and the social evaluation of speech. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Roger, Geoffrey (2011) 'Les cent nouvelles nouvelles': A linguistic study of MS Glasgow Hunter 252. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ryan, Sadie Durkacz (2018) Language, migration and identity at school: a sociolinguistic study with Polish adolescents in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sanauddin, Noor (2015) Proverbs and patriarchy: analysis of linguistic sexism and gender relations among the Pashtuns of Pakistan. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Schmitt, Melanie (2009) Studies in second fronting. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Scott, Jade (2017) The letters of Lady Anne Percy, countess of Northumberland (1536-91): gender, exile and early modern cultures of correspondence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Scott, Diane Gillies (2015) Silent reading and the medieval text: the development of reading practices in the early prints of William Langland and John Lydgate. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Scott, Diane Gillies (2011) A socio-historical study of the treatment and reception of John Lydgate in Early Modern print culture. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Shagmani, Abulgasem Muftah (2002) The structure of Libyan Arabic discourse as depicted in two Arabic intwerviews [sic] recorded by the Libyan Jiha<d Studies Centre in Tripoli. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Shaktawat, Divyanshi (2023) Backward transfer of Glaswegian English on Indian English and Hindi: a case of simultaneous bilingual and bidialectal contact and interaction in Indian immigrants in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Shaver, Joel A. (2011) Metaphors of travel in the language of hymns: 1650–1800. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Smith-Christmas, Cassie (2012) I've lost it here dè a bh' agam: Language shift, maintenance, and code-switching in a bilingual family. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Solanki, Vijay James (2017) Brains in dialogue: investigating accommodation in live conversational speech for both speech and EEG data. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Steele, Mary Helen (1992) Paragraph structure and translation: the theory and practice of paragraph and other high level structures in English and Russian narrative and the effect of the translation process upon these structures. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Storrie, Gareth Lewis (2022) The Black Experience in 1960s Czechoslovak Cinema. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Subiabre Ubilla, Paulina Beatriz (2015) A phonetic variationist study on Chilean speakers of English as a foreign language. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Szpotanski, Daniel Edward (2023) Sarcastic irony as a facework device in the parliamentary discourse of the UK House of Commons. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Takenouchi, Yoko (2015) Formal variation and semantic change in the Middle English demonstratives. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Teixeira Moláns, Paula (2024) Galician colour semantics: An investigation of basic colour terms. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Thompson, Dominic (2012) Getting at the passive: Functions of passive-types in English. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Thomson, Clare Louise (2019) A real-time study of sound change in inner-city Dublin-English over five decades. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Thuillier, Manon Gwendoline Morgane (2024) ‘Yn ych iaith ych un’: the afterlives of two early Anglo-Welsh poems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Thuillier, Manon Gwendoline Morgane (2019) The Welsh Hymn to the Virgin: contexts and reception. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tripornchaisak, Natthaphon (2023) Navigating between systems and opening doors of opportunities: Thai‒English interpreters’ experiences. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tuomala, Ina (2018) The perfect hybrid: interaction and integration in Cath Maige Tuired. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Uings, David John (2008) Mind, meaning and miscommunication. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Van Renterghem, Aya (2014) The Anglo-Saxon runic poem: a critical reassessment. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Vickery, Zachary Adam (2024) Volition and mood in the LXX-Psalms. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Vogel, Molly (2016) Florilegium. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Warth-Szczyglowska, Magdalena Malgorzata (2014) Colour and semantic change: a corpus-based comparison of English green and Polish zielony. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Westerberg, Fabienne Elina (2020) Heavens, what a sound! The acoustics and articulation of Swedish Viby-i. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

White, Jonathan Barry (2024) Digital ventriloquism: Practices of vocal resistance and self emancipation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

White, Thomas (2012) Artifact as text: the layout of Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Whyte, Alasdair C. (2017) Settlement-names and society: analysis of the medieval districts of Forsa and Moloros in the parish of Torosay, Mull. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Whyte, Christopher (1991) William Livingston/Uilleam Macdhunleibhe (1808-70): a survey of his poetry and prose. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Williams, Graham Trevor (2009) Pragmatic readings of the letters of Joan and Maria Thynne, 1575-1611 with diplomatic transcriptions of their correspondence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Yadomi, Hiroshi (2019) Language, identity and community: A sociolinguistic analysis of language practice of early modern English preachers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Zhao, Yunlong (2015) An exploration of the potential approaches to lexis-focused College English teaching and learning in the 2007 curriculum: implications for teachers. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

de Blieck, Edgar (2004) The Cent nouvelles nouvelles, text and context: literature and history at the court of Burgundy in the fifteenth century. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

de Lorenzo, Victoria (2024) Connecting threads: The transnational textile trade between nineteenth-century Britain and the Spanish-speaking world. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

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