Items where Subject is "HM Sociology"

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Abdul Rahim, Syafiqah (2020) Cultural, historical and policy influences on youth activism in Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Allan, Robert (2024) “A Question of Value?” Mapping and measuring the Scottish music industries. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alnaser, Fatimah Abdulameer (2018) Youth transitions and social change in Kuwait: tensions between tradition and modernity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Amin, Aizan Sofia (2014) Disability and gender in the global South: the lived experiences of disabled women in Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Anderson, Grant (2019) Non-conforming gender geographies: a longitudinal account of gender queerness in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Anderson, Sarah Elizabeth (2019) Punishing trauma: narratives, desistance and recovery. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Armstrong, Kenneth A. (2010) Governing social inclusion: Europeanization through policy coordination. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Atkinson, Colin (2013) Beyond cop culture: the cultural challenge of civilian intelligence analysis in Scottish policing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Badenhoop, Sophie Elisabeth (2018) Calling for the super citizen: contemporary naturalisation procedures in the United Kingdom and Germany. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bakare, Ganiyu Olalekan (2024) Urban renewal and the livelihoods of the urban poor in the slum community of Makoko, Lagos Nigeria. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Barrett, Simon (2020) Parenting practices across generations: a mixed methods study of vulnerable mothers’ parenting practices and understandings – to complement THRIVE. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Batchelor, Susan Ann (2006) 'Prove me the bam!' Victimisation and agency in the lives of the young women who commit violent offences. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Beesley, Anna Ruth (2018) 'They don't yet know that life is going to be hell': Tracing distress through the UK asylum process. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bell, Nancy M (2008) Young people at residential school: rights, communications and 'complaints'. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Benske, Karla H (2008) Loyalty - bounden duty or liberating challenge? An enquiry into issues of loyalty in a selection of novels by Stuart Hood, James Kennaway and Allan Massie. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Benski, Tova (1976) Inter-ethnic relations in a Glasgow suburb. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bhandari, Kalyan (2012) The role of tourism in the expression of nationalism in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bilsland, Karen (2018) Labour process theory, retail work and the production of space. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Birkeland, Mairianna (1999) Politics and society of Glasgow 1680-1740. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Birks, Jennifer (2009) Newspaper campaigns, publics and politics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bivens, Rena K. (2008) New media and journalism: implications for autonomous practice within traditional constraints. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Blackburn, Matthew (2018) National identity, nationalist discourse and the imagined nation in post-Soviet Russia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bosire, Obara Tom (2012) The Bondo secret society: female circumcision and the Sierra Leonean state. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Boukhemis, Kaddour (1983) Algerian development and urbanisation : a case study of Skikda. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Boydell, Nicola (2015) Personal communities and safer sex: a qualitative study of young gay and bisexual men in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bradby, Hannah (1996) Cultural strategies of young women of South Asian origin in Glasgow, with special reference to health. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brown, Callum Graham (1981) Religion and the development of an urban society : Glasgow 1780-1914. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brown, Stuart Duncan (2008) The subversion of sympathy in British social realism: uses of laughter in the cinematic representation of the British working-class. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brunner, Richard (2015) Surviving, thriving and being outside: applying the capabilities approach to reconceptualise the social justice experiences of people with mental distress. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Burnett, Andrew (2008) A critical discourse analysis of the new management discourse of virtual organisation. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Burns, Andrew Patrick (2020) Journeys through homelessness: an ethnographic investigation into the lived experiences of homelessness in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cairns, Nigel (1981) Environmental perception, public participation and urban planning in the London borough of Camden. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chandler, Alex Steven (2021) Testing the limits of the ‘hard man’ in film: masculinity and male health behaviour in Scotland’s public health films 1934-2000. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chaplin, Brian Douglas (2010) Health and wellbeing in an island community where urban style deprivation and traditional rural values interact. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cheskin, Ammon Matthias (2013) Identity, memory, temporality and discourse: the evolving discursive positions of Latvia's Russian-speakers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Christine, Lyle (2014) Processes of recovery from problem gambling: a qualitative exploration. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Christofidou, Andria (2017) Men in dance: undoing gender, challenging heterosexual hegemony and the limits of transgression. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Clark, Edward David (1978) Theorising organisational power and politics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Clover, Anna Mary MacDonald (2023) Femininity at work: Female platforms workers and PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Compston, James Desmond (2004) Representing the city: Glasgow City of Architecture and Design 1999 in context. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Conway, Jacqueline Anne (2015) Relational leadership as meaningful co-action. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Corliss, Cindy L. (2017) The established and the outsiders: cyberbullying as an exclusionary process. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cornish, Neil Antony (2022) Vulnerability, decision-making and the protection of prisoners in Scotland and England. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cramer, Helen (2002) Engendering homelessness: an ethnographic study of homeless practices in a post-industrial city. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cullingworth, Jane (2020) Democratic governance through intermediary bodies: a case study of third sector interfaces in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Curtice, Lisa (2010) Lessons for inclusive citizenship? Difference, disability and rights in the lives of people with learning disabilities who have high support needs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cuthbert, Karen Lilian Kathleen (2017) Gender without sex(uality)? Exploring the relationship between gender and sexuality at the empirical sites of asexuality and sexual abstinence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Daoudi, Omar (2018) YouTube-based programming and the Saudi youth: exploring the economic, political and cultural context of YouTube in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Davituri, Sopio (2023) Gender inequality and women's negotiation of public and private spaces in contemporary Georgia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Deacon, Kirsty Evonne (2019) Families - inside prison and out: young people's experiences of having a family member in prison. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Demirbas, Gokben (2018) Women's leisure in urban Turkey: a comparative neighbourhood study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dendrinos, Panayis (2008) Contemporary Greek male homosexualities : Greek gay men's experiences of the family, the military and the LGBT movement. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Desmond, Nicola Ann (2009) ‘Ni kubahatisha tu!’-‘It’s just a game of chance!’ Adaptation and resignation to perceived risks in rural Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Di Prodi, Paolo (2012) Artificial societies and information theory: modelling of sub system formation based on Luhmann's autopoietic theory. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Docherty, Charles (1988) Migration, ethnicity, occupation and residence in contrasting West of Scotland settlements: the case of the Vale of Leven and Dumbarton:1861-1891. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Docherty, Iain Wilson (1998) Making tracks: the politics of local rail transport in Merseyside and Strathclyde, 1986-96. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Docherty, Stevie (2018) (In)security in the mainstream: media and the 2011 English riots. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dodds, Joshua Christopher (2020) Instant architecture: A socio-political history of performance in 1960s Los Angeles. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Donald, Pauline Sarah Moore (2011) "Lessons will be learned"?: an investigation into the representation of 'asylum seekers'/refugees in British and Scottish television and impacts on beliefs and behaviours in local communities. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Duarte, Renato S. (1979) Migration and urban poverty in northeast Brazil. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Duffy, Seán (2019) Meaningful transitions: how education shapes young working class individuals’ perceptions of work in austerity Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Durkin, Kieran (2013) The radical humanism of Erich Fromm: a re-appropriation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Duru, Edward K. (2006) The liberal welfare state and the politics of pension reform: a comparative analysis of Canada and the United Kingdom. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Eadie, William Payne (1989) The sociology of an artistic movement: art nouveau in Glasgow, 1890-1914. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Eiweida, Ahmed (2000) The institutionalisation of urban upgrading processes and community participation in Egypt. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Eldridge, Alison (2015) Photography and sociology: an exercise in serendipity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Eski, Yarin (2015) The port securityscape: an ethnography. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Farrell, Catherine (2012) Asylum narratives and credibility assessments: an ethnographic study of the asylum appeal process in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ferrie, Joanna M. (2008) The impact of the Disability Discrimination Act Part 4 on Scottish schools. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ferriter, Meghan M. (2011) Changing the game? Gender, ethnicity, and age in mediated professional sport. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fielder, Sarah J. (1986) Low cost home ownership in Glasgow: an analysis of recent housing policy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Figueroa, Ricardo Armando (1984) The model of society in Lewis Grassic Gibbon's writings. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Filipova, Marta (2009) The construction of national identity in the historiography of Czech art. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Flood Page, Mike (2015) The development of BBC on-demand strategy 2003-2007: the Public Value Test and the iPlayer. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Forbes, Emma Elizabeth (2019) Perception and reality: an exploration of domestic abuse victims' experiences of the criminal justice process in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Foster, Rebecca Gillian (2017) Half in/half out: exploring the experiences of the families of prisoners in a Scottish prison visitors' centre. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fotopoulou, Maria (2012) Families and drug use in Greece. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fowler, Bridget (1995) Pierre Bourdieu's sociology of culture: critical investigations. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fraser, Alistair David (2010) Growing through gangs: young people, identity and social change in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Frisby, David Patrick (1978) The alienated mind: the emergence of the sociology of knowledge in Germany, 1918-33. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gangneux, Justine (2018) Mediated young adulthood: social network sites in the neoliberal era. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gerogiannis, George (2023) Network and school variations in adolescents’ health behaviour and educational attainment: a multilevel analysis of US data. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Geue, Claudia (2012) Population ageing in Scotland - implications for healthcare expenditure. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gibson, Marcia (2006) Social exclusion and ICT: barriers and incentives to digital inclusion. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gillespie, Kerry (2023) ‘With this face, can I take up space in the world?’: Embodied geographies of facial difference. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gilmour, Alison Julia (2010) Examining the ‘hard-boiled bunch’: work culture and industrial relations at the Linwood car plant, c. 1963-1981. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goldie, Paul (2019) ‘Finding’ the Female Irish Catholic Diaspora: a qualitative investigation of the experiences of women in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gondek, Meggan Merrill (2003) Mapping sculpture and power: symbolic wealth in early medieval Scotland, 6th-11th centuries AD. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gourlay, Glen Scott (2006) Neighbourhood stigma and social exclusion: the case of two Scottish peripheral estates. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gray, David Kirkness (1993) Counterurbanisation and perceptions of quality of life in rural Scotland: a postmodern framework. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Green, Michael J. (2014) Socioeconomic position as a common cause for smoking, drinking, and psychiatric distress over the transition to adulthood. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Greenwood, Sharon Margaret (2018) ‘I try hard not to blame my dad’: a sociological interpretation of the ‘problem’ with parental problem substance use. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Guma, Taulant (2015) Everyday negotiations of in/securities and risks: an ethnographic study amongst Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gurney, Sarah (2010) Gender, work-life balance and health amongst women and men in administrative, manual and technical jobs in a single organisation: a qualitative study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hadi, Aulia (2023) Football fan culture, mediatisation and identity in Indonesia: a case study of supporters of Persib Bandung. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hamilton, Anne (2015) A world of their own? The novel and the total institution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hammond, Matthew H. (2005) A prosopographical analysis of society in East Central Scotland, circa 1100 to 1260, with special reference to ethnicity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harper, Helen (2004) The role of research in policy development: school sex education policy in Scotland since devolution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harris, Scarlet (2020) Islamophobia and anti-racism in two British cities: place, theory and practice. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hartley, Jane Elizabeth Katherine (2011) Do media portrayals of drinking and sexual/romantic relationships shape teenagers' constructions of gendered identities? PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harvey, Dominique (2006) Behaving badly : psychiatric and sociological perspectives on young people with 'conduct disorder'. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

He, Ling (2023) Combining sandwich care with work: Interviews with Chinese young working sandwich caregivers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

He, Sijin (2023) Corporate social responsibility in higher education: concept, content, improvement. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Heindrichs, Tracy Isabelle Lucia Maria (2019) (Re)branding Tokyo: coexisting views of Tokyo in the Tokyo 2020 audiovisual advertising campaign. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hellmer, Erich Frank (2019) Perti/enencia and public space: a politics of relevance, ownership and belonging in the historic/traditional center of Bogotá, Colombia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Helms, Gesa (2003) Towards safe city centres? : remaking the spaces of an old-industrial city. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hernandez Velasco, Carlos Roberto (2014) The role of land tenure in housing the urban poor in Mexico. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hollinshead, Ailsa Marion (2002) The production and reception of discourses concerning religion in fictional broadcasting. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Holton, Simon James (2023) Producing performance collectively in austere times (UK 2008-2018). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Holz, Ceecee (2012) The public spheres of climate change advocacy networks: an ethnography of Climate Action Network International within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hsieh, Bor-Ming (2002) Housing tenure choice in Scotland: an empirical study of the 1996 Scottish house condition survey. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hughes, Nicholas David (2011) Living with cancer in old age : a qualitative systematic review and a narrative inquiry. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Humphrey, Rhi Harvey (2021) “We are finding our voice is so unheard that it’s being erased by these bigger voices”: Investigating relationships between trans and intersex activists in Australia, Malta and the UK. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hush, Gordon James (2009) The socio-spatial construction of consumption: a historical and contemporary analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hussin, Rosazman (2006) Ecotourism development and local community participation: case studies of Batu Puteh and Sukau village in Lower Kinabatangan area of Sabah, Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hörmann, Raphael (2007) Authoring the revolution, 1819-1848/49: radical German and English literature and the shift from political to social revolution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Inglis, Sheila M.C. (1993) Inabstinent women: the drunken threat. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ivashinenko, Nina (2019) Heritage language preservation, social networking and transnational activities: a study of Russian complementary schools in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jankowski, Krzysztof Z. (2023) The nature of work in/security: surfing precarious work in London’s contingent economy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jeffrey, Barbara (1995) Community participation in decentralising local government. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jha, Munmun (1996) A study of human rights organizations and issues in India. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jones, Colin Howard (2018) What factors contribute to success and failure in the First Year at Medical School? Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kane, Jean Ewart (2007) School exclusions and pupil identities. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kasengele, Kalonde Mwango (2011) Do social comparisons matter in relation to health and wellbeing? PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kashoob, Hassan S. (1995) Cultural translation problems with special reference to English/Arabic advertisements. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Keenan, Marilyn Agnew (2008) Including young people: exploring citizenship and participation in areas of urban regeneration. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kennedy, Catherine Ann (1998) Welfare and health: Systems in tension. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kidd, Maureen A. (2016) 'Expanding Horizons': investigating the Glasgow 2014 legacy for young people in the East End of Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kim, Woo-Jin (1995) Economic growth, low income and housing in S. Korea. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kim, Yong Chan (2006) Migration system establishment and Korean immigrant association development in Germany and the United Kingdom. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kohner, Zara Ruby Danielle (2016) Shadows of militarism: an ethnography of trauma and resistance among soldiers and veterans in post-9/11 USA. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kyle, Deborah (2019) An empirical analysis of conviction patterns, change over the life-course and external influences in relation to sexual offending behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lambe, Andrea (2023) The social construction of intimate-partner femicide in the Cypriot news media: a critical gender-frame analysis. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lambert, Mary Grace (Meg) (2019) Inherited violence: examining museum and academic relationships with the West African illicit antiquities trade in a post-colonial era. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lee, I-Ling (2010) Self-destructive behaviour among Taiwanese young people. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Li, Huahua (2025) The role of sensory stimuli in urban tourism experience construction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Li, Yue (2014) Oriental mysteries, Occidental dreams? Perception, experience and cultural reinterpretation in contemporary cross-cultural contexts - A comparative analysis between China and the West. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Liinpää, Minna (2018) Nationalism from above and below: Interrogating 'race', 'ethnicity' and belonging in post-devolutionary Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lin, Yihua (2024) Anti-poverty practice in Chinese rural setting: First Secretary as the “engine” of social change. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Littlejohn, Gary (1981) Class structure and production relations in the U.S.S.R. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lloyd, Michael (2015) Can’t leave, won’t leave. A study of households’ responses to housing stress in a pressured area. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lonie, Douglas Iain (2009) Musical identities and health over the youth-adult transition. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lotfi, Sedigheh (1998) Development and urbanisation: the case study of Amol and Mazandaran province, Iran. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacKenzie, Anna (2020) Towards capabilities and desistance? Scottish prisoners’ experiences of education. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacKinnon, Donna (2005) Becoming an adult in rural Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacLean, F. Alice (2006) 'Rules' for the boys, 'guidelines' for the girls: a qualitative study of the factors influencing gender differences in symptom reporting during childhood and adolescence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacLeod, Alan (2017) Bad news from Venezuela. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Macgregor, Aisha (2019) The paradox of care and control: experiences of community based compulsory treatment orders in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Macpherson, Suzi (2003) Comparing area based and thematic social inclusion partnerships: a focus on young people. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Macrae, Eilidh H.R. (2013) 'Get fit - keep fit'? Exercise in the female life-cycle in Scotland, 1930-1970. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mahlouly, Dounia (2015) Alienation of the revolution: how connectivity affects the sustainability of counter-discourse in post-revolutionary Tunisia and Egypt. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Makita, Meiko (2012) Ageing experiences of old Mexican women. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Markovic, Ana (2020) Oscar Wilde's queer afterlives: sexuality in post- and neo-Victorian Wildeana. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Martens, Lydia (1994) A comparative study of the gender composition of work forces in Britain and the Netherlands, 1940-1990 : with special reference to banking. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Martin, Margaret Scott (2004) Factors determining the formation of e-mail communities in a university class. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Matheson, Malcolm C. (1976) Housing associations in Glasgow: a study of the role of housing associations and societies in the housing tenure structure of Glasgow. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Maxwell, Karen J. (2018) Fatherhood in the context of social disadvantage: Constructions of fatherhood and attitudes towards parenting interventions of disadvantaged men in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mayr, Andrea (2000) Language as a means of social control and resistance: discourse analysis in a prison setting. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McBride, Maureen (2018) Rethinking sectarianism: a qualitative exploration of the meanings and experiences of football supporters in the West of Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCleave, Peter Richard (2003) John Reeves Ellerman: entrepreneur or empire builder? MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McFarland, E.W. (1986) The Loyal Orange Institution in Scotland, 1799 to 1900. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGallagly, James Joseph (2009) Understanding serious organised crime: the view of law enforcement personnel in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGeever, Brendan Francis (2015) The Bolshevik confrontation with antisemitism in the Russian Revolution, 1917-1919. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGeoch, Graham Gerald (2015) Liberating Ecumenism: an ecclesiological dialogue with the Final Report of the Special Commission on Orthodox participation in the World Council of Churches. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGuinness, Paul (2014) Room for reparation? An ethnographic study into the implementation of the Community Payback Order in a Scottish Criminal Justice Social Work Office. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McNeish, Wallace (1999) The anti-roads protest movement in nineties Britain: A sociological interpretation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Meek, Jeffrey MacGregor (2011) Gay and bisexual men, self-perception and identity in Scotland, 1940 to 1980. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Miller, David (1994) The struggle over, and impact of, media portrayals of Northern Ireland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Milne, Leslie (1979) Peripheral estate decline and planning : a critical analysis of housing policy in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Minelli, Francesca (2018) Communitarian water providers in peri-urban areas: the case of Cochabamba water cooperatives. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mitchell, Margaret (1991) Recovery from personal injury. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mokrovich, Jason Theodore (2005) On a discursive conversation between queer theory and sociology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Molosi, Keneilwe (2015) The world of development as experienced and perceived by the San through the RADP: the case of Khwee and Sehunong settlements. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Monson, Jason McLeod (2013) Hunger is the worst disease: conceptions of poverty and poverty relief in Buddhist social ethics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morgan, Sylvia (2017) Constructing identities, reclaiming subjectivities, reconstructing selves: an interpretative study of transgender practices in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morrison, Alexander (1985) Rural settlement in the Scottish Highlands, 1750-1850: a comparative study of Lochtayside and Assynt. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mullen, Ashli (2022) When racialising discourses acquire material force: a micro-study of racialised capitalism at the margins. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Munro, Kay (2004) Nothing left to chance? Development of elite sport policy in Scotland, 1999-2003. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Murdoch, Linda Elizabeth (2024) An analysis of the practitioner response to student mental health and wellbeing in Higher Education, through a case study of university careers advisers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Murray, Justina E. (1999) Exploring empowerment: A new conceptual framework for the study of emprowerment in practice. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Nance, Claire (2013) Phonetic variation, sound change, and identity in Scottish Gaelic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Neary, Joanne (2015) Changing contexts: young people's experiences of growing up in regeneration areas of Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Oberli, Carlos (2019) The contribution of hospitality vocational education and training towards forming critical citizens. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Odiagbe, Sylvester Azamosa (2012) Industrial conflict in Nigerian universities : a case study of the disputes between the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Oltean, Ioana Adina (2004) Later prehistoric and Roman rural settlement and land-use in western Transylvania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pang, Mengxi (2018) Exploring ‘mixed-race’ identities in Scotland through a familial lens. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Paton, Kirsteen (2010) The hidden injuries and hidden rewards of urban restructuring on working-class communities: a case study of gentrification in Partick, Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Peng, Yun (2021) The role of gender in Chinese esports culture: an empirical research of women's participation in esports in China. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Penney, Jessica (2023) “The future is blurry”: The (hydro)power relations of the Muskrat Falls Project. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Petersen, Helge (2022) Racism, crisis, and confrontation – political struggles over racist violence and state racism in Britain, 1958-1999. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Phuntungpoom, Anurat (2021) The Red‐Shirt‐sided underground movements in Thai politics: resistant operations towards the Mysterious Land. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Piacentini, Teresa (2012) Solidarity and struggle: an ethnography of the associational lives of African asylum seekers and refugees in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Porteous, Holly (2014) Reading femininity, beauty and consumption in Russian women's magazines. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pourhashemi, Philippe (2005) Travelling light : an investigation into the relationship between professional environments, language(s) and readings of cultural difference in graduates' narratives of working life abroad. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ptolomey, Amanda Megan (2024) Disabled girls: doing, being, becoming. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Qu, Yuanyuan (2017) Breaking down the barriers and developing a new mode of citizenship: A sociological analysis of internet use by disabled people in China. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Quinn, A. A. (2010) 30 Years of Bad News: The Glasgow University Media Group and the intellectual history of media and cultural studies, 1975-2005. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ramsay, Gordon N. (2011) The evolution of election coverage on British television news, 1979-2005. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rana, Kumud (2020) Transnational resources and LGBTI+ activism in Nepal. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Razali, Mahani (2006) A study of the effects of computer use on the social interaction behaviour of Malaysian children in the pre-school classroom. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Regelmann, Ada-Charlotte (2012) Social integration processes in Estonia and Slovakia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reid, Catherine (2024) Getting In: understandings of potential, talent and ability, and access to HE for Scottish young people from areas of high deprivation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reid, Annabella Arnot (1931) The illegitimate infant : an account of an investigation regarding the lives and circumstances of illegitimate children and their parents in the central division of the city of Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reith, Gerda (1996) Homo Aleator: a sociological study of gambling in western society. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Runciman, Carin Ferris (2012) Mobilisation and insurgent citizenship of the Anti-Privatisation Forum, South Africa: An ethnographic study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Russell, Cairistiona (2021) Audience negotiations and receptions of BBC and Al Jazeera English coverage of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sadaf, Lubaba (2012) Marital violence against Pakistani women in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Salgado Munoz, Manuel (2019) Origins of permanent revolution theory: the formation of Marxism as a tradition (1865-1895) and 'the first Trotsky'. Introductory dimensions. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sanauddin, Noor (2015) Proverbs and patriarchy: analysis of linguistic sexism and gender relations among the Pashtuns of Pakistan. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Saunders, Kristina (2019) Relational reproduction: exploring women's reproductive decision making in the context of individualization, neoliberalism, and postfeminism. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Saunderson, Ian P. (2013) HIV/AIDS at a South African University: Investigating the role of Walter Sisulu University's prevention role players and student behaviour at the Institute for Advanced Tooling. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Scanlan, John (2001) Valuing disorder: perspectives on radical contingency in modern society. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Schlesinger, Anthony (1998) The regeneration of peripheral council estates - a case study in Sunderland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Simona, Simona Joseph (2020) Structural violence and maternal healthcare utilisation in sub-Saharan Africa: A Bayesian multilevel analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Siraj, Asifa (2006) The Islamic concepts of masculinity and femininity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Siu, Etyang Godfrey (2013) Dividuality, masculine respectability and reputation: exploring the link between men's uptake of HIV treatment and their masculinity in rural eastern Uganda. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Smith, Emily Rose Elizabeth (2010) Bothered enough to change? A qualitative investigation of recalled adolescent experiences of obesity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Smith, Mathew Arjuna (2016) Africans in Scotland: heterogeneity and sensitivities to HIV. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Song, Yue (2018) Children of migrant workers in urban high schools: an analysis of the dual role of education. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Speirs, Jennifer (2017) How do LGBTQ+ youth build liveable lives? MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Starr, Jean Elizabeth Florence (1993) Ideal models and the reality: from Cofradia to Mayordomia in the Valles Centrales of Oaxaca, Mexico. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Stella, Francesca (2009) Lesbian identities and everyday space in contemporary urban Russia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Stephen, Dawn Eunice (1998) Understanding context, agency and process in the health of homeless young women in Glasgow: a qualitative study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Stewart, Hilary Jane (2016) Towards a Bourdieusian analysis of the disabled body and practice: embodying negative symbolic capitals and the uneasy experience of hysteresis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Stewart, Steven Jamieson (2021) Physical recreation and muscular Christianity in Glaswegian churches, 1865-1929. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sweeney, Brian J. (2003) Mainstreaming disability on Radio 4. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sweenie, Sandra (2009) 'NEETS': perceptions and aspirations of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow.

Taylor, Avril (1991) Needlework: the career of the female intravenous drug user. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Taylor, Molly (2012) Problem drug use and fatherhood. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Thoreson, Jonas (2025) The structural transformation of the public sphere in Scotland: print culture, class conflict, and opinion formation, c.1850-1920s. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tiripelli, Giuliana (2013) Announcing peace and framing conflict. The role of the media in challenging the status quo of Israeli-Palestinian relations and the 1993 Peace Accord. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Trotter, Stephen Richard (2019) Leavening society: the role of religious organisations in integration processes in Norway. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Trottier, Michelle (2023) Structure, agency and modalities in the employability development of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tsitsiou, Zaphiro (2020) The Social Constitution of Europe in the National Courts: The Case of Cyprus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Tsitsou, Lito (2012) A historical and relational study of ballet and contemporary dance in Greece and the UK. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Uflewska, Agnieszka Katarzyna (2018) From nowhere to now-here: online and offline belonging identity negotiations of millennial Poles in Glasgow, Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Usman, David Jacob (2019) Public perceptions of trust in the police in Abuja, Nigeria. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Velasquez Valenzuela, Javier (2018) Doing justice: sentencing practices in Scottish sheriff courts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wahaj, Zujaja (2013) The lives of HIV-infected women living in Pakistan. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Walker, Moira M.S. (2004) Critical times: a critical realist approach to understanding services for looked after children and young people. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Walters, Hannah (2020) ‘I can breathe, finally’: pasts, presents and (imagined) futures of working-class young women and girls engaged in beauty education. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wang, Yahong (2020) Vegetarians in modern Beijing: food, identity and body techniques in everyday experience. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wardle, Heather (2015) Female gambling behaviour: a case study of realist description. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Weirich, Christine Acosta (2019) Situational crime prevention of antiquities trafficking: a crime script analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Williams, Victoria Angharad (2012) Talking about food: exploring attitudes towards food, health and obesity with adults with learning disabilities. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Williamson, Lisa Margaret (2008) Contraceptive careers: young women's choices, influences and risks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wilson, Ben Robert Lamb (2019) Scotland, Malawi and the post-development critique: an analysis of power and equality in international development. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Winzler, Tim (2019) Habits of the heart: a sketch of a Bourdieusian theory of study selection using the example of German economics students. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wiseman, Phillippa Janet Grace (2014) Reconciling the ‘Private’ and ‘Public’: disabled young people’s experiences of everyday embodied citizenship. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Wolfsteller, René (2018) The British Human Rights Regime: between universalism and parliamentary sovereignty. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Xie, Jia (2017) The pursuit of freedom and its risks: the dreams and dilemmas of young Chinese backpackers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Young, Karen (2020) Where is the person in personalisation? Experiences of people with learning disabilities and their families in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Yu, Dingming (2022) The ideology of the Chinese Communist Party behind climate change coverage- a framing analysis of People's Daily. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Yu, Yun (2017) Church participation as intercultural encounter in the experiences of Chinese international students in the UK. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Yuill, Richard Alexander (2004) Male age-discrepant intergenerational sexualities and relationships. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Zieleniec, Andrzej Jan Leon (2002) Park spaces: leisure, culture and modernity - a Glasgow case study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

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