Items where Subject is "DA Great Britain"

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Abdullayev, Rafig (2024) Governmentality in British and Russian Higher Education. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Agnew, Julian Marcus (2009) The impact of Irish nationalism on central Scotland, 1898-1939. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Aliaga-Kelly, Christopher John (1986) The Anglo-Saxon occupation of South-East Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Anderson, Emma Jane (2014) The South Harris machair: sources and settlements. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Annesley, Eustace (1991) The response of the Church of Scotland and The United Free Church of Scotland to the First World War. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Armstrong, Bruce (1994) Wha's like us ? Racism and racialisation in the imagination of nineteenth century Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Arnaud, Jamie Romaric (2022) Famine, relief and resistance: reassessing reactions to Central Board operations in the Highlands and Northern Isles, 1847-50. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Austin, Angela (2017) Forgotten children: Scotland's colonial child servants, 1680 - 1760. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.


Bailey, Lucy Ann (2024) Walter Fawkes, 1769 – 1825 Patron of the Arts. In two volumes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Barclay, Katie E (2008) I rest your loving obedient wife: marital relationships in Scotland 1650-1850. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Barnes, Jamie (2019) Of Warriors and Beasts: The Hogbacks and Hammerhead Crosses of Viking Age Strathclyde and Northumbria. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Barrett, James Harold (1995) "Few know an earl in fishing clothes": Fish middens and the economy of the viking age and late norse earldoms of Orkney and Caithness, Northern Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bartlett, Niall Somhairle Finlayson (2014) The First World War and the 20th century in the history of Gaelic Scotland: a preliminary analysis. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Beals, Melodee Helene (2009) Perceptions of emigration in southern Scotland, c1770 - c1830. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bell, Falko (2014) Wissen ist menschlich. Der Stellenwert der Human Intelligence in der britischen Kriegsführung 1939–1945. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow and the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)..

Bibby, Miriam Ann (2022) From myth to global market place: a cultural history of the Galloway nag. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bingham, Robert LeBaron (1973) The Glasgow Emancipation Society 1833-76. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Birkeland, Mairianna (1999) Politics and society of Glasgow 1680-1740. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Blackwell, Alice (2018) A reassessment of the Anglo-Saxon artefacts from Scotland: material interactions and identities in early medieval northern Britain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bohlmann, Julia (2016) Regulating and mediating the social role of cinema in Scotland, 1896-1933. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bowie, Karin (2004) Scottish public opinion and the making of the Union of 1707. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brennan, Brian (2019) A history of the Kennedy Earls of Cassillis before 1576. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Briant, Emma Louise (2011) ‘Special relationships’ : the negotiation of an Anglo-American propaganda ‘War on Terror’. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brown, Ian (2018) History as Theatrical Metaphor: History, Myth and National Identities in Modern Scottish Drama. DLitt thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brown, Jennifer M. (1974) Bonds of manrent in Scotland before 1603. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brown, Keith M. (1983) The extent and nature of feuding in Scotland, 1573-1625. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bujokova, Eliska (2024) ‘Knitting together all Parts of the Vast Structure of Society’: care work, philanthropy and urban welfare in Scotland, c 1720 c 1840. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Burns, Paul (2024) Arran’s missing megaliths. A search for Arran’s archaeology before modernity. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Butler, Meagan Lee (2014) "Husbands without wives, and wives without husbands": divorce and separation in Scotland, c. 1830-1890. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Callaghan, Angela (2013) The ceiling of Skelmorlie aisle: a narrative articulated in paint. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cameron, Anne Marie (2003) From ritual to regulation? The development of midwifery in Glasgow and the West of Scotland, c.1740-1840. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cameron, James M. (1971) A study of the factors that assisted and directed Scottish emigration to Upper Canada, 1815-1855. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Carr, Rosalind (2008) Gender, national identity and political agency in eighteenth-century Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Carrigan, Daniel (2014) Patrick Dollan (1885-1963) and the labour movement in Glasgow. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cawley, Felicity Roseanne Joy (2018) The effects of parental marital status and family form on experiences of childhood in Twentieth Century Scotland, c. 1920 – 1970. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cheadle, Tanya (2014) Realizing a 'more than earthly paradise of love': Scotland's sexual progressives, 1880-1914. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cheng, Rachel K. (2016) “Something radically wrong somewhere”: the kindred of the Kibbo Kift, 1920-1932. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Clark, Duane E. (2014) A pious and sensible politeness: forgotten contributions of George Jardine and Sir William Hamilton to 19th century American intellectual development. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Clements, Joanna (2009) Music in Scotland before the mid-ninth century: an interdisciplinary approach. MMus(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Clyde, Robert Donald (1990) The rehabilitation of the Highlander, 1745-1830 : changing visions of Gaeldom. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Coleman, James Joseph (2005) The double-life of the Scottish past: discourses of commemoration in nineteenth-century Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Connelly, Hannah Victoria (2017) Ground-breaking: community heritage on Glasgow's allotments. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cooper, Samuel (1973) John Wheatley: a study in labour history. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cormack, William S. (1930) An economic history of shipbuilding and marine engineering. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cowen, Beth (2024) A British King-in-waiting? James VI of Scotland, Anglo-Scottish relations and the English succession, c. 1586-1603. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Crawford, Ross Mackenzie (2016) Warfare in the West Highlands and Isles of Scotland, c. 1544-1615. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cross, Hayley (2016) Gender, class and the household economy in Scotland in the ‘Age of affluence’. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cruickshank, Dan (2019) Parliament and prayer book: the theology and ecclesiology behind the Prayer Book Crisis. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cruickshank, Dan David (2023) The Church of England and the Third Reich: a case study in Church-State relations. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Daleziou, Eleftheria (2002) Britain and the Greek-Turkish war and settlement of 1919-1923: the pursuit of security by "proxy" in Western Asia Minor. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dallachy, Fraser James (2013) A study of the manuscript contexts of Benedict Burgh's Middle English 'Distichs of Cato'. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Davis, Thomas Charles Greig (2023) William Cunningham, historical theologian: Coram Deo, Per Systema, Pro Ecclesia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Deans, Alexander Eden Atkinson (2015) Labouring bodies, feeling minds: intellectual improvement and Scottish writing, 1759-1828. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Delaporta, Eleftheria (2003) The role of Britain in Greek politics and military operations 1947-1952. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Desportes, Juliette (2024) Geographies of improvement: the Annexed Estates, 1752-1784. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Doak, Laura Isobel (2020) On street and scaffold: the people and political culture in Restoration Scotland, c.1678-1685. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Doroszenko, Rebekah (2015) Improvement and the Scottish rural estate: Sir Archibald Grant at Monymusk, 1715-1778. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Duchemin-Pelletier, Maelle Jessica (2017) Stillbirth: medicalisation and social change, 1901-1992, with special reference to Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dunn, Francis Gerard (2022) A. J. Cronin’s career and fiction with specific reference The Citadel and the context of the foundation of the National Health Service. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Duthie, John Lowe (1976) The role of pressure groups in the formulation of British Central Asian policy, 1856-1881. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

de Lorenzo, Victoria (2024) Connecting threads: The transnational textile trade between nineteenth-century Britain and the Spanish-speaking world. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Evemalm, Sofia (2018) Theory and practice in the coining and transmission of place-names: a study of the Norse and Gaelic anthropo-toponyms of Lewis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Fenyo, Krisztina (1996) Contempt, sympathy and romance': lowland perceptions of the Highlands and the clearances during the famine years, 1845-1855. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ferguson, Angus H. (2005) Should a doctor tell? : medical confidentiality in interwar England and Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ferguson, William (1957) Electoral law and procedure in eighteenth and early nineteenth century Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fertig, Anne R. (2015) Authentic fictions and aesthetic histories: the problem of The Poems of Ossian in the writing of Scottish history, 1760-1814. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fitch, Audrey-Beth (1994) The search for salvation: lay faith in Scotland, 1480-1560. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Flaherty, Emily Grace (2017) The Women's Liberation Movement in Britain, 1968-1984: locality and organisation in feminist politics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fordham, Joshua Peter (2022) Refining the headquarters: an analysis of army operational and tactical level command and control. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Forsyth, Emma Scott (2001) The romantic image: the culture, heritage and iconography of Scotland in the nineteenth century. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Foster, Sally M. (1989) Aspects of the late Atlantic Iron Age. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Franklin, George Dunford (2001) British anti submarine tactics 1926-1940. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fraser, Shannon Marguerite. (1996) Physical, social and intellectual landscapes in the Neolithic: contextualizing Scottish and Irish Megalithic architecture. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Freeman, Mark David (1999) Social investigation in rural England, 1870-1914. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Gardiner, Susan (2017) Answering Ackerknecht: infection control practice in Scottish hospitals in the early 'antibiotic era', 1928-1970. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gellera, Giovanni (2012) Natural philosophy in the graduation theses of the Scottish universities in the first half of the seventeenth century. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gibbs, Ewan (2016) Deindustrialisation and industrial communities: the Lanarkshire coalfields c.1947-1983. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gibson, Martin William (2012) British strategy and oil, 1914-1923. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gillon, Benjamin Thomas (2009) The triumph of pragmatic imperialism: Lord Minto and the defence of the Empire, 1898-1910. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gilmour, Alison Julia (2010) Examining the ‘hard-boiled bunch’: work culture and industrial relations at the Linwood car plant, c. 1963-1981. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goatman, Paul (2018) Re-formed by Kirk and Crown: urban politics and civic society in Glasgow during the reign of James VI, c.1585-1625. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gondek, Meggan Merrill (2003) Mapping sculpture and power: symbolic wealth in early medieval Scotland, 6th-11th centuries AD. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goodman, Matthew (2018) From 'magnetic fever' to 'magnetical insanity': historical geographies of British terrestrial magnetic research, 1833-1857. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goulet Paterson, Olivia Blythe (2023) ‘Againste the Invasion and Incourse of Scottes in tyme of warre’: An examination of motivations behind fortified building in Northumberland, 1296-1415. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gray, Catriona Anna (2013) The bishopric of Brechin and church organisation in Angus and the Mearns in the central Middle Ages. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gray, Nathan Philip (2011) ‘A publick benefite to the nation': the charitable and religious origins of the SSPCK, 1690-1715. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Greig, Lorne Cameron George (1996) Court politics and government in England 1509-1515. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Halbert, Jade (2018) 'Marion Donaldson' and the business of British fashion, 1966-1999. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hamilton, Alan James (2013) In mitiorem partem: Robert Leighton’s journey towards Episcopacy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hamilton, Elsa Catherine (2003) The acts of the Earls of Dunbar relating to Scotland c.1124-c.1289 : a study of Lordship in Scotland in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hammond, Matthew H. (2005) A prosopographical analysis of society in East Central Scotland, circa 1100 to 1260, with special reference to ethnicity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harada, Koji (2010) A study of the origin of Scottish Presbyterianism (1560-1638). MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harding, Jack (2021) The role of historical experiences in determining cultural preferences for domestic military deployments in Britain and France. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hepburn, William Rendall (2013) The household of James IV, 1488-1513. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hildebrandt, Ruth Nancy (1980) Migration and economic change in the northern Highlands during the nineteenth century, with particular reference to the period 1851-1891. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Holder, Julie (2021) Collecting the nation: Scottish history, patriotism and antiquarianism after Scott (1832-91). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hsiao, Chihyin (2019) Owning China: the material life of London tradesmen 1700-1750. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Innes, Sìm Roy (2011) Cràbhachd do Mhoire Òigh air a’ Ghàidhealtachd sna meadhan-aoisean anmoch, le aire shònraichte do Leabhar Deadhan Lios Mòir. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Isherwood, Ian Andrew (2012) The greater war: British memorial literature, 1918-1939. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Jacobs, Emma Katherine Mary (2017) Independent men: radical manhood during the English Revolution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

James Robertson, Charlotte Josephine (2024) ‘Working in Between’: Women’s Aid and networks of anti-domestic abuse activism in the UK, 1971-1996. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jamison, Brian P. (2004) Scotland and the Trident system, 1979-1999. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jenkins, Paul D. (2010) Mysticism, reason and the shape of early Enlightenment Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jezierski, Rachael A. (2011) The Glasgow Emancipation Society and the American Anti-Slavery Movement. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Johnson, Catherine Estelle (2020) A comparative study of portable inscribed objects from Britain and Ireland, c. 400-1100 AD. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Karasarinis, Markos (2001) Spectres of the past : a comparative study of the role of historiography and cultural memory in the development of nationalism in modern Scotland and Greece. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Karhapää, Henna Veera (2016) Graphic satire and the rise and fall of the First British Empire: political prints from the Seven Years' War to the Treaty of Paris, c. 1756-1783. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kearney, James (2013) 'Masks of revelation': Literary personae and the expression of identity in the writings of James VI and Alexander Montgomerie. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kelly, Jamie J. (2020) The Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge: education, language & governance in the British State and Empire, c.1690–c.1735. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kelly, Jamie John (2015) The pulpit and the poet: Presbyterian, Episcopalian and Gaelic cosmologies in Scotland, 1689-c.1746. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kernberg, Thomas (1990) The Polish community in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kerr, Andrew Thomas (2009) The significance of the Wigtownshire Hearth Tax lists. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kerr-Peterson, Miles (2016) Politics and protestant Lordship in North East Scotland during the reign of James VI: The life of George Keith, fourth Earl Marischal, 1554-1623. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kilbride, William George (2000) An archaeology of literacy and the church in southern England to AD 750. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kilpi, Hanna Ilona (2015) Non-comital women of twelfth-century England: a charter based analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Lafferty, Allan GM (2008) 'A Machinery for the moral elevation of a town population': Church Extension in Glasgow, 1800-1843. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Leeper Jr., Matthew Jon (2020) Henry II and the Church in his continental territories: expression and recognition of authority in the Angevin Empire. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lichtenstein, Aileen (2022) “Bier, Tabak, und Räsonnieren”: the Transnational German Anarchist Movement in London, New York City, and Berlin (1878-1914). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lind, Andrew (2020) ‘Bad and Evill Patriotts’? – Royalism in Scotland during the British Civil Wars, c.1638-1651. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Livingston, Alistair (2009) The Galloway Levellers: a study of the origins, events and consequences of their actions. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow (Dumfries Campus).

Lodge, Christine (1996) The clearers and the cleared: women, economy and land in the Scottish Highlands 1800-1900. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lynch, Charlie (2019) Scotland and the sexual revolution c. 1957-1975: religion, intimacy and popular culture. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


MacAilpein, Tòmas (2017) Cultar agus an comann-sòisealta ann an Ìle, mu 1890 gu 1960. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacDonald, Isobel Caroline (2019) Sir William Burrell (1861-1958): the man and the collector. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacDonald, Janet C. (2010) Iona's local associations in Argyll and the Isles, c1203-c1575. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacInnes, Allan Iain (1987) The origin and organization of the covenanting movement during the reign of Charles I, 1625-41: with a particular reference to the West of Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacIntyre, Duncan (1990) Images of Germany: a theory-based approach to the classification, analysis, and critique of British attitudes towards Germany, 1890-1940. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacKenzie, Niall Gordon (2008) Chucking buns across the fence? Governmental planning and regeneration projects in the Scottish Highland economy, 1945-82. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacLeod, Alan S (2006) 'A great reforming Home Secretary?' A re-evaluation of the home secretaryship of R. A. Butler, January 1957-July 1962. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

MacLeod, Anne Margaret (2006) The idea of antiquity in visual images of the Highlands and Islands c.1700-1880. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Maciver, Ruairidh Iain (2018) The Gaelic Poet and the British military experience, 1756-1856. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mackay, Francesca L. (2016) Reading Pitscottie's Cronicles: a case study on the history of literacy in Scotland, 1575-1814. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mackenzie, Angus (2013) West of Scotland industrial and commercial elites and their social, political and economic influence in the inter-war years. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mackillop, Andrew (1995) Military recruiting in the Scottish Highalnds 1739-1815: the political, social and economic context. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Macleod, Catriona Macdonald (2015) Women, work and enterprise in Glasgow, c.1740-1830. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Macrae, Eilidh H.R. (2013) 'Get fit - keep fit'? Exercise in the female life-cycle in Scotland, 1930-1970. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Madden, Craig (1975) The finances of the Scottish crown in the later Middle Ages. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Maldonado Ramírez, Adrián D. (2011) Christianity and burial in late Iron Age Scotland, AD 400-650. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Malecka, Joanna (2017) The ethics, aesthetics and politics of Thomas Carlyle’s 'French Revolution'. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marritt, Stephen Peter (2002) The bishops of King Stephen's reign. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marrs, Clifford James (1995) The 1859 religious revival in Scotland: a review and critique of the movement with particular reference to the city of Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marsden, Richard (2011) Cosmo Innes and the sources of Scottish History c. 1825-1875. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mason, Rebecca Sheila (2019) 'With Hir Gudis and Geir': married women negotiating the law of property in the courts of seventeenth-century Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Maxwell, Christopher Luke (2014) The dispersal of the Hamilton Palace collection. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Maxwell, Felicity Lyn (2014) Household words: textualising social relations in the correspondence of Bess of Hardwick's servants, c. 1550-1590. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McAdams, Rachel (2009) Learning to breathe: the history of newborn resuscitation, 1929 to 1970. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McBurney, Stephen (2018) Colour cinema in Scotland, 1896-1906: the materiality of colour and its social contexts in Aberdeen, Inverness and Edinburgh. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCabe Allan, Morgana Elizabeth (2016) The difference of Being in the early modern world: a relational-material approach to life in Scotland in the period of the witch trials. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCallum, Sandra (2014) Secondary education and parental choice in enlightenment Glasgow: A case study of the Moore family, with particular reference to the extended tour abroad of (Sir) John Moore with his father Dr Moore (1772-76). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McClelland, Lauren Shaw (2013) Studies in pre-Reformation Carthusian vernacular manuscripts: the cases of Dom William Mede and Dom Stephen Dodesham of Sheen. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCormack, Helen (2010) A collector of the fine arts in eighteenth-century Britain: Dr William Hunter (1718-1783). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCormack, Victoria Anne (2022) An interdisciplinary study of the ecclesiastical centre of Abernethy before the early thirteenth century. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.

McDonald, Eilidh (2022) Mary of Guise: examining the female Scottish correspondence of the woman with ‘a hart of warre’. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

McDougall, Jamie Murdoch (2018) Covenants and Covenanters in Scotland 1638–1679. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McDowall, Colin John (2017) Personalities, politics and power: the British Chiefs of Staff Committee in the Phoney War, 1939-1940. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McDowell, Matthew Lynn (2010) The origins, patronage and culture of association football in the west of Scotland, c. 1865-1902. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McFadden, Yvonne (2016) Creating a modern home: homeowners in post-war suburban Glasgow, 1945-1975. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McFarland, E.W. (1986) The Loyal Orange Institution in Scotland, 1799 to 1900. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McFaulds, John (1980) Forfarshire landowners and their estates, 1660-1690. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGuire, Dorothy Ellen (2012) Go West for a Wife: Family Farming in West Central Scotland 1850-1930. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McKeever, Gerard Lee (2014) Enlightened fictions and the romantic nation: aesthetics of improvement in long-eighteenth-century Scottish writing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McLay, Keith Andrew John (2003) Combined operations: British naval and military co-operation in the wars of 1688-1713. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McLean, Murray Andrew (2020) Marrying into modernity: a social and cultural history of weddings in Scotland, c.1930-2018. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McLean, Ralph R. (2009) Rhetoric and literary criticism in the early Scottish Enlightenment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McMillan, Christopher (2016) The Scots in Ireland: culture, colonialism and memory, 1315-1826. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McNamara, Carolyn Jeanette (2021) Tracing the Community of Comgall across the North Channel: an interdisciplinary investigation of Early Medieval monasteries at Bangor, Applecross, Lismore, and Tiree. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McNeill, Peter G. B. (1960) The jurisdiction of the Scottish Privy Council, 1532-1708. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McNiven, Peter Edward (2011) Gaelic place-names and the social history of Gaelic speakers in medieval Menteith. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McNutt, Ryan Keefe (2014) Finding forgotten fields: a theoretical and methodological framework for historic landscape reconstruction and predictive modelling of battlefield locations in Scotland, 1296-1650. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McWilliams, Philip Edward (1995) Paisley Abbey and its remains. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Miller, Christopher William (2015) Planning and profits: the political economy of private naval armaments manufacture and supply organisation in Britain, 1918-41. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mirabello, Mark Linden (1988) Dissent and the Church of Scotland, 1660-1690. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mitchell, Douglas (2020) 'That important branch of rural science': historical geographies of lime burning in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mol, Janneke Susanne (2010) The scribal fingerprint: a graphetic analysis of MS Glasow University Library Hunter 83. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Montgomery, Fiona Ann (1974) Glasgow radicalism 1830-1848. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morgan, Sylvia (2010) The crisis of capitalism in interwar Glasgow and its realistic representation. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morley, Nicholas (2000) British-colonial privateering in the War of the Spanish Succession, 1702-1713. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morris, Michael (2013) Atlantic Archipelagos: A Cultural History of Scotland, the Caribbean and the Atlantic World, c.1740-1833. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morrison, Hazel Margaret Catherine (2014) Unearthing the ‘clinical encounter': Gartnavel Mental Hospital, 1921-1932. Exploring the intersection of scientific and social discourses which negotiated the boundaries of psychiatric diagnoses. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morton, David (2013) Covenanters and Conventicles in South West Scotland. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Moss, Jonathan Thomas (2015) Women, workplace militancy and political subjectivity in Britain, 1968-1985. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Munro, Gordon James. (1999) Scottish church music and musicians, 1500-1700. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Murphy, Amy Tooth (2013) Reading the lives between the lines: lesbian literature and oral history in post-war Britain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Nair, Gwyneth (1985) Highley: the development of a community, 1550-1880. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Nzibo, Yusuf Abdulrahman (1979) Relations between Great Britain and Mexico 1820-1870. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


O'Brien, Irene E. (1980) The Scottish Parliament in the 15th and 16th centuries. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Oakes, Fergus Peter Wilfred (2015) The nature of war and its impact on society during the Barons' War, 1264-67. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Parrish, David (2013) Jacobitism and the British Atlantic world in the age of Anne. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Paton, Anne Elizabeth (2015) An examination of the evidence for the existence of leprosy and Hansen's Disease in medieval Ireland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Peacock, Timothy Noel (2015) The changing strategies of minority government and opposition during the Callaghan administration, 1976-1979. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Peters, Carolyn Marie (1990) Glasgow's tobacco lords: an examination of wealth creators in the eighteenth century. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Phelan, Sarah Mary (2018) Reconstructing a twentieth-century Scottish psychiatrist: Thomas Ferguson Rodger, “Wartime psychiatry”, “Eclecticism”, and “Mad dreaming”. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Poller, Tessa (2005) Interpreting Iron Age settlement landscapes of Wigtownshire. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pollick, Johanna (2021) Fragmented devotions: picturing the wounds of Christ in late medieval England, c.1400-1533. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pugh, Michael George (2011) Once proud burghs: community and the politics of autonomy, annexation and assimilation - Govan and Partick, c. 1850-1925. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Reid, Jessica (2016) Devotional reading and dissolving the self: a critical reading of the late medieval Scottish Legendary using Kristevan theory. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reid, Robert James Kirkwood (2008) The rhetoric of Americanisation: social construction and the British computer industry in the Post-World War II period. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rhys, Guto (2015) Approaching the Pictish language: historiography, early evidence and the question of Pritenic. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Roach, William M. (1970) Radical reform movements in Scotland from 1815 to 1822: with particular reference to events in the West of Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Robb, Johnston Fraser (1993) Scotts of Greenock: shipbuilders and engineers, 1820-1920; a family enterprise. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rogers, Matthew Scott (2013) Tintagel: a study in landscapist construction and poetical interlace. MMus(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rorke, Mary Gordon (2017) A Full, Particular and True Account of the Rebellion in the Years 1745-6 by Dougal Graham. The man, the myth and the modus operandi. MLitt(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ross, Rufus Myer (1994) The development of dentistry: a Scottish perspective circa 1800-1921. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rutherford, Allan Gavin (1998) A social interpretation of the castle in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


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