Items where Subject is "QL Zoology"

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Abbott, Elizabeth Macdonald (1982) Dietary influences on the pathophysiology of ovine haemonchosis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Abdula, Samira Abdul-Hussain Abdula (1985) An ecological and experimental study of sediment-benthos interactions in a polluted estuary. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Adey, Jonathan Max (2007) Aspects of the sustainability of creel fishing for Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.), on the west coast of Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Albalawi, Bedur Faleh A. (2020) Urbanisation and avian fitness: an investigation of avian malaria prevalence and feather corticosterone level of blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus nestlings across two breeding seasons. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Albores-Barajas, Yuri V. (2007) The effects of human disturbance and climatic conditions on breeding Cassin’s auklets. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alhowiti, Norah Salem S. (2024) Mysteries of eggshell maculation: an investigation of the relationship between eggshell maculation and female body condition. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alizadeh, Hassan (1981) Immunological and inflammatory responses in the intestines of mice infected with the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Allen, Laura (2019) The application of biodiversity indicators to infer ecosystem health in regenerating tropical forest. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Alshehabi, Yahya Esmail (2012) Larks' adaptation and breeding success in Kuwait State. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Anderson, Dawn E. (2014) Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) ecology in an intensive pastoral dominated farming landscape. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Appleton, Paul Lawrence (1996) Investigations on the cytology and life-cycle of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp associated with mortality of Nephrops norvegicus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Armstrong, Tiffany A. (2019) The influence of maternal care duration on offspring phenotypes in African cichlids. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Aulicky, Carly (2014) The ecology of blue-crowned manakins (Lepidothrix coronata): a comparison study of biometric sexing using discriminant analyses. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

al-Dabbagh, Nawfal Yassin (1984) Studies on the transfer of immunity from mother to offspring in mice infected with Trichinella spiralis (nematoda). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Baird, Donald John (1983) The population biology of Crenobia alpina (Dana). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bakuza, Jared Sylivester (2012) Epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni infection in sympatric humans and non-human primates in the Gombe ecosystem Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Barry, James (2015) The foraging specialisms, movement and migratory behaviour of the European eel. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bass, Adrian M (2008) Stable isotopic insight into pelagic carbon cycling in Loch Lomond: a large, temperate latitude lake. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Beale, Colin M. (2004) The effects of human disturbance on breeding and foraging birds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bergner, Laura (2018) Viral communities in vampire bats: geographical variation and ecological drivers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Berrie, Alexander D. (1965) Studies on freshwater pulmonate snails and certain associated strigeid trematodes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Berry, Christina M. (2017) Resolution of the taxonomic status of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Beyer, Hawthorne L. (2010) Epidemiological models of rabies in domestic dogs: dynamics and control. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Blair, David (1974) Life-cycle studies on strigeoid trematodes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Blake, Shona (1996) Effects of management practices on the ground beetle assemblages of grassland and related habitats (Coleoptera: Carabidae). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bowen, David Huw (1984) The immune response of the mouse to Diplostomum phoxini and certain cestodes in the intestinal lumen. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Boylan, Patrick (2004) Dynamics of the atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) population of the River Foyle, Ireland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Braceland, Mark James Thomas (2015) Serum biomarkers of pathological damage during pancreas disease (PD) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brackley, Robert (2016) Interactions between migrating salmonids and low-head hydropower schemes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Brunker, Kirstyn (2016) The landscape epidemiology of canine rabies virus in Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Buchanan, Callum (2020) Long-term physiological trends and their drivers: linking hair hormone concentrations with telemetry data in GPS-collared Serengeti wildebeest. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Bugoni, Leandro (2008) Ecology and conservation of albatrosses and petrels at sea off Brazil. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Burgon, James D. (2018) Evolutionary and genomic associations of colour and pattern in fire and Alpine salamanders (Salamandra Spp.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Burns, Neil M. (2018) Distribution and demographic connectivity in whiting (Merlangius merlangus): a novel approach using otolith trace elements in continuous assignment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Burton, Tim (2012) Maternal influences on offspring size, behaviour and energy metabolism. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Cameron, Angus (2012) Disease transmission and the ecological context. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Campbell, Calum Sutherland (2019) The effects of climate change on phenotypic plasticity in Arctic charr. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Carruthers, Madeleine (2018) Adaptive divergence in fishes: insights from ecological transcriptomics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chao, Lin Po (1984) A study of cellular responses to Schistosoma mansoni in the mouse. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chapman, M.A. (1965) Ecological studies on the zooplankton of Loch Lomond. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Chen, Mel (2020) Convergence, connectivity, and continuity: topological perspectives for mining novel biological information from ‘omics data. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Clackson, Thomas E. (1984) Studies on the drug sensitivity and metabolism of Trichomonas vaginalis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Clarke, Jo (2017) The role of spatial measures in the management and conservation of marine fish and invertebrates. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Clements, Elizabeth Anne (2015) Host choice and behavioural responses to flow change in the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera Margaritifera, in Scotland. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Connell, Joseph Hurd (1956) A study of some of the factors which determine the density and survival of natural populations of the intertidal barnacle, Balanus balanoides (L.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Coombs, Isabel Alexander (1997) Nutritional physiology of turbot Scophthalmus maximus (L.): Implications to aquaculture. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Coyle, Susan M. (2007) Genetic, morphological and behavioural variation in Scottish three-spined stickleback (gasterosteus aculeatus l.) : insights from differently armoured populations. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Crawford, Niall Alexander (2016) The biomechanics of tree frog adhesion under challenging conditions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Cross, Adam D. P. (2014) The influence of seabird-derived nutrients on island food-webs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


D'Alba, Liliana B (2007) Micro and macroclimate effects on reproductive performance of Common Eiders. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Davies, Lewis Mark (1988) Nitrogen flux in the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis (Forskal). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Davis, Katie E. (2008) Reweaving the tapestry: a supertree of birds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Davy, Deborah Kim (2024) Investigating factors affecting the future survival of Exmoor ponies: implications for ecological restoration and management of the breeding population. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

De Noia, Michele (2022) Exploring links between parasitism, plasticity, metabolism and microbiome in the European eel, Anguilla anguilla. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Diaz-Palacios, Sylvia Anaid (2009) Environmental variation and life-history evolution: experiments on Caenorhabditis remanei. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dicker, Alison Jane (2010) Comparative gene expression studies of anthelmintic resistance in the parasitic nematode, Teladorsagia circumcincta. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dodd, Jennifer Ann (2011) Long-term change in river invertebrate communities. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Donaldson, Christine (2009) Post-natal environmental effects on behaviour in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dorucu, Mustafa (1996) Ecology of helminth infections in salmonid fish. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Duncan, Peter Fergus (1993) Post-harvest physiology of the scallop Pecten maximus (L.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Dunlop, Katherine Mary (2013) Baited underwater camera studies of the biodiversity and abundance of animals in the temperate, tropical and Antarctic marine environment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

de Wert, Leoni (2012) Anti-predator adaptations and strategies in the Lepidoptera. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Elliott, Sophie Ann Marie (2016) Exploring the role of coastal environments for gadoid fish using stereo-video imagery. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Elowni, Elsayed Elsiddig (1980) Immunity to tapeworms: vaccination against Hymenolepis diminuta and role of the bursa of Fabricius in rejection of Raillietina cesticillus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

England, Jennifer Katherine (2005) Calcium carbonate biomineralisation in disparate systems - common mechanisms? PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Eshky, Ali Adnan (1985) Aspects of the ecology, behaviour and physiology of the ghost crab Ocypode saratan (Forskål). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Etheridge, Elizabeth C. (2009) Aspects of the conservation biology of Coregonus lavaretus in Britain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Evers, Stephanie L. (2008) The role of forest stream corridor characteristics in influencing stream and riparian ecology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ewing, David (2017) Modelling the phenological effects of environmental drivers on mosquito abundance: implications for West Nile virus transmission potential in the UK. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Eze, Anthonius Anayochukwu (2013) Isometamidium transport and resistance in Trypanosoma brucei. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Ferguson, Elaine A. (2018) Modelling collective movement across scales: from cells to wildebeest. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ferguson, Holly Jane (2018) Studies of the responses of cattle and sheep to rapidly fermentable carbohydrate challenges. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Field, Robert Henry (1992) The control of escape behaviour in, and the histopathology of, the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Finney, Suzanne K. (2002) The dynamics of gull-puffin interactions: implications for management. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Foote, Christopher Graham (2009) Avian telomere dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Forbes, Heather (2007) Individual variability in the behaviour and morphology of larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua, L.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Forster, Isaac Parlan (2010) Analysis of seabird observation and satellite tracking data in the Falkland Islands to assess suitability for proposing Marine Important Bird Areas. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fowlie, Martin Kenneth (2003) Colour polymorphism in the common buzzard: evolution and life history consequences. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Fraser, David (1998) Trophic polymorphism in the Arctic charr (Salvelinnus alpinus (L.)) of Lochs Rannoch, Ericht and Tay, Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Gandy, Sara Louise (2020) The impacts of host community composition on Lyme disease risk in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Garduno Paz, Monica Vanessa (2009) The origin of alternative phenotypes in fishes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gemmell, David K. (1971) Some aspects of the biology of the tapeworms proteocephalus SPP. and Schistocephalus Solidus (Müller). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gilbert, Martin (2016) Understanding and managing canine distemper virus as a disease threat to Amur tigers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Giles, Nicholas (1981) Predation effects upon the behaviour and ecology of Scottish Gasterosteus aculeatus L. populations. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Girling, Andrew E. (1984) Interactions between marine benthic macroinvertebrates and their sedimentary environment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Girling, Simon Justin (2022) Ensuring the health and welfare of the Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber) during its reintroduction to Britain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gladman, Zara F. (2012) Crayfish in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Glass, Christopher William (1985) Field and laboratory studies of the behaviour of the swimming crab Liocarcinus depurator (Linnaeus). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Glendinning, Muir (2012) Using bycatch data to inform ecosystem-based fisheries management: a case study of a Scottish Nephrops trawl fishery in receipt of MSC accreditation. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Goodall, Christine Alexandra (1988) The sensory detection of water borne vibrational stimuli and their motor effects in the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Gornik, Sebastian G. (2008) Post-mortem changes in Nephrops norvegicus muscle : biochemical processes, microbial actions and effects on food quality. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Grencis, Richard K. (1982) Immunity to Trichinella Spiralis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Griffen, Angela Anne (1998) Molecular analysis of the salmon pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Hagan, Paul (1980) Studies on the host-parasite relationship of Nematospiroides dubius in the mouse. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hajduk, Stephen Louis (1980) Studies on trypanosomatid flagellates with special reference to antigenic variation and kinetoplast DNA. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hamilton, Gavin (1998) Investigations of the thermal properties of human and animal tissues. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hammer, Sjurdur (2017) The use of eggs and diet of great skuas as biomonitors in the Faroe Islands. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hanna, Ramzi Khader (1986) Biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of some stropheodontid brachiopods from the Ludlow Rocks (Silurian) of the Welsh Borderland of Britain, and Sweden. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Harrison, Annabel Kate (2011) Dispersal and compensatory population dynamics in a harvested mammal. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Heaney, Victoria Frances (1997) Within brood trade-offs in reproductive effort: An experimental study on the common tern: Sterna hirundo. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Henderson, Lindsay J. (2011) The causes and consequences of inter-individual variation in corticosterone in the blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Herborn, Katherine (2010) Variation in response to environmental cues when foraging. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hill, Davina Louise (2009) Sexual conflict and division of labour during incubation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Holt, Rohan H.F. (1989) Susceptibility of different insect species to infection by Hymenolepis diminuta and Moniliformis moniliformis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Honkanen, Hannele Marjut (2017) Life stage specific habitat use and mortality in two species of salmonid. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hooker, Oliver Edward (2016) The consequences of phenotypic plasticity on postglacial fishes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Horswill, Catharine (2015) The relative importance of opposing drivers in determining population change in macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hughes, Ellen Clare (2022) Serological investigations of emerging viral zoonoses: Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus in Tanzania and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hughes, Martin Robert (2017) What makes a ferox? The drivers & consequences of alternative life history strategies in S. trutta. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hulka, Simon (2010) Red-throated diver breeding ecology and nest survival on Shetland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hume, John B. (2013) The evolutionary ecology of lampreys (Petromyzontiformes). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Humphries, Stuart (1999) Competitive interactions in social foragers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Hutton, Andrew N. (1965) Foraminifera of the upper limestone group of the Scottish carboniferous. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Ibrahim, Amir Ali (1988) Diet choice, foraging behaviour and the effect of predators on feeding in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ibrahim, Hasan Mohamed Saleh (2009) New therapeutic strategies against trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Irving, Philabeg (1998) Characterisation of aphid proteins as targets for aphid control. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Jackson, Jack (1971) Vertical migration of the sycamore aphid Derpanosiphum Platanoides (Schr.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jenjan, Hussein B.B. (2011) Quantitative analysis of the fine structure of the fish gill: environmental response and relation to welfare. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jennings, Gemma (2012) The ecology of an urban colony of common terns Sterna hirundo in Leith Docks, Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jerem, Paul Michael (2017) Body surface temperature as an indicator of physiological state in wild birds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Jones, Amy (2011) Melarsoprol cyclodextrin inclusion complexes for the treatment for human African trypanosomiasis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Kabalika, Zabibu (2023) Movement and dietary preferences of migratory ungulates as estimated from stable isotope ratios in tail hair. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kaska, Yakup (1998) Studies on the embryology, ecology and evolution of sea turtles in the Eastern Mediterranean. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kavwele, Cyrus Mutunga (2024) The Gnu Frontier: deploying machine learning and open-source electronics for the study of ungulate movement in the Anthropocene. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kazlauskaite, Raminta (2021) SalmoSim: the development of an in vitro simulator of the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) GI tract and associated microbial communities. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kerlin, Douglas H. (2009) Modelling the spatial and temporal dynamics of upland birds in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kerr, Alison Kirsty (1981) Aspects of the biology of Lutraria lutraria (L.) (bivalvia : Mactracea). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kim, Miran (2008) Eggs, incubation and hatching asynchrony in gulls. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Kirk, David A. (1988) Ecological separation of small cathartid vultures in South America. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Larcombe, Stephen Donald (2008) Roles of dietary antioxidants and oxidative stress in mediating fitness related traits in birds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lassiere, Olivia L. (1989) The ecology of Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Acanthocephala) in Scottish freshwater lochs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Le Vin, Ashley (2011) The causes and consequences of kin recognition in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Leat, Eliza Helen Kelsey (2013) Persistent organic pollutants in great skuas Stercorarius skua. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lee, Who Seung (2010) Effect of growth trajectories on adult performance and lifespan in three-spined sticklebacks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Leung, Kenneth Mei-Yee (2000) Evaluation of metallothionein as an ecotoxicological biomarker in Nucella lapillus and Littorina littorea. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lewis, Dominic S. (2002) The effect of environmental temperature on growth and muscle development in the European lobster Homarus gammarus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Lindsay, Eleanor Clare (2021) Ecophysiological exploration: the microbiota, metabolic rate and behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Loader, Simon Paul (2005) Systematics and biogeography of amphibians of the African Eastern Arc mountains. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


MacDonald, Joanne (2011) Microstructure, crystallography and stable isotope composition of Crassostrea gigas. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Madders, Michael (1997) The effects of forestry on hen harriers Circus cyaneus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Magierecka, Agnieszka (2020) Transgenerational effects of chronic environmental stress. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Main, Robert Andrew Kenneth (2021) Migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts and post-smolts from a Scottish east coast river. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Maliti, Deodatus Vincent (2015) Ecological and genetic determinants of malaria vectors feeding and resting behaviours. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Malzer, Iain (2017) Patterns in the space use of the Bearded Reedling, Panurus biarmicus, on the Tay Reedbeds, Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marasco, Valeria (2014) Pre- and post-natal stress programming: from genes to physiology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Margiotta, Renato (2018) Global citizenship education in the biology classroom: an exploratory study in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Marubini, Francesca (1996) The physiological response of hermatypic corals to nutrient enrichment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Masden, Elizabeth Anne (2010) Assessing the cumulative impacts of wind farms on birds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mason, Morag L.O. (1965) Development and growth of Schistocephalus solidus Müller in vivo and in vitro. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mayhew, Peter Watts (1985) The feeding ecology and behavior of wigeon (Anas penelope). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCluskie, Alan Edward (1998) Temperature-mediated shifts in the foraging behaviour of the Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra L. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McCracken, David Ian (1990) Factors affecting the availability of invertebrate food for the chough, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax L. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McGregor, Joanne Catherine (2006) Studies on a thiol-dependent reductase and ascorbate metabolism of leishmania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McKay, Clive R. (1996) Conservation and ecology of the red-billed chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McLennan, Darryl (2016) Life history & environmental effects on telomere dynamics in Atlantic salmon. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McNeill, Deborah Catherine (2010) Translocation of a population of great crested newts (Triturus cristatus): a Scottish case study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

McWhinnie, Kirsty (2020) Exploring mechanisms of adaptive divergence in an exemplar adaptive radiation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Meaden, Cora S.J. (2013) Genetic determinants of gametocyte sex ratio in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Meraz Hernando, Juan Francisco (2011) Seabird ecology in relation to fisheries. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mesquita, Flavia de Oliveira (2011) Coping styles and learning in fish: developing behavioural tools for welfare-friendly aquaculture. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Metcalfe, Neil Benedict (1984) The flocking behaviour of wintering turnstones Arenaria interpres and purple sandpipers Calidris maritima. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Meza, Diana Karina (2022) Rabies epidemiology in vampire bats: an ecological and quantitative approach. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Miles, William Thomas Stead (2010) Ecology, behaviour and predator-prey interactions of Great Skuas and Leach's Storm-petrels at St Kilda. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Millidine, Karen J (2008) Within- and among-individual variation in metabolic rate in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Milligan, Rosanna J. (2015) Natural and anthropogenic drivers of deep-sea fish populations. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Milligan, Rosanna J. (2008) The occurrence and behaviour of Pseudoterranova decipiens and Anisakis simplex (Nematoda) in Gadus morhua and their impacts on commercial processing. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Montag, Hannah (2008) On the nest site characteristics of the 'dusky' orange-crowned warbler (Vermivora celata sordida) endemic to Santa Catalina Island. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Moore, Isabel Eleanor (2020) Factors impacting sea trout (Salmo trutta) populations in changing marine environments. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morrell, Lesley J. (2004) Ownership conflicts and their resolution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morrow, Julia C. (2002) Biotechnological utilisation of Nephrops shell waste. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Morton Boyd, J. (1956) The lumbricidae in the Hebrides. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mottram, Jeremy C. (1984) Studies on the energy metabolism of Leishmania mexicana mexicana. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Mouat, Beth (2004) Reproductive dynamics of the male Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Muir, Anna Patricia (2013) Population genetics of the common frog (Rana temporaria) in relation to climate. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Murray, David S. (2012) The role of physical structure and micronutrient provisioning in determining egg quality and performance in fish. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Nati, Julie Jeanne Helene (2016) Invasion physiology: do physiological characteristics facilitate the spread of invasive fish species? PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Neat, Francis Columba (1996) Behavioural and physiological studies of fighting in male Tilapia Zillii (Cichlidae). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Nelson, Bethany Faith (2014) Early warnings of environmental change on ecosystems: hormonally-mediated life-history decisions in seabirds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Neves, Veronica (2006) Towards a conservation strategy of the Roseate tern Sterna dougallii in the Azores Archipelago. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Newton, Matthew Paul (2016) The effect of in-stream structures on the freshwater migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Noor, Iffat (1996) Immunosuppression in Atlantic salmon by an extracellular protein of Aeromonas salmonicida. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Nyarobi, Makuru James (2020) The epidemiology of Rift Valley fever in northern Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


O'Hanlon, Nina Jayne (2016) Spatial variation in herring gull traits and their potential as monitors of the coastal environment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

O'Reilly, Sinead (2015) Assessing the toxicity of biocides on the North American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) to aid eradication. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ortega López, Leonardo Daniel (2021) Environmental drivers of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika transmission and their mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, in two coastal hotspots in Ecuador. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Page, Jennifer (2021) The effect of nest cup heating during incubation on the cold tolerance of Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) chicks. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Parslow-Williams, Paul James (1998) Nutritional limitation in populations of the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.) in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pearson, Michael Peter (1985) Aspects of the energy budget of the Caribbean reef building coral Montastrea cavernosa (Linnaeus): a preliminary in situ investigation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Persson, Anna S.M. (2017) Do fish prefer to associate with conspecifics with similar metabolic rates? MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.

Perutz, Marion (2007) Population variation in the life history traits and thermal responses of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pinto Vieira, Bianca (2017) Influence of environmental changes on the resource use and abundance of Black Skimmers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Pooley, Emma L. (2013) Maternal inbreeding depression in the Zebra Finch, Taeniopygia guttata. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Proctor, Iain (2015) Linking biodiversity with environmental drivers and pressures in Great Britain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Purisotayo, Tarid (2020) Development of genetic tools for managing populations of the Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Quaggiotto, Maria Martina (2016) The role of marine mammal carrion in the ecology of coastal systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Ramsay, Scot L (1997) Nutritional constraints on egg production in the blue tit. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Recknagel, Hans (2018) Environmental constraints and genetic basis for the evolution of viviparity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reid, Donald (2012) Relationships between environmental conditions, energetic strategies and performance in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reid, Stuart W.J. (1992) The equine sarcoid : molecular and epidemiological studies in Equus asinus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Reynolds, Alan (2016) Applied evolution: An integrated approach to studying life history traits in response to drug selection. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rideout, Elizabeth Jane (2008) Investigating the neurobiological basis underlying the sex-specific production of courtship song in Drosophila: the roles of sex determination genes fruitless and doublesex. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ridgway, Iain (2005) Post capture physiology and pathology of the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Robbins, Alexandra Mary Claire (2017) Seabird ecology in high-energy environments: approaches to assessing impacts of marine renewables. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Robbins, Ian John (1981) Inorganic particulate suspensions and the feeding of ascidians. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Robertson, Anthony J. (2009) Hormonally mediated maternal effects in birds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Robertson, Gail Sheila (2015) Foraging ecology and reproductive performance of sympatrically breeding larid species at a North Sea colony. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Rodger, Jessica Ruth (2017) Intraspecific genetic, morphological and life history structuring of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a single complex catchment, the Foyle catchment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ross, Ben Paul (2000) Manipulation of the feeding behaviour of diving ducks on mussel farms. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Ruiz-Gomez, Maria De Lourdes (2009) Decoupling aggression and risk-taking: patterns of variation in two species of freshwater fish. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.


Salehzadeh, Areaf (2002) Effects of azadirachtin on insect and mammalian cultured cells. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Samuel, Diana S (2014) The bioadhesion of tree- and torrent frogs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Sawyer, Thomas R. (1999) Habitat use and breeding performance in an inshore foraging seabird, the black guillemot Cepphus grylle. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

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