Items where Subject is "T Technology (General)"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (459)
- T Technology (459)
- T Technology (General) (459)
- T Technology (459)
Abaravičius, Bartas (2023) Development of electronics for microultrasound capsule endoscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Abdel Rahim, Mohammed Mukhtar (1980) The terrestrial / photogrammetric (TP) technique for the detection and compensation of systematic height errors in block aerial triangulation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Ghazali (2017) 1D photonic crystal nanocavities for optical sensing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Abualhayja’a, Mohammad Omar Tawfiq (2024) Beamforming and optimisation of RIS-assisted UAV communication systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Agir, Muhammed Burak (2023) Investigation of flow-flow, flow-surface, and multiphase interaction problems in rarefied gas dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ahmad, Arniyati (2016) A cyber exercise post assessment framework: In Malaysia perspectives. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ahmad Mazlan, Ahmad Naddi (2015) A fully actuated tail propulsion system for a biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Akinyemi, Akinola Olanrewaju (2011) Atlas-based segmentation of medical images. EngD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al Ayidh, Abdulrahman Saeed (2022) Towards low complexity matching theory for uplink wireless communication systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al Khanjari, Sharifa (2017) Advanced management techniques for many-core communication systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-Alwan, Asad A. Khedheyer (2019) Undrained shear strength of ultra-soft soils admixed with lime. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-Hafidh, Maab (2020) Multi-reflection polarimetry with MEMS-machining and microfluidics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-Hegbani, Abdullah Abdulaziz (1993) Physical and economic factors and their effects on development of solar energy in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-Taleb, Manaf Kadum Hussein (2018) Development and clinical testing of home-based brain-computer interfaces for neurofeedback and for rehabilitation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
AlObaidi, Khaldoon (2022) Experimental investigation of incipient motion using instrumented particles. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alganash, Blaid Sasi Abozeid (2015) Numerical investigation of the combustion processes of various combustion regimes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alghafli, Khaled Ali Saif Mohammed (2024) Estimating groundwater and surface water storage changes through satellite- based and machine learning approaches. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alharbi, Khalid Hamed (2016) High performance terahertz resonant tunnelling diode sources and broadband antenna for air-side radiation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ali, Abeer Farouk Tawfeek (2020) On the placement of security-related Virtualised Network Functions over data center networks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alnuaimi, Ali Said Mohammed (1999) Direct design of reinforced and partially prestressed concrete beams for combined torsion, bending and shear. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alqahtani, Bader (2024) Design, development and optimisation of a novel hybrid renewable energy system integrating with pumped hydropower energy storage. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Aly, Samir El-Sayed (1979) Investigations into the effect of heat and mass transfer on flow across tube bundles. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Amariei, Anca Elena (2024) Gas phase pyrolytic approach for stable isotope analysis of hopanoids lipids. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Anastasiou, Kristian (2024) Developing and field testing the Wee-g. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Andar, Abhay U. (2010) Development of a microfluidic device to test nanoparticle toxicity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Anderson, Owen (2023) Deep learning for lung cancer analysis. EngD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ang, Kiam Heong (2005) Evolutionary learning and global search for multi-optimal PID tuning rules. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Antanaviciute, Egle Morta (2023) Investigating the effects of nanovibrational stimulation on dermal fibroblasts. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Aragon Camarasa, Gerardo (2012) A hierarchical active binocular robot vision architecture for scene exploration and object appearance learning. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Armentano, Margaret (2017) In vivo investigation of muscle behaviour during voluntary and electrically induced muscle contraction using B-Mode ultrasound imaging. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Arokianathan, Clinton Rudra (1998) Methods for the atomistic simulation of ultrasmall semiconductor devices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Asad, Syed Muhammad (2022) User mobility prediction and management using machine learning. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ashkanani, Hassan M.A.H. (2005) An EMG and biomechanical investigation of co-activation of antagonistic muscles during high-speed movements of male lower limbs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Atepor, Lawrence (2009) Vibration analysis and intelligent control of flexible rotor systems using smart materials. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Avilovas, Lukas (2021) Micro electro-mechanical system design, fabrication and application for atomic force microscopy probe elasticity characterisation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Azevedo Gonzalez Oliva, Mariana (2024) The role of Piezo1 in transducing matrix viscoelasticity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bahadir, Ozan (2023) Investigating deep-learning-based solutions for flexible and robust hand-eye calibration in robotics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bathawab, Fatma Mirfat (2017) Engineering surface mobility to direct stem cell fate. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Battistella Nadas, Joao Pedro (2021) The path towards ultra-reliable low-latency communications via HARQ. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ben Boudinar, Mourad (1991) Performance prediction and optimisation of spiral wound modules. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Benakaprasad, Bhavana (2019) Millimeter-wave and terahertz technology for integrated circuits. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bertram, Douglas George (2015) Developing an integrated urban drainage model and proxy-model methodologies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bian, Zijun (2024) InP-based photonic crystal surface emitting lasers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Biggs, Manus Jonathan Paul (2009) The influence of nanotopographical structures on osteoblast adhesion formation and the functional response of mesenchymal stem cell populations. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bigley, Christopher J. (2023) The application of artificial intelligence and image analysis to novel prognostic classification systems of colorectal cancer. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bin Jaber, Saad (2023) Studies on the friction of structured interfaces, the static friction peak in reciprocating sliding and the role of friction in triboelectrification. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bin Muhammad, Murdifi (2022) High-resolution Direction-of-Arrival estimation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Blair, James S. (1948) Operation Pluto - The Hamel steel pipelines, with additional papers. DSc thesis, University of Glasgow.
Boddy, Keith (1967) Whole-body monitoring and in vivo activation analysis in nuclear medicine. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Boumedmed, Abdelkader (1997) The use of variable engine geometry to improve the transient performance of a two-spool turbofan engine. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bourquin, Yannyk Parulian Julian (2012) Shaping surface waves for diagnostics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Boyer, Steven Andrew (2014) Playermaking: the institutional production of digital game players. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bradley, Nasira (2020) Economics of innovation, productivity and growth. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bramsiepe, Steven George (2020) The development of a field-portable MEMS gravimeter. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brown, Angus (2023) Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to improve autonomy in maritime surveillance radar systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Budzyń, Dorota (2024) Compliant mechanisms in lunar surface exploration: design and technology considerations for dust mitigation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cai, Hongjian (2023) Constitutive modelling of fine-grained soils containing gas bubbles. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Calus, Szymon Tomasz (2018) Evaluation of nanopore-based sequencing technology for gene marker based analysis of complex microbial communities. Method development for accurate 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Campbell, Eimear (2018) Applications of ultrasonic technology: an investigation into the impact on fluid saturated rock. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Campbell, Fraser Alexander (2021) Design and optimised production of an integrated nanopillar platform. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Canavan, Brian (2007) An evaluation of factors affecting students' use of a web-based engineering resource. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cao, Menglin (2015) The development of silicon compatible processes for HEMT realisation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cao, Ziqu (2023) Study of supersonic nozzle flows in low-pressure environments: starting jets and lunar plume-surface interactions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Carrick, James P. (1976) Thermal fields during welding and their analogues. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chen, Yu (2024) Managing hybrid industrial IoT enterprise wireless networks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chen, Jun (2000) Control system based loop and process monitoring. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chen, Ning (1997) The effects of constraint on three dimensional elastic-plastic crack tip fields. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chen, Yuxuan (2021) Comparison of different methods for OPF problem of multi-objective optimization. MSc(R) thesis, Unversity of Glasgow.
Cheng, Runze (2024) Intelligent resource management for next-generation wireless networks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cheng, Weiqing (2024) High-sensitivity optical biochemical sensors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chibli, Abdul Hadi (2024) Miniaturisation and optimisation of ultrasonic scalpels for robotic surgery. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chim, Ya Hua (2017) Probing mechanical properties to study cancer cell migration. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ciccone, Giuseppe (2024) The influence of extracellular matrix viscoelasticity and confinement on epithelial cell mechanobiology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cito, Michele (2022) Resonant tunnelling diode epitaxial wafer design manufacture and characterisation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Citoni, Bruno (2022) LoRaWAN simulation and analysis for performance enhancement of realistic networks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Collignon, Fabienne (2009) Rocket states - an analysis of US missile culture. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Collins, Jonathan A. (2021) Development of nanobridge based Josephson junction electronics for the readout of superconducting photon sensor arrays. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cortis, Michael (2016) Numerical modelling of braided fibres for reinforced concrete. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Costantini, Rosa (2021) Strain across historic tapestries: a multi-analytical investigation on damage mechanisms and conservation strategies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cotton, Christopher Mark (1999) Characterisation of biologically functionalised surfaces. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Coughlan, Conor (2023) Germanium-on-Silicon single photon avalanche detectors for applications in quantum technologies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Crane, Lawrence John (1959) Properties of jets and wakes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Craven, Colm Tadhg Donal (2015) Development and evaluation of rehabilitation technologies for early-stage spinal cord injury. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
D'Sa, Merlyn (1977) Technological change in agriculture : the development experience of Tamil Nadu. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dai, Shaowei (2021) Adaptive beamforming and switching in smart antenna systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dai, Zihan (2020) Metagenomic insights into drinking water microbiome. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Daly, Craig James (1999) The development of confocal laser scanning methods for the study of vascular structure, function and receptor distribution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dang, Wenting (2018) Stretchable interconnects for smart integration of sensors in wearable and robotic applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dangana, Muhammad (2024) Application of Narrow-Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT) in industrial indoor environments: A pre-digital twin approach. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Daoudi, Omar (2018) YouTube-based programming and the Saudi youth: exploring the economic, political and cultural context of YouTube in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Daud, Mohd Yusof Md (2006) Experimental and finite element investigation of ultrasonic metal forming applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
De Pamphilis, Luca (2025) Printed neuromorphic devices for electronic skin. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dhar, Rakshita Pritamsingh (2023) Optimization of the design of experimental (DoE) simulations of Ion-sensitive Field Effect Transistors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Di Campli San Vito, Patrizia (2021) Investigation of thermal feedback for in-car applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dideban, Daryoosh (2012) Statistical modelling of nano CMOS transistors with surface potential compact model PSP. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ding, Chao (2021) A new digital PID controller and its applications on DC-DC converters. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ding, Jie (2015) Accurate CMOS compact model and the corresponding circuit simulation in the presence of statistical variability and ageing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ding, Miaomiao (2023) A mixed-method study of the impact of high-immersion virtual reality on Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Donnelly, Hannah (2020) Mechanistic and metabolic insights into bioengineering the bone marrow niche in vitro. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Doran, Hannah Rose (2024) Potential for decay heat utilisation from radioactive waste at the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dragone, Maria Vincenza Anna (2015) Programmable systems and new technologies for chemical syntheses. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Draper, Christopher Hayward (2006) Feasibility of the motorized momentum exchange tether system: an investigation of system risk. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Drofelnik, Jernej (2017) Massively parallel time- and frequency-domain Navier-Stokes Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis of wind turbine and oscillating wing unsteady flows. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Duncan, Alexander A. (2001) EEG pattern classification for the brain-computer musical interface. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
de Albuquerque Fragoso, Danielle Munick (2018) Lignin conversion to fine chemicals. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Egbunike-Agbakoba, Ruth Ngozika Ifunanya Obianuju (2019) Factors affecting the implementation of a National Digital Health & Wellbeing Service at scale. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ehlinger, Arthur (2024) “It really is another world” An investigation into Twitch's impact on the digital evolution of live music. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Elefante, Stefano (2001) A statistical and probabilistic approach for improving efficiency in Air Traffic Flow management. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Elksne, Maira (2020) Advanced GaN HEMTs for high performance microwave power amplifiers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ellis, David A. (2013) Everyday time processing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Elsafoury, Fatma (2019) Detecting protest repression incidents from tweets. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Eltawil, Salwa (2020) Computed Tomography Perfusion imaging in acute ischemic stroke. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Emenike, Scholastica N. (2021) Optimisation of energy supply chains considering sustainability aspects. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Erotokritou, Kleanthis (2019) Next generation superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Esan, Olurotimi (2017) Plasmonic enhanced pyroelectrics for microfluidic manipulation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Esparcia Alcázar, Anna Isabel (1998) Genetic programming for adaptive digital signal processing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Essayah, Abdurrahim (2023) A micromechanical investigation on the mechanism of energy dissipation in granular materials. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fahy, Caroline (2014) A discrete transport-mechanical approach for modelling the durability of concrete. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Farooq, Sajid (2013) Real-time rendering of large surface-scanned range data natively on a GPU. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Feng, Wenyuan (2000) Evolutionary design automation for control systems with practical constraints. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fenu, Nicola Giuseppe (2021) Investigation of piezoelectric materials for ultrasonic surgery. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Finlayson, Ewan David (2007) Polarisation effects in gallium arsenide optical waveguides. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Finlayson, Neil (1985) Inhomogeneous lens stuctures for integrated optics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fitzgibbon, Thomas Alexander (2021) Advanced rotor blade design based on high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Flynn, Gabriella (2018) Immobilisation of DNA using the fluorous effect. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Foreman, Pamela Louise (1998) Spectroscopic characterisation of electrochemical biosensor interfaces. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Forrest, Eleanor (2002) Development of a practical and measurable health and safety management system. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Foshat, Paniz (2025) Hybrid superconducting semiconducting quantum circuit. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fuerte Esquivel, Claudio Rubén (1997) Steady state modelling and analysis of flexible AC transmission systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gao, Fan (2022) Spatiotemporal regulation of cell-mimicking chassis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gardner, Lin (2019) Mechanising the needle: the development of the sewing machine as a manufacturing tool, 1851-1980. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ge, Yao (2024) AI enabled RF sensing of Diversified Human-Centric Monitoring. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ge, Yunfei (2016) Quantitative measurement using scanning thermal microscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Geoghegan, Niall David (2015) Advanced fluorescence methods for the investigation of biological membranes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gibbings, Alison Lorraine (2014) Laser ablation for the deflection, exploration and exploitation of near Earth asteroids. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gilroy, Michael (2007) Techniques for ubiquitous reliable data storage. EngD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gissing, Graham Peter (2024) Optimisation of point of connection and effects of power electronic distributed energy resources on harmonic levels in low voltage power distribution networks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Goikoetxea Yanci, Asier (2012) Smart card security. EngD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gollee, Henrik (1998) A non-linear approach to modelling and control of electrically stimulated skeletal muscle. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Golomb, Arnold (1963) Studies in pyrolysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gou, Yan (2025) Communication-efficient decentralized federated learning. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Goudie, William J. (1919) Steam turbines : a text-book for engineering students; [and other papers]. DSc thesis, University of Glasgow.
Graham, Derek (2011) The impact of soft errors in logic and its commercialisation in ARM IP. EngD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Greencorn, Michael Joseph (2023) Advanced gasification applications of direct carbon dioxide utilisation in integrated biomass energy cycles. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Greer, Andrew I. M. (2014) Nanopatterning strategies for titanium based medical implants. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Grigoriou, Eleni (2017) Graded organisation of fibronectin to tune cell behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Guo, Kaizhao (2024) Automation technologies and labour market outcomes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Guo, Xin (2024) AI and Blockchain-assisted diagnostics in resource-limited setting. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gupta, Shoubhik (2019) Ultra-thin silicon technology for tactile sensors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Habib, Rabeeah (2022) On the dynamics of heat transfer and combusting flows in porous media. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Haji, Mohsin (2012) Optical code division multiple access systems in AlGaInAs/InP. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Halliday, David M. (1986) Application of point-process system identification techniques to complex physiological systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hameed, Hira (2024) Contactless AI-enabled hybrid sensing for cognitive impairment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hamilton, Alexander Andrew William (2023) Analysis of adhesive joints with mechanically interlocking microstructured adherends. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hammed, Nada Mohammed Abuouf (2014) Information and communication technology in early childhood education: challenges for effective implementation and integration. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hanifi, Shahram (2024) Development and applications of AI for offshore wind power forecasting. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hao, Danni (2018) Hybridisation of plasmonic and acoustic biosensing devices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Harris, Timothy Alan (2009) A study into the abstraction and integration of hardware and software for accelerated product development in a broadcast environment. EngD thesis, Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Heriot-Watt, and Strathclyde.
Hassouna, Saber I.H. (2024) Investigating the data rate in reconfigurable intelligent surfaces assisted wireless communication. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Heeps, Steven S (2008) Application collaboration in ubiquitous computing environments. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Heggie, Robert (2023) Incorporating implementation within the economic evaluation of health technologies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Higgins, Oliver (2023) Deep-learning-assisted portable microscopy for disease diagnosis in low-resource settings. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hoare, Daniel (2022) SMART implantable vascular devices for restenosis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hoggan, Eve Elizabeth (2010) Crossmodal audio and tactile interaction with mobile touchscreens. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Honecker, Felix (2024) Innovating for and legitimating fintech: an ethnographic study of European blockchain communities. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Howell, Jessie (2024) Developing cytometry and inertial microfluidic tools to analyse and separate different cell cycle stages of Leishmania mexicana. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hsieh, Te-Yi (2022) A psychology and game theory approach to human–robot cooperation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Huang, Hongli (2025) Enhancing robustness and adaptability in motion intent recognition: a multimodal approach with advanced neural networks and meta-learning. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hussin, Razaidi (2017) A statistical study of time dependent reliability degradation of nanoscale MOSFET devices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hyllested Pedersen, Casper (2025) Pursuing clarity of purpose and generalizable research practices for mental health apps and recommendations. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hyndman, Lauren (2021) Mathematical modelling to guide experimental protocols for in vitro cell culture. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Irthiea, Ihsan Khalaf (2014) Process analysis and design in micro deep drawing utilizing a flexible die. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Irving, John Bruce (1977) Viscosity measurements at pressures up to 14 000 bar using an automatic falling cylinder viscometer. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Islam, Gibrail (2024) On the real world practice of Behaviour Driven Development. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ismail, Norilmi Amilia (2012) The dynamics of a flexible Motorised Momentum Exchange Tether (MMET). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jaafar, Weaam (2015) Laser decontamination and detection of bacteria and microalgae. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jabbar, Abdul (2024) Agile intelligent antenna system for industry 4.0 and beyond. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jacobson, Ben (2023) Acoustic cavitation characterisation in viscous deep eutectic solvents for optimisation of sonoprocessing of technology critical materials. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jamieson, Lindsay Patricia (2007) Development and assessment of novel methods of exercise testing during treadmill gait in incomplete spinal cord injury. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jamieson, Matthew (2016) Investigating assistive technology to support memory for people with cognitive impairments. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jarjees, Mohammed Sabah (2017) The causality between Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Central Neuropathic Pain (CNP), and the effectiveness of neuromodulation strategies on cortical excitability and CNP in patients with spinal cord injury. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jeong, Seog-Yoon (1998) Inhibition of cracking in pulsed laser welding of aluminium alloys. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Jolley, Jason (2017) Attribution, state responsibility, and the duty to prevent malicious cyber-attacks in international law. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kaplan, Emrah (2015) Surface acoustic wave enhanced electroanalytical sensors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Karagiorgis, Xenofon (2024) Functional fibre-based devices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Karami, Kaivan (2023) GaN HEMT technology for W-band frequency applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kareem, Muna Mustafa (2018) Composite bone tissue engineering scaffolds produced by coaxial electrospinning. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Karimullah, Affar S. (2012) Application of conducting polymer electrodes in cell impedance sensing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kascenas, Antanas (2023) Anomaly detection in brain imaging. EngD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kaur, Jaspreet (2024) Exploiting the location information for adaptive beamforming in transport systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kavwele, Cyrus Mutunga (2024) The Gnu Frontier: deploying machine learning and open-source electronics for the study of ungulate movement in the Anthropocene. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kazaz, Oguzhan (2024) Nanofluids and PCM for efficient thermal energy storage. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kazim, Jalil ur Rehman (2023) Reconfigurable intelligent surface for future wireless communication. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kelly, Alan (2014) The optimisation of finite element meshes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kent, Arthur (1966) Stability of laminar flows of a perfect magnetofluid. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Khan, Muhammad Zakir (2024) TriSense: RFID, radar, and USRP-based hybrid sensing system for enhanced sensing and monitoring. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Khaw, Teik Seng (1980) Buckling strength of imperfect ring-stiffened cylinders under combined loads. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Khfagi, Amir Mohamed Ibrahim (2023) Investigation of entropy generation and thermohydraulics of forced and mixed convection of Al₂O₃-Cu/water in a parabolic trough receiver tube. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kiamarsi, Danial (2025) In vitro assessment for biodegradable and biocompatible neuroelectronics. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kizilkaya, Burak (2023) Task-oriented joint design of communication and computing for Internet of Skills. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kleinberg, Krista F. (2008) Facial anthropometry as an evidential tool in forensic image comparison. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Koci, Orges (2020) Development of software framework for the integration of metagenomics with clinical and metadata. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Koh Chun Li, Julie (1997) Structural adhesive bonding for marine applications. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kourtelos, Praxitelis Branko (2024) Simulation of tactile roughness using ultrasound haptics. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lapham, Paul (2023) Atomistic simulations of nanoscale molecular and metal oxide junctions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Larson, Eloise (2018) Acoustically driven faecal DNA extraction and qPCR. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lee, Chang Sheng (2023) Advanced sensing technologies and systems for lung function assessment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Leitch, Elizabeth Fiona (2015) Can smartphone technology improve patient care? MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lenselink, Jeanine N. (2023) Understanding water chemistry in biofilters using chemometric methods. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Li, Shibo (2024) Artificial Intelligence-enabled video inpainting using spatio-temporal correlation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Li, Sicong (2024) Exploring the impact of integrating technology-enhanced learning and music as teaching tools and pedagogies for student engagement in private nurseries in Beijing: A qualitative study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Li, Yize (2024) On the modelling and design of environmentally friendly biochar production for soil application. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Li, Zhenghui (2024) Radar sensing for ambient assisted living application with artificial intelligence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Li, Zihao (2024) Online algorithmic pricing in the EU and China: a techno-legal analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Li, Junhong (1998) Elastic-plastic interfacial crack problems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Li, Yuchen (2022) Handheld magnetic sensing platform for malaria hemozoin mimic detection. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Li, Zhibo (2015) Plasmonic nano apertures for molecular sensing and colour displays. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lindon, Peter (1965) Viscoelastic relaxation in polymers with special reference to behaviour at audio frequencies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Liu, Niantang (2024) Crop mapping using deep learning and multi-source satellite remote sensing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Liu, Yushi (2024) Bayesian neural networks-based surrogate model-assisted evolutionary algorithms and their applications to microwave antenna design. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Liu, Da (2018) Assessing the role of riverbank vegetation on stream hydrodynamics with implications for the transport of solids. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Liu, Xuefeng (2002) Quantum well intermixing in 1.55 um InGaAs/AlInGaAs and InGaAs/InGaAsP structures and applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Liu, Yihong (2022) Multi-user beamforming on intelligent reflecting surface and networks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Liu, Yuchi (2023) Wearable pressure sensing for intelligent gesture recognition. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Livingstone, I.A.T. (2019) New technologies in paediatric acuity assessment. MD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Loni, Armando (1987) An experimental study of proton-exchanged lithium niobate optical waveguides. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Loriette, Antoine (2019) A computational approach to gestural interactions of the upper limb on planar surfaces. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lou, Chengwei (2022) Flexible power distribution technique and P2P energy trading in active distribution networks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Loughnane, Christopher Joseph (2020) Body, environment, technics: An ethological approach to information. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lu, Weihao (2023) Deep learning for 3D object detection on point clouds for autonomous driving. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Lui, Jade Victoria (2023) A feasibility study on integrating electric buses with waste gasification for a green public transport system and solid waste management. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ma, Sihang (2024) Ultra-thin chip-based printed electronics for emerging high-performance flexible electronics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
MacKechnie, Sharon (2013) An exploration of the use of technology in primary school physical education. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
MacKie, Rona McLeod (1969) A study of pigmented lesions of the skin in vivo using the Zeiss operation microscope and correlation of the surface appearances of these lesions with their histology. MD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Macdonald, Shaun (2023) Investigating emotionally resonant vibrations as a calming intervention for people with social anxiety. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Mackie, William Stuart (1984) Techniques and applications of very high resolution electron-beam lithography. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Mahmood, Shahid (2013) High repetition rate quantum dot mode-locked lasers operating at ~1.55 μm. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Maitland, Julie (2009) From persuasion to negotiation in health promoting technology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
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