Items where Subject is "QC Physics"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (574)
- Q Science (574)
- QC Physics (574)
- Q Science (574)
Abernathy, Matthew Robert (2012) Mechanical properties of coating materials for use in the mirrors of interferometric gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Abid, Kamran (2011) Gated lateral silicon p-i-n junction photodiodes. PhD thesis, College of Science & Engineering.
Abuhaimed, Abdullah Abdulaziz (2015) Dosimetric investigations of Kilovoltage Cone Beam Computed Tomography (kV-CBCT) utilized in Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) using Monte Carlo simulations. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Adams, Christopher (2007) Novel flexible multielectrode arrays for neuronal stimulation and recording. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Aftalion, Marc (2023) Simulating the gravimetric detection of submarines, calculating high-accuracy terrain corrections using LIDAR elevation data and performing a microgravity survey in the Campsie Fells. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ahmad, Gias Uddin (1966) A study of negative pion photoproduction in complex nuclei by the analysis of activation products. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Aidukas, Tomas (2021) Next generation Fourier ptychographic microscopy: computational and experimental techniques. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Aird, Gordon J.C. (2000) Modelling the induced magnetic signature of naval vessels. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Akbar, Jehan (2012) High power mode locked lasers monolithically integrated with semiconductor optical amplifiers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al Jebali, Ramsey (2013) Measurement of the γ + 4He total photoabsorption cross-section using a gas-scintillator active target. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al Khafaji, Mustafa A. (2024) Complex light fields in polarisation state tomography and atomic spectroscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-Shehri, Azzah (2018) Higgs boson decays to b-bbar with associated t-quarks with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-afeef, Ala' (2016) Transmission electron tomography: quality assessment and enhancement for three-dimensional imaging of nanostructures. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alexander, Michael T. (2012) Constraints on mixing and CP-violation in the neutral charmed meson system at LHCb. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alexander, Robert Calum (2010) Influence of photospheric back-scatter on flare hard x-ray diagnostics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alharbi, Ahmad Odah A (2024) Properties and variations of Mg II h&k lines over the solar cycle. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alharbi, Mariam Break (2015) Dust grain evolution and interaction in gas-plasma mixtures. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ali Sobhani, Soroush (2020) State-of-the-art InAs/GaAs quantum dot material for optical telecommunication. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Alkarimi, Najwa Mousa Latif (2020) Synthesis and study of new small molecules for organic photovoltaic applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Allyson, J.D. (Julian David) (1994) Environmental gamma-ray spectrometry: simulation of absolute calibration of in-situ and airborne spectrometers for natural and anthropogenic sources. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Altoon, Butrus Youkhana (1991) A study of the tau Lepton polarization in Z0 decays. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Anastasiou, Kristian (2024) Developing and field testing the Wee-g. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Anderson, John Murray (1992) Numerical simulation of imperfect gas flows. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Anderson, Mark David (2015) Beam spin asymmetry measurements for two pion photoproduction at CLAS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Annand, Kirsty June (2018) The nanoscale mechanisms of Zircaloy-4 corrosion in simulated nuclear reactor conditions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Anthony, Iona Mary Campbell (2003) Luminescence dating of Scottish burnt mounds: new investigations in Orkney and Shetland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Argemí, Lluís Simón (2021) Characterization of radiation-hard monolithic CMOS sensors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Armstrong, John Andrew (2022) The flare necessities: machine learning tools for solar flare data analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ashraf, Khuram Umar (2014) Studies of the green sulphur bacterial reaction centre from Chlorobaculum tepidum. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Aspden, Reuben S. (2015) Heralded quantum imaging. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Athron, Peter (2008) Aspects of electroweak symmetry breaking in physics beyond the standard model. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Atkinson, Oliver (2024) Particle physics phenomenology at the LHC and beyond. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Azam, Touqeer (2011) Robust low-power digital circuit design in nano-CMOS technologies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Baba, Razvan (2018) Resonant tunnelling diodes for THz communications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Backis, Alexander (2023) Development of a boron-10 based Multi-Grid detector for neutron spectroscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Baker, Luke James (2018) Superconducting nanowire devices for optical quantum information processing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Banerjee, Archan (2017) Optimisation of superconducting thin film growth for next generation superconducting detector applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Basith, Mohammed Abdul (2011) A TEM investigation of patterned ferromagnetic nanostructures by lithographic techniques. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bassiri, Riccardo (2011) The atomic structure and properties of mirror coatings for use in gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bastarrika, Mikel (2010) Bayesian analysis of burst gravitational waves from galactic neutron stars. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bayley, Joseph Charles (2020) Non-parametric and machine learning techniques for continuous gravitational wave searches. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Beacham, Robert J. (2013) Application and development of advanced Lorentz microscopy techniques for the study of magnetic nanostructures. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Beddow, John K.S. (2016) Searches for two-body charmless baryonic B0 decays at LHCb. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bell, Christopher James (2014) Mechanical loss of fused silica fibres for use in gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bell, William Hamish (2002) Searching for B°s [to] J/ψ with the collider detector at Fermilab. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bellini, Eleonora (2011) Characterisation of magnetic nanostructures for spintronic applications by electron microscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bennet, Euan David (2012) Cosmic magnetism: The plasma physics of the recombining universe. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Beveridge, Nicola Louise (2012) Characterisation of silicon-silicon hydroxide catalysis bonds for future gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bian, Zijun (2024) InP-based photonic crystal surface emitting lasers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bigatti, Marco (2015) Quantitative studies of the structure and chemistry of materials at the nano- and atomic-scale. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Binner, Philip (2024) Novel applications and improvements to the diffuse correlation spectroscopy technique. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bitadze, Alexander (2014) Thermo-dynamical measurements for ATLAS Inner Detector (evaporative cooling system). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bloomer, Edward Joseph (2010) A principal component analysis of gravitational-wave signals from extreme-mass-ratio sources. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bobynko, Joanna (2018) Characterisation and absolute quantification of nanosized V and Nb precipitates in high manganese steel using DualEELS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bogenstahl, Johanna (2010) Interferometry for the space mission LISA Pathfinder. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Borbely, Albert Gyorgy (2023) Measurement of the associated production of a top quark pair and a Higgs boson (t¯tH) with boosted topologies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Borys, Pablo (2015) Effects of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on spin waves in domain walls. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bourquin, Yannyk Parulian Julian (2012) Shaping surface waves for diagnostics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bowles, Jennifer Ruth (2012) Deeply virtual compton scattering off an unpolarised hydrogen target using the recoil detector at HERMES. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bowman, Richard W. (2012) Three dimensional touch and vision for the micro-world. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Boyd, Laura (2021) Characterisation of a position sensitive thermal neutron detector. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Boyle, Owen (1992) A study of energy-energy correlations in charged tracks from hadronic decays of the Z0 at 91.2 Gev. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bramsiepe, Steven George (2020) The development of a field-portable MEMS gravimeter. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Breaden Madden, William Dmitri Morgan (2012) Search for charged Higgs Bosons decaying via ${H^+ \to \tau_{lep.} + \nu}$ in ${t\bar{t}}$ events at ${\sqrt{s}=7\textrm{ TeV}}$ in ATLAS. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bregenzer, Josef Johann (2010) Integrated polarisation rotators. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brennan, Jack (2021) Fabrication, characterisation, and analysis of plasmonic noble metal nanostructures. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Briggs, Joseph Henry (2021) The analysis, experimental characterisation and prototyping of technologies for making quantum noise limited detections of gravitational waves. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bronstein, Joseph E. (2023) Passive and robust demodulation of optical microcavity extinction: Towards truly equipment-free photonic diagnostics at the point of care. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brotosudarmo, Tatas Hardo Panintingjati (2009) Studies on the different types of LH2 complexes from the purple non-sulphur photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain 2.1.6. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brown, Colin McMillan (2018) Application of novel corrections for quantification of 123I SPECT. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brown, Gerrard Martyn (2015) The influence of coronal radiation on solar prominence plasma. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brown, Raphael (2015) A novel AlGaN/GaN based enhancement-mode high electron mobility transistor with sub-critical barrier thickness. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brown, Stephen Alistair (2019) Observations and modelling of the hydrogen Lyman lines in solar flares. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brownlie, Craig (2007) A TEM investigation of controlled magnetic behaviour in thin ferromagnetic films. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bruno, Vincenzo (2020) Nonlinear light-matter interaction in epsilon-near-zero media. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bryce, Helen M. (2001) Gravitational microlensing as a diagnostic tool for stellar astrophysics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Buchanan, Emma (2014) Electromagnetic calorimeter for the Heavy Photon Search Experiment at Jefferson Lab. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Burns, Jonathan R.T. (2010) Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off an unpolarised hydrogen target at HERMES. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bělín, Jakub (2020) Optics of polyhedra: from invisibility cloaks to curved spaces. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Būtaitė, Unė Gabrielė (2020) Enhanced optical tweezing: from hydrodynamic micro-manipulation to optimised optical trapping. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Calderhead, Ben (2011) Differential geometric MCMC methods and applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Callaghan, Jack (2024) Development of crystalline suspension fibres for next generation gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cameron, Patrick (2024) Shaping the spatial correlations of photon pairs for quantum imaging applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cameron, Robert P. (2014) On the angular momentum of light. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Campbell, Anne Margaret (1990) Measurements and analysis of the microwave dielectric properties of tissues. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Campbell, Holly Jane (2019) Novel nitrides and chalcogenides with the potential for superconductivity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Campsie, Paul (2012) Investigations of charging noise in future gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Caramazza, Piergiorgio (2020) Artificial neural networks for scattered light imaging. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Carson, Laurence (2009) Performance of hybrid photon detectors and studies of two-body hadronic B decays at LHCb. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cascales Sandoval, Miguel Ángel (2023) Investigation of magnetic states in synthetic antiferromagnets with chiral interlayer interactions via magneto-optical methods. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cester, Lucrezia Maria Elisabetta (2022) Remote measurements of heart valve sounds for health assessment and biometric identification. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chakraborty, Bipasha (2016) Precision tests of the standard model using lattice QCD. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chalkley, Eleanor C. (2010) Investigations of the properties of materials for the optics and suspensions of future gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chapman-Bird, Christian Edward Anthony (2024) Extracting astrophysics from long-lived gravitational wave signals with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cheng, Weiqing (2024) High-sensitivity optical biochemical sensors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Christiaens, Guillaume (2021) Beam-spin asymmetry of deeply virtual Compton scattering off the proton at 10.6 GeVwith CLAS12 at Jefferson Laboratory. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chrysaphi, Nicolina (2021) Fine structures of solar radio bursts: origins and radio-wave propagation effects. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cioncoloni, Giacomo (2018) Towards an anthropogenic nitrogen cycle based on nitrite. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Clark, Alasdair W. (2009) Nanophotonic split-ring resonators as dichroics for molecular spectroscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Clark, Louise (2022) Hadron spectroscopy of pseudoscalar and vector meson photoproduction using linearly polarised photons at CLAS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Clark, Thomas William (2016) Sculpting shadows. On the spatial structuring of fields & atoms: a tale of light and darkness. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Clarkson, Daniel L. (2023) Spectroscopic imaging and simulations of coherent solar radio emission sources in a turbulent corona. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Clements, Daniel Robert (2008) Jet physics at ATLAS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Codling, Richard F.B. (2009) Photon asymmetry of the g p -> pi+ n reaction in the region of the D(1232) resonance. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Coleman, Martin (2017) Analysis of fluvial dissolved organic carbon using high resolution UV-visible spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Colombo, Camilla (2010) Optimal trajectory design for interception and deflection of Near Earth Objects. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Colquhoun, Brian (2015) Bottomonium and B physics with lattice NRQCD b quarks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Connor, Paul (1995) The effect of shear on the stability and dynamic properties of elastic bodies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Coombs, George Rufus (2021) Beam-Gas Imaging at the LHCb experiment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Corcoran, Anthony Terence (2015) Ultra-widefield optical coherence tomography of the human retina. EngD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Coughlan, Conor (2023) Germanium-on-Silicon single photon avalanche detectors for applications in quantum technologies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cowan, Alison Anne (2021) Observation and characterisation of magnetisation ripple using Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, Queen's University Belfast.
Cowan, Laura Valerie (2021) Computational imaging for three-dimensional scene surveillance. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cowie, Euan Niall (2013) Development of a prototype for the novel disc DIRC for PANDA. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Craig, Kieran (2015) Studies of the mechanical dissipation of thin films for mirrors in interferometric gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cromb, Marion (2023) Quantum effects and novel physics in rotating frames. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Crooks, David R.M. (2002) Mechanical loss and its significance in the test mass mirrors of gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cumming, Alan V. (2008) Aspects of mirrors and suspensions for advanced gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cummings, Rebecca Beatrice (2023) Using Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy to investigate the structure of the mirror coatings of gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dalton, David (2024) Physics-informed emulation with applications in soft-tissue mechanics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Datrier, Laurence Élise Hélène (2018) Investigating the prospects for constraining the Hubble constant using compact binary coalescences as standard sirens. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Davies, Gareth Stephen (2015) Bayesian searches for continuous gravitational waves in the frequency domain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Davies, Toby (2008) Placing limits on the Higgs production cross section at the tevatron using the H to W+W- to l+l- decay channel. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dean, Cameron (2019) Time dependent studies of B->h+h'- decays and research and operation for the VELO project at LHCb. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Denholme, Saleem J. (2011) Novel nanostructures in transition metal chalcogenide systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Desplat, Louise (2019) Thermal stability of metastable magnetic skyrmions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dickson, Ewan Cameron Mackenzie (2013) Photospheric albedo and the measurement of energy and angular electron distributions in solar flares. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Docherty, Jennifer (2024) Laser welding of crystalline sapphire for use in future gravitational wave detector suspensions. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Donald, Gordon (2013) Semileptonic and radiative meson decays from lattice QCD with improved staggered fermions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Doughty, Gordon Frank (1983) Aspheric geodesic lenses for an integrated optical spectrum analyser. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Douglas, Fraser J. (2012) Synthesis and nanocharacterisation of magnetic nanoparticles: from cubes and spheres to octapods and wires. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Douglas, Rebecca Claire (2016) Aspects of hydroxide catalysis bonding of sapphire and silicon for use in future gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Downing, James P.D. (2013) Applications of multichannel imaging. EngD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Doye, Alastair Kelway (2022) Studies of the local atomic ordering in nanostructured amorphous materials using advanced scanning transmission electron microscopy techniques. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Doyle, Lauren (2017) Spectroscopic studies of arcade flares with EIS and EVE. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Doyle, Philip (2009) Assessment and optimisation of digital radiography systems for clinical use. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Drever, R.W.P. (1958) Studies of orbital electron capture using proportional counters. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Drofelnik, Jernej (2017) Massively parallel time- and frequency-domain Navier-Stokes Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis of wind turbine and oscillating wing unsteady flows. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dumas, Derek C.S. (2015) Germanium on silicon photonics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Duncan, Anna (2019) A search for top-antitop quark resonances with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Eblabla, Abdalla (2018) MM-wave frequencies GaN-on-Si HEMTs and MMIC technology development. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Edgar, Matthew Patrick (2011) Experimental investigations into diffractive optics and optomechanical systems for future gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Edwards, Nicholas Charles (2013) Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and limits on anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Evans, Keith Lee (2012) Computational modelling of amorphous mirror coatings for use in advanced gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fahim, Reasat Hasan (2021) Etched facet photonic devices on InP/AlGaInAs using inductively coupled plasma etching. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fallon, Kayla (2019) A Lorentz microscopy study of chiral magnetic textures stabilised in thin films by an interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Farmer, Corrie David (2000) Fabrication and evaluation of In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP quantum cascade laser. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fegan, Stuart (2012) Polarisation observables from strangeness photoproduction on a frozen spin target with CLAS at Jefferson Lab. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fenton, Michael (2019) Boosting to the top: measurements of boosted top quarks and Higgs bosons with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ferenczi, Gergely (2016) Which-path problem for one and two particles with two degrees of freedom and a relation between transverse spatial structure and group velocity of light. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ferguson, Ciaran (2016) Imaging spin textures in advanced magnetic nanostructures using Lorentz microscopy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fernandez Ramos, Javier (2017) Snapshot multispectral oximetry using image replication and birefringent spectrometry. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ferre Llin, Lourdes (2014) Thermoelectric properties on Ge/Si1−xGex superlattices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ferreira de Lima, Danilo Enoque (2014) Top-antitop cross section measurement as a function of the jet multiplicity in the final state and beyond the Standard Model top-antitop resonances search at the ATLAS detector at CERN. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Findlay, Caroline M. (2012) Image analysis tool for the characterisation of bone turnover in the appendicular skeleton. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Findlay, Joanna Edyta (2017) Phase transitions and mesophases in molecular liquids and solutions: spectroscopic and imaging studies. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Finnie, Michael P. (2010) An interfacial study of III-V materials. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fitches, James (2023) Analysis of unpolarised π +π − photoproduction with the GlueX Experiment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fitzsimons, Ewan D. (2010) Techniques for precision interferometry in space. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Flatt, Kieran (2019) Foundations and applications of sequential measurements. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fleming, Christopher (2008) Thermal and electron stimulated chemistry of complex adsorbates on metal surfaces. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fletcher, Mark (2019) Investigating methods and materials which can more accurately model and reduce a gravitational wave detector's coating thermal noise. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Flores Sanz de Acedo, Leyre (2023) Design and characterisation of monolithic CMOS detectors for high energy particle physics and SEU radiation tests for ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade readout chip. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Forrest, David Alexander James (2011) The Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Forrest, Matthew (2010) Isolated photon production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Foubister, James Jack (2020) Spectral autofluorescence imaging of the retina for drusen detection. EngD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Foulis, Alison Anne (2010) A multilayered approach to the automatic analysis of the multifocal electroretinogram. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Friday, David (2023) A time-integrated analysis of Bd → π+π−π+π− at LHCb and simulations for Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Friend, Johnny (2024) H → b¯b decays in associated V H production using data from the ATLAS detector. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fu, Yen-Chun (2018) Realisation of III-V Tunnel-FET with in-situ ultimate scaled gate stack for high performance power efficient CMOS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Furst, Sandor (2008) Monolithic integration of semiconductor ring lasers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gabbard, Hunter (2021) Advancing the search for gravitational waves using machine learning. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gallagher, Andrew Patrick (1999) Theoretical characterisation of magnetic force microscope tip stray fields. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Galloway, Ben Andrew (2017) Properties of charmonium and bottomonium from lattice QCD with very fine lattices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gao, Sijia (2022) Skyrmionic beams and quantum matched filtering. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Garbellotto, Chiara (2021) A versatile light-sheet microscope, platform for advanced 3D fluorescence imaging and research. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gardner, Simon (2016) Polarisation observables in neutral pion photoproduction with MAMI. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gates, Kayleigh (2024) Timelike Compton Scattering from a longitudinally polarised target with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gergov, Hristo (2024) Micromagentic simulation and Lorentz microscopy of curved ferromagnetic nanowires. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gersabeck, Marco (2009) Alignment of the LHCb Vertex Locator and lifetime measurements of two-body hadronic final states. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Ghodsi, Hoda (2011) Constraining non-standard cosmological models. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gibson, Alasdair L. (1973) Test particle - plasma interactions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gill, Colin D. (2012) Searching for gravitational waves from pulsars. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gill, Colin D. (2009) Using active contours for automated tracking of UV and EUV solar flare ribbons. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Giovannini, Daniel (2014) Orbital angular momentum entanglement in high dimensions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Giuni, Michea (2013) Formation and early development of wingtip vortices. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Goldberg, Graham Robert (2021) Spectral bandwidth enhancement in gallium nitride superluminescent light emitting diodes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gonzalez, Pedro Antonio (2009) Study of visual field defects in patients with epilepsy receiving Vigabatrin. MD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Goodman, Evan Arthur Gerald (2024) Combining T2K with other experiments to better constrain oscillation parameters. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gordon, Neil Andrew (2015) Characterisation and control of coupled optical springs for future gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gowdy, Stephen J. (1987) Position sensitive detectors in GaAs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Graham, David Robert (2014) Extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy of impulsive phase solar flare footpoints. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gray, Chloe (2019) Kinematic properties of b-quark pairs in boosted Z+bb events and the search for V(H ->bb). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gray, Richard J. (2019) Development and testing of multi-radiation systems for the characterisation of nuclear facilities. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Greenshields, Colin R. (2016) The diamagnetic angular momentum of an electron. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Greer, Andrew I. M. (2014) Nanopatterning strategies for titanium based medical implants. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gregory, Thomas (2022) Quantum enhanced imaging. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Grinter, Rhys W. (2014) Discovering colicin and lectin-like bacteriocins for the creation of disease resistant transgenic plants. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Griškevičiūtė, Ugnė (2021) Germanium on silicon for mid-infrared photonics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Guerrero Martinez, Fernando Javier (2017) Three-dimensional numerical models for free convection in porous enclosures heated from below. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gul, Umar (2018) Measurement of the fiducial differential cross-section of top quark pair production in the dilepton final state at 8 TeV. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gutierrez Ortiz, Nicolas Gilberto (2015) Top-tagging with shower deconstruction and search for single production of vector-like quarks at ATLAS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hallsjö, Sven-Patrik (2018) Charged current quasi-elastic muon neutrino interactions in the Baby MIND detector. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hamilton, Alasdair C. (2010) Metarefraction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hamilton, Gavin (1998) Investigations of the thermal properties of human and animal tissues. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hanvey, Scott Lewis (2013) Magnetic resonance imaging to improve structural localisation in radiotherapy planning. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Harris, John Lee (2005) 1.3[m]m single-mode extended cavity GalnNAs/GaAs lasers produced using a sputtered SiO₂ quantum well intermixing technique. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hart, Martin Joseph (2017) Amorphous mirror coatings for ultra-high precision interferometry. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hassall, Neil (2010) Spin observables in kaon photoproduction from the neutron in a deuterium target with CLAS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hatton, Daniel (2020) High precision quark mass determinations and studies of meson properties using lattice QCD. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Haughian, Karen Anne (2012) Aspects of materials research for advanced and future generations of gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hawley, Ryan Daniel (2022) Applications and practical considerations of polarisation structuring by a Fresnel cone. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hay, Rebecca (2017) Optimising optical tweezers for tracking and force measurement experiments. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Heath, Robert M. (2015) Nano-optical studies of superconducting nanowire devices for single-photon detection. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hennig, Jan-Simon (2018) Mirror suspensions for the Glasgow Sagnac speed meter. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Heptonstall, Alastair W. (2004) Characterisation of mechanical loss in fused silica ribbons for use in gravitational wave detector suspensions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Heron, S (2014) From local constraints to global binocular motion perception. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Herrera Martín, Antonio (2018) Wave dark matter as a gravitational lens for electromagnetic and gravitational waves. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Herrmann, Margit (2000) Quantitative magnetic imaging of thin films with reduced dimensions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hill, Gordon D (2008) Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off unpolarised deuterium at HERMES. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hoang, Duc Quang (2011) A study of tailored domain wall geometries in ferromagnetic nanowires using Lorentz microscopy. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Holik, Sonia Maria (2010) Application of effective medium theory to the analysis of integrated circuit interconnects. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Holmes, David (2003) Advanced dielectrophoretic cell separation systems. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Holt, Paul (2007) Quantifying surface loss of mechanically polished silica cantilevers. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hough, James (1970) An investigation of some techniques for the localisation of ionizing radiation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Howdle, David A. (2012) Measurement of polarisation observables using linearly polarised photons with the crystal ball at MAMI. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hu, Qian (2024) Towards high-precision gravitational wave astronomy: robust and efficient data analysis for ground-based detectors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hu, Yiming (2015) Novel inference methods for gravitational wave astrophysics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hu, Zhixiong (2012) Development of an integrated microspectrometer using arrayed waveguide grating (AWG). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hudson-McAulay, Kate J. (2016) The structural and mechanical integrity of historic wood. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Humphreys, Mark (2019) Real-time video rate terahertz digital holographic imaging system. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Huq, Mazharul (1965) Kaon pion scattering. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Hye, Md. Abdul (2012) Simulation of transient blood flow in models of arterial stenosis and aneurysm. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
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Smith, Gary Douglas (2013) Measurements of spin asymmetries for deeply virtual compton scattering off the proton using the extended maximum likelihood method. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Smith, Harry Redgrave (2015) Engineering models of aircraft propellers at incidence. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Smith, Marie L. (2003) Investigation and validation of FDTD weighting function modelling for microwave radiometric temperature measurement. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
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Wang, LiQiu (2013) Quantitative three dimensional atomic resolution characterisation of non-stoichiometric nanostructures in doped bismuth ferrite. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
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