Items where Year is 2018
Abbas, Aisha (2018) Contextual assessment of business exits under a gender lens: A social embeddedness perspective. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Abdulsid, Akrem (2018) An investigation into stress, inflammatory and apoptotic pathways in the placenta in labour, pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Abioye, Jumai Adeola (2018) Engineering chimaeric recombinases for HIV-1 proviral DNA excision. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Abánades Lázaro, Isabel (2018) The effect of surface functionalisation on cancer cells internalisation and selective cytotoxicity of zirconium metal organic frameworks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Adams, Tracey M. (2018) Listening to mothers: experiences of mental health support and insights into adapting psychological therapy for people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities. D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Afrin, Norman Alistair (2018) A critical analysis of the 1949-1953 Lewis Revival. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ahmad Shah, Shahrul (2018) Improved autogyro flying qualities using automatic control methods. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ahrens, Merle-Marie (2018) Automatic visuospatial attention shifts: Perceptual correlates, interventions and oscillatory signatures. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al Dhabbari, Fatma (2018) Nurses' perceptions of patient safety culture in Oman. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al Haddabi, Naser Hamood (2018) Subsonic open cavity flows and their control using steady jets. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al Mahrouqi, Abdullah (2018) Cross-cultural communication and the adjustment of Western and non-Western expatriates in multicultural companies: investigating operations in Oman. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al Maskari, Turkiya Saleh (2018) A mixed methods study exploring the barriers and facilitators of screening for autism spectrum disorder in Oman. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al Salem, Gheed F. (2018) An assessment of safety climate in Kuwaiti public hospitals. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al Tobi, Mohammed Nasser Rashid (2018) Consequences of tyrosine phosphorylation of Syntaxin4 and Munc18c on GLUT4 trafficking. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al Zidjali, Tariq Bin Mohammed (2018) Lateral condylar fractures in thoroughbred racehorses: investigation of premonitory radiographic changes in distal metacarpal III. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al-Ameri, Talib (2018) Modelling and simulation study of NMOS Si nanowire transistors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al-Rudainy, Dhelal Hatem Nsaif (2018) 3D longitudinal evaluation of facial morphology of the surgically managed unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) cases. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al-Shehri, Azzah (2018) Higgs boson decays to b-bbar with associated t-quarks with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al-Taleb, Manaf Kadum Hussein (2018) Development and clinical testing of home-based brain-computer interfaces for neurofeedback and for rehabilitation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Al-Wasity, Salim Mohammed Hussein (2018) Application of fMRI for action representation: decoding, aligning and modulating. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Al-Za'abi, Ruqiya Khamis Abdullah (2018) Oman’s treated chronic kidney failure population in years 1980 to 2015: an epidemiology research. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
AlHarbi, Mohammed Salim (2018) Exploring English language teaching approaches in Saudi Higher Education in the West Province. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alalwan, Hasanain Kahtan Abdulkhalik (2018) Combining nanofabrication with natural antimicrobials to control denture plaque. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alandijany, Thamir Abdulaziz A. (2018) Distinct temporal regulation of intrinsic and innate intracellular immunity to Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alcock, Benjamin Thomas (2018) Solar electron and radio propagation in the turbulent solar corona. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Aldekhail, Nasser Mohammed N. (2018) Pharmacotherapy and weight management: efficacy and clinical effectiveness in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Aleshaikh, Abdullatif Mohammed (2018) Towards legal reform of Saudi law of directors’ duties and of enforcement by derivative action. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alexander, Claire (2018) Attention functions in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a neuropsychological case-control study. D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alfheeaid, Hani A. (2018) Nutritional issues and impact of treatment in patients with phenylketonuria. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alhaleel, Azari Sulaiman (2018) Implementing a national accreditation programme in Kuwaiti hospitals: understanding the impact, facilitators and barriers using a multiple methods approach. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alholiby, Mossab Saud (2018) Developing a framework to enhance the operation of quality assurance in Saudi Arabia’s higher education: educational management and e-management perspectives. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ali, Omran Omer (2018) Unexpected effectiveness? The European Union and the long journey to the 2015 landmark greement on Iran’s nuclear programme. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alkiyumi, Aiman Hamed Said (2018) Information asymmetry, credit risk, and profitability in Islamic and conventional banks. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Allan, Jon (2018) Modelling the effects of serotonin on the hippocampal CA1 region during navigation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alnaser, Fatimah Abdulameer (2018) Youth transitions and social change in Kuwait: tensions between tradition and modernity. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alsenedi, Khalid (2018) The analysis and long-term stability of amphetamine-type stimulants and synthetic cathinones in urine using novel extraction methods and GC−MS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alsfouk, Bshar Ali A. (2018) Long-term efficacy and tolerability of antiepileptic drugs in newly diagnosed epilepsy patients. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alshammari, Asma Mubarak (2018) Massively parallel next generation sequencing to investigate the cis- and trans-acting genetic modifiers of somatic instability in Huntington’s disease. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alshammari, Dhahi (2018) Evaluation of cloud computing modelling tools: simulators and predictive models. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alshibane, Ihfaf (2018) Phase transformations of ternary carbides, nitrides and carbonitrides. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Altowaim, Sultan (2018) Promoting and financing industrial diversification in resource-dependent developing countries. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Alves Simões, Patrícia Belinda (2018) Intramammary infection in heifers: the application of infrared thermography as an early diagnostic tool. MVM(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Amato, Clelia (2018) Novel role and regulation of the WASP protein. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Amores Segura, Marco (2018) Design and advanced characterisation of lithium-rich complex oxides for all-solid-state lithium batteries. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Anderson, Hilary Jane (2018) Dynamic surfaces for mesenchymal stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Anderson, Jack (2018) The spatial cosmology of the Stalin cult: ritual, myth and metanarrative. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Anderson, Nigel (2018) The response of the Free Church of Scotland to the First World War, 1914-1919. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Angelini, Nicola (2018) The posthumous dimension of the poetry of Vittorio Sereni and Giorgio Caproni. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Annand, Kirsty June (2018) The nanoscale mechanisms of Zircaloy-4 corrosion in simulated nuclear reactor conditions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Archer, Gemma (2018) Pronunciation models in regional environments: a comparison and assessment of RP and SSE. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Archibald, Blair (2018) Algorithmic skeletons for exact combinatorial search at scale. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Armstrong, Emily May (2018) Histone demethylation as a regulator of root system architecture. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow.
Arroja, Mariana Moreira (2018) Cerebral damage following ischaemic stroke: the role of Angiotensin-(1-7). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Arthur, Michael W. (2018) Publicity and privacy in land registration in Scotland. LL.M(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Arundale, Keith (2018) Exploring the difference in performance between UK/European venture capital funds and US venture capital funds. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Asif, Muhammad Shahzad Qamar (2018) The simulation and analysis of fault diagnosis and isolation for gas turbine control system. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Baba, Razvan (2018) Resonant tunnelling diodes for THz communications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Badenhoop, Sophie Elisabeth (2018) Calling for the super citizen: contemporary naturalisation procedures in the United Kingdom and Germany. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Baker, Luke James (2018) Superconducting nanowire devices for optical quantum information processing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Batas, Anastasios (2018) Protein trafficking and autophagy in the moulting cycle of C. elegans. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Beaton, Sam (2018) Chronicling private lives: the narratives of fulfilment in Helena Třeštíková’s longitudinal documentary films. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Beber, Anna Elisabeth (2018) The cardiovascular assessment skills gap in small animal general veterinary practitioners and identification of methods to reduce this. MVM(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Beesley, Anna Ruth (2018) 'They don't yet know that life is going to be hell': Tracing distress through the UK asylum process. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bellinetti, Maria Caterina (2018) Building a nation: the construction of modern China through CCP's propaganda images. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bennett, Mark (2018) Dependence of cellular behaviour on viscosity defined ligand mobility in supported lipid bilayers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bennett, Matthew (2018) Investigating visual and auditory scene feedback to early visual foveal and peripheral cortex using fMRI. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bergner, Laura (2018) Viral communities in vampire bats: geographical variation and ecological drivers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bilsland, Karen (2018) Labour process theory, retail work and the production of space. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Binks, Alexander William David (2018) The role of immunogenic cell death in oncolytic herpes simplex virus-1 infection of cancer cells. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Biose, Ifechukwude Joachim (2018) A study of the impact of stroke comorbidities on the dynamic cortical collateral perfusion following acute ischaemic stroke. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Black, Cory (2018) The oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene to 1,3-butadiene over a series of metal ferrites. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Blackburn, Matthew (2018) National identity, nationalist discourse and the imagined nation in post-Soviet Russia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Blackwell, Alice (2018) A reassessment of the Anglo-Saxon artefacts from Scotland: material interactions and identities in early medieval northern Britain. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Blakely, Megan Rae (2018) Intellectual property and intangible cultural heritage in Celtic-derived countries. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Blane, David Nicholas (2018) Understanding the role of primary care in the management of adults with co-morbid obesity: A mixed methods programme. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bobynko, Joanna (2018) Characterisation and absolute quantification of nanosized V and Nb precipitates in high manganese steel using DualEELS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bota, Horatiu S. (2018) Composite web search. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bownes, Jessica (2018) Reassessing the Scottish Mesolithic-Neolithic transition: questions of diet and chronology. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bowring, Janine Zara (2018) The SaPI master repressor and the bacteriophage Duts: a tale of parasitism, evolution, and interspecific transfer. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Boyer, Nicole Renée Soldner (2018) Economic evaluation of population health interventions aimed at children and delivered at school. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Boyle, Stephanie Claire (2018) Investigating the neural mechanisms underlying audio-visual perception using electroencephalography (EEG). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brady, Gerard James (2018) Transhumanism and the transformation of the experience and spectacle in the art of boxing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bravo Diaz, Laura (2018) Sorption properties in lightweight hydrogen storage materials for portable power applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Breddy, Scott (2018) The effect of starting velocity on maximal acceleration capacity in elite level youth football players. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brennan, Kate (2018) Student-led assessment in the primary classroom: facilitating student ownership and motivations towards assessment. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Briggs, Emma Marie (2018) Roles of R-loops in the Trypanosoma brucei genome and antigenic variation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bromley, Amy Nicole (2018) Virginia Woolf and the work of the literary sketch: scenes and characters, politics and printing in Monday or Tuesday (1921). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brougham, Laura (2018) Exploring the ability of individuals with an intellectual disability to generate and use a compassionate image. D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brown, Catriona Elizabeth (2018) Assessment of cardiovascular risk in women with a history of pre-eclampsia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brown, Clare Rachel (2018) The art of mission: the role of visual culture in Victorian mission to southern Africa, 1840-1910. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brown, Colin McMillan (2018) Application of novel corrections for quantification of 123I SPECT. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Brown, Ian (2018) History as Theatrical Metaphor: History, Myth and National Identities in Modern Scottish Drama. DLitt thesis, University of Glasgow.
Brown, Stephen Allan Charles (2018) Comply or transform? College ESOL programmes as a potential source of emancipation for immigrant communities in Scotland. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Buchan, Louise Dianne (2018) Is prisoners' knowledge about head injury improved following a brief psychoeducation programme? D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Bulteel, Naomi Sarah (2018) Predictors of disease progression and outcome in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Burgon, James D. (2018) Evolutionary and genomic associations of colour and pattern in fire and Alpine salamanders (Salamandra Spp.). PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Burns, Neil M. (2018) Distribution and demographic connectivity in whiting (Merlangius merlangus): a novel approach using otolith trace elements in continuous assignment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Burrow, Sheona Mary Lockhart (2018) Access to justice in the small claims track of the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC): an empirical enquiry into use by creative SMEs. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Bursey, Wallace Dean (2018) Educating teachers for Ontario's multi-religious classroom: accommodating religious learners and respecting student autonomy. Ed.D thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Butiman, Chirapha (2018) Early stage protein folding of the potassium channel Kcv. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cairns, Alison M. (2018) Introduction and evaluation of a Peer Observation of Teaching scheme to develop the teaching practice of chair-side clinical dentistry tutors. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Calus, Szymon Tomasz (2018) Evaluation of nanopore-based sequencing technology for gene marker based analysis of complex microbial communities. Method development for accurate 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Calvert, Gareth David (2018) Denture induced stomatitis, patient and denture related factors. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Campagnaro, Gustavo Daniel (2018) Purine and pyrimidine transporters from trypanosomes: biology and chemotherapy. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Campbell, Alexandra (2018) Archipelagic poetics: ecology in modern Scottish and Irish poetry. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Campbell, Eimear (2018) Applications of ultrasonic technology: an investigation into the impact on fluid saturated rock. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Campbell, Evan (2018) Physiotherapy for people with progressive multiple sclerosis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Campbell, Victoria L. (2018) The role of the hedgehog signalling pathway in acute myeloid leukaemia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cannon, Catriona Morag MacRae (2018) Freedom of religious association: the case for a principled approach to the employment equality exceptions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cappelluti, Mauro Davide (2018) Nanostructured materials for water purification: synthesis, insights and performance evaluation. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Carnehl, Adam Edward (2018) G.K. Chesterton's recovery of the Catholic-mystical tradition and his position in relation to Victorian aesthetics. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Carr, Katharine Elizabeth (2018) Probing tissue surfaces. DSc thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Carruthers, Madeleine (2018) Adaptive divergence in fishes: insights from ecological transcriptomics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cassie, Nicole (2018) ‘I was there as a person who was trying to save lives’: The life stories of the American medical personnel who served in the Vietnam War. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cawley, Felicity Roseanne Joy (2018) The effects of parental marital status and family form on experiences of childhood in Twentieth Century Scotland, c. 1920 – 1970. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Champet, Simon (2018) Graphene-derived nanocomposites for hydrogen storage. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Chan, Man Leong (2018) Optimization of electromagnetic follow up observations and localization of gravitational wave signals from compact binary coalescences. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Charnley, Julie (2018) Politics in the theatre of Jacobean England 1618-1625: satire and commentary in a climate of censorship. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Chauché, Caroline Marie (2018) Molecular evolution of equine influenza virus non-structural protein 1. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Chaudhury, Shahzya Shahrin (2018) An examination of the impact of cellular age on leukaemic transformation to understand biological differences in paediatric and adult acute myeloid leukaemia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Chen, Zhizhen (2018) Loan securitization, bank risk, and efficiency. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Chew, Tze Cheng (2018) The effects of cultural dimensions, government regulations and entrepreneurial orientation on firms’ international performance: A study of SMEs in Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Chien, Shou-Chun (2018) Attitudes towards varieties of English by non-native and native speakers: A comparative view from Taiwan and the UK. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Chirico, Giulia (2018) Aeroacoustic simulation of modern propellers. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Christie, Linda (2018) The public value of urban local authority collaboration as economic development policy: the role of institutions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Christie, Lorna Grace (2018) Discovery of novel polyoxopalladates and investigation of their supramolecular behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Christodoulou, Loizos (2018) On the nonlinear dynamics of convective-diffusive-reactive waves. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cioncoloni, Giacomo (2018) Towards an anthropogenic nitrogen cycle based on nitrite. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Clark, Jordan John (2018) Characterisation of the evolutionary history and molecular biology of Louping ill virus. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Clark, Mairi (2018) A new experimental rodent model of cerebral palsy and foregut dysmotility. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Clubbe, Richard (2018) Serine integrase-based “landing pad” systems for chromosomal integrations of heterologous genes in Escherichia coli. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Coban, Osman (2018) Reading choices and the effects of reading fiction: the responses of adolescent readers in Turkey to fiction and e-fiction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Collings, Peter (2018) Theoretical and experimental analysis of an organic Rankine Cycle. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Conley, Michaela Jayne (2018) Structural and functional characterisation of feline calicivirus entry. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cox, Kathryn Joan (2018) Antenatal factors in the development of disorders of sex development. MD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Crispell, Joanna Lorna (2018) Investigating equine host barriers to infection with influenza A viruses. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Crockett, Peter (2018) To what extent do contemporary worship songs in Scottish churches contain elements that are culturally Scottish? MRes thesis, University of Glasgow.
Crowe, Eimear (2018) Head injury in female prisoners: impact and disability and clinical research portfolio. D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Crowley, Annie Rose (2018) ‘It’s our anxiety that keeps them locked up’. Protection for whom? Responding to the needs of ‘at risk’ young women in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Cullen, Breda (2018) Cognitive function in people with psychiatric and neurological disorders in UK Biobank. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cunningham, Graeme James (2018) Law, rhetoric, and science: historical narratives in Roman law. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Currie, William (2018) Performance profiling of elite youth football players: the effects of age on performance. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cuthbertson, Katherine M.E. (2018) The use of name evidence in lexicography: comparative analysis of onomastic data for historical and contemporary Scots. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Cziva, Richard (2018) Towards lightweight, low-latency network function virtualisation at the network edge. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Dang, Wenting (2018) Stretchable interconnects for smart integration of sensors in wearable and robotic applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Daoudi, Omar (2018) YouTube-based programming and the Saudi youth: exploring the economic, political and cultural context of YouTube in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Dare, Shadrach (2018) A multilevel mixed methods study of neonatal mortality in Ghana. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Datrier, Laurence Élise Hélène (2018) Investigating the prospects for constraining the Hubble constant using compact binary coalescences as standard sirens. MSc(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Davidson, Matthew Alexander (2018) Analysis of potential driver genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Davis, Deryl Andrew (2018) "A Scottish Milton": Robert Pollok and epic theodicy in the Romantic Age. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Davis, Thomas (2018) The Scholastic of the Free Church? An examination of the extent to which it is appropriate to describe William Cunningham (1805-1861) as a ‘scholastic’ theologian. MTh(R) thesis, University of Glasgow in partnership with Edinburgh Theological Seminary. [Open Access]
Day, Julia (2018) Predicting aggression in the brain injury population: preliminary research using wearable technology and a machine learning approach: and clinical research portfolio. D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Demirbas, Gokben (2018) Women's leisure in urban Turkey: a comparative neighbourhood study. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dennis, Tristan Philip Wesley (2018) Mining genome data for endogenous viral elements and interferon stimulated genes: insights into host virus co-evolution. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Denniston, Jane M. (2018) A Kingdom Project. Developing formational supervision: a critical assessment of training offered to supervisors of candidates for ministry within the Church of Scotland. DPT thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Dewey, Elizabeth (2018) A mixed methods feasibility study of group-based acceptance and commitment therapy with older people with mental health difficulties. D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Diaz, Jessica Ann (2018) The neural correlates of the influence of learning on perceptual decision making. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Dietz, Jonathan David (2018) Lithofacies architecture and facies models of volcanic, volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks in the Hreppar Formation, Iceland: understanding hydrocarbon prospects in volcanic rifted margins. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Digby, Sarah Jayne (2018) Ugandan pupils as decision makers: freedoms and constraints. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ding, Yaqi (2018) The role of institutional shareholder activism in corporate governance: a comparative study of the UK and US and China. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Docherty, Stevie (2018) (In)security in the mainstream: media and the 2011 English riots. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Domoney-Lyttle, Zanne (2018) Drawing (non)tradition: matriarchs, motherhood and the presentation of sacred text in "The Book of Genesis, Illustrated by R. Crumb". PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Donald, Megan Martha (2018) Entanglements with empathy: a critical exploration of more-than-human empathy in a school of veterinary medicine. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Donnelly, Graham John (2018) National minority rights and the EU’s Eastern Partnership: a normative blind spot? PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dougan, Andy (2018) The development of the audience for early film in Glasgow before 1914. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Douglas, Leisa Antoinette (2018) Understanding the persistence, transformation and fate of CIPC (Chlorpropham) in commercial potato stores to help guard against cross-contamination. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Dulak-Lis, Maria Gabriela (2018) PARP1, TRPM2 and redox signalling in hypertension-associated vascular dysfunction. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Duros, Vasilios (2018) Polyoxometalates and crystallisation space: an artificial intelligence-assisted exploration and comparison with human intuition. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Eaton, Sally (2018) Achieving landscape-scale conservation for Scotland's rainforest epiphytes. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Eblabla, Abdalla (2018) MM-wave frequencies GaN-on-Si HEMTs and MMIC technology development. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Edwards, Clare (2018) Regeneration-led culture: cultural policy in Glasgow 1970-1989. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Eggert Stevns, Anne (2018) Metaphysics and ethics in K.E. Løgstrup and Iris Murdoch. MRes thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Elliott, Gemma Louise (2018) 'Once more she was part of a novel': Dorothy Richardson's doubly autobiographical Pilgrimage. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Esposito, Angela (2018) International food television show formats in the digital era. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Estell, Christopher (2018) Do erythrocytic miRNA have a function? PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ethelb, Hamza Mehemed Ahmed (2018) The impact of media ideology on translating news: a study investigating how media outlets deal with the Arab Spring – the case of post-revolution Egypt. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Evemalm, Sofia (2018) Theory and practice in the coining and transmission of place-names: a study of the Norse and Gaelic anthropo-toponyms of Lewis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Evington, Samuel (2018) W*-Bundles. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Farquharson, Malcolm John (2018) Improving the understanding of platinum sensitivity and the tumour microenvironment in high grade serous ovarian cancer. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ferguson, Elaine A. (2018) Modelling collective movement across scales: from cells to wildebeest. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ferguson, Holly Jane (2018) Studies of the responses of cattle and sheep to rapidly fermentable carbohydrate challenges. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Fernandes, Marco (2018) Development of multi-omics heart-kidney expression profiling databases and integrative systems-level disease analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Fernández Ruiz, José Manuel (2018) Indigenous peoples and immigrants: the multicultural challenge of criminal law. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Fettes, Carol (2018) Testing the sufficiency of virtue ethics as theistic theory through a reading of the book of Amos. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Fitrasanti, Berlian Isnia (2018) A study of drug use, pathology and post-mortem tissue distribution in the West of Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Flores Saldivar, Alfredo Alan (2018) Predicting potential customer needs and wants for agile design and manufacture in an industry 4.0 environment. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Flynn, Gabriella (2018) Immobilisation of DNA using the fluorous effect. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Foulds, Alexandra Laura (2018) Gothic monster fiction and the 'novel-reading disease', 1860-1900. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Franzen, Leon (2018) Neural and visual correlates of perceptual decision making in adult dyslexia. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Fraser, Gillian (2018) Validating the Narrative Recovery Style Scale (NRSS) in a sample of individuals with serious mental illness. D Clin Psy thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Fu, Yen-Chun (2018) Realisation of III-V Tunnel-FET with in-situ ultimate scaled gate stack for high performance power efficient CMOS. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Gallagher, Kevin Thomas (2018) "Sitting in the mud and telling dirty stories about poets" : Robert Burns and the modern Scottish Renaissance. MPhil(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Gangneux, Justine (2018) Mediated young adulthood: social network sites in the neoliberal era. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
García de Quirós Nieto, Francisco Javier (2018) Analysis of radiofrequency-based methods for position and velocity determination of autonomous robots in lunar surface exploration missions. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Gay, David Michael (2018) Investigating the cooperation of APC and KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Gaya, Daniel R. (2018) Investigating the role of faecal calprotectin in luminal gastroenterology. MD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ghafouri, Khloud Jamil (2018) Effect of exercise, diet and ethnicity on metabolic responses in postprandial state. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Ghosh, Tusharkanti (2018) Hierarchical hidden Markov models with applications to BiSulfite-sequencing data. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
Giagkoulovits, Christos (2018) A fully integrated CMOS microelectrode system for electrochemistry. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. [Open Access]
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